Chapter 772

After half a day, Xu Feng and Elder Liu Xuanliu finally stepped into the depths of the swamp.There was a sparse scene in front of my eyes, and a few huge trees that had long since died stood alone.Their thick trunks are intertwined, and their branches and leaves twist like dragons.

A few strands of broken bark remain on the dry branches of these trees, like a faded scroll, revealing the ruthless erosion of the years.The ancient vitality seemed to be burning the last flame in this desolate place, exuding a dull atmosphere.

The swamp floor was slippery and muddy, and the water vapor dispersed in the air, forming a hazy mist.The soil under Xu Feng's feet creaked, as if warning them of the dangerous area they were about to enter.

In the silent swamp, there was an occasional rustling sound, which seemed to be the sound of algae rubbing against branches, or the ripples left by an unknown creature on the water.These faint voices are so clear in the stillness of the swamp that one can't help but chill.

Xu Feng and Elder Liu Xuanliu involuntarily quickened their pace, feeling an inexplicable sense of urgency in their hearts.They are well aware that endless dangers and mysteries are hidden in this swamp, and their goal - the first three-level test of the 33rd level, lies in this boundless wilderness.

"Elder Liu, are you going to tell me that these strange trees that have been dead for an unknown number of years are the flat peach trees in myths and legends?" Xu Feng and Elder Liu came to these dead trees Before, Xu Feng couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, it's really possible!" Elder Liu pointed to the dead trees with a smile, and continued: "Xu Feng, your attack power is the highest among the monks I've seen, and you use your most powerful Try attacking spells and see if you can destroy these dead trees!"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and said softly: "Elder Liu, what do you mean, these dead trees..."

"Try it and you'll know!"


Xu Feng nodded, his eyes concentrated, and the next moment, countless black talismans appeared out of thin air like overwhelming shadows, pouring down like heavy rain, and flew towards the dead giant tree closest to the two of them;

The rumbling explosion sound was deafening, as if the whole world was shaking violently, but the giant tree was like an iron wall, motionless, without the slightest damage.It seems to be an indestructible lion, majestic and mysterious.

The small body trembled slightly, Xu Feng withdrew his hand, a trace of surprise flashed across his brows.The hardness of this giant tree far exceeded his imagination.He realized that this was no ordinary place, but endless mysteries hidden.

"The damage of these talismans, if added up, can level a mountain, but it can't cause any damage to this dead tree..." Xu Feng was surprised.

The next moment, Xu Feng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Countless tribulation energy condensed, and a huge black ice vortex appeared around the dead tree in front of him. Spinning and chopping towards this dead tree...

The whirlpool disaster!

A few seconds later, the black vortex of ice-robbing slowly dissipated, still unable to cause damage to the dead tree;

"Hey, I can't believe it!"

Xu Feng also had a sense of competitiveness in his heart, and with a thought, the real world domain was immediately deployed, covering the big tree in front of him!
Little Zhou Tian Star Fighting Formation - Destroyed!
Under the starry sky in the domain, 36 stars bloomed with light, and beams of stars fell from the sky, like meteors, bombarding the dead tree in front of them;

This move is the most powerful domain skill that Xu Feng has mastered. If even this move is useless, then Xu Feng really has no choice.

Feeling the power of "Xiao Zhou Tian Xing Dou Zhen-Mie", even Elder Liu couldn't help but take a few steps back;
At this time, Xu Feng's fused evolutionary body can increase the damage by three times, and the power of the 36 star beams is three times higher than before. Even the monks who have just stepped into the ranks of detached people dare not fight head-on. Xu Feng struck.

"Huh?" Elder Liu was watching the scene with a smile on his face, but when the 36 beams of light converged into a beam and hit the dead tree, an inexplicable change suddenly occurred in the tree, causing Elder Liu to stare. My eyes widened, and I couldn't believe it for a while.

The dilapidated scene in front of him suddenly disappeared, replaced by a scene like a mirage.

This big tree was originally withered and shriveled, its branches and leaves withered, as if it had lost its vitality.However, as the beam hits, the trunk begins to glow faintly, as if being infused with new life.A slight tremor came from the trunk, and Elder Liu could feel its wakefulness and activity.

Suddenly, the branches of the big tree began to grow rapidly, as if an invisible force was catalyzing their growth rate.Within a few breaths, tender green leaves grew on the bare branches.These leaves are as soft as a baby's hand, gently swaying in the breeze, releasing a fresh breath.

Elder Liu watched this scene dumbfounded, and a strong shock surged in his heart.It's not just the recovery of a tree, it's more like a miracle happening.He feels the power of nature, the world is full of endless possibilities.

The growth of the big tree did not stop, and the branches spread out like vines, extending around.The withered grass on the land also began to change, and green grass quickly grew.Pieces of flowers bloom on this meadow, exuding a charming fragrance.The whole scene is like a fairyland, which makes people intoxicated.

Soon, there were only a few dead trees left, and all of them regained their vitality and grew green leaves again...

In the surprised eyes of the two, the time in the mirage in front of them seemed to start to speed up, and within a second, it seemed that several years, decades or even hundreds of years had passed;

In just a few minutes, every withered giant tree in the scene rejuvenated like magic, with luxuriant green leaves, like an emerald green ocean, like a gorgeous picture unfolding in front of you.

In this patch of green shade, there are plump flat peaches that are as big as footballs, exuding a seductive ruddy luster, like a jewel in the morning dew, making people irresistibly want to taste.The surroundings are filled with strong fairy spirit, like a dreamlike world, making people feel as if they are in a mysterious and beautiful fairyland.

"This, this is really the legendary flat peach tree, simply, simply..." Elder Liu was shocked.

He said before that these giant trees that had been dead for an unknown number of years were dead flat peach trees in myths and legends. In fact, even he himself didn’t believe it. Will put these dead trees in my eyes.

Unexpectedly, he actually saw that these dead trees were revived in a mirage like an illusion, returning to their original appearance!

However, the next moment, the entire illusion, like glass, shattered with a loud bang, and countless flickering fragments flew in the air.Each fragment has a brilliant color, like the stars in the universe are shining brightly.

For a moment, a chaotic scene unfolded before his eyes.The original beautiful illusion was torn into countless pieces, like a painting that was artificially torn apart, incomplete pieces scattered around.

"don't want……"

Seeing the illusion collapse in front of him, even though he knew it was false, Elder Liu still felt heartbroken, with a pained look on his face;

The next moment, the dead giant trees in front of the two of them collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. A gust of wind blew them away, turning them into ashes and disappearing without a trace.

A strange look appeared on Xu Feng's face. At the moment when these dead giant trees turned into powder, he felt that something strange seemed to appear in his real world domain.


(End of this chapter)

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