Hondus Country, Noya Bay
As a country in Central Asia, the country of Hondus is unremarkable. Its land area is very small, and its population is even rarer. It is only equivalent to the area of ​​a province of a flower grower. But at this time, this inconspicuous country has become the focus of the underground world.

Rattlesnake Mercenaries
Sword Mercenaries

champagne and gunfire org


One after another, large-scale mercenary organizations or top forces that are well-known in the underground world began to gather on the border of Hondus. These large-scale mercenary groups or organizations all had domain-level powerhouses. In their view, although Xu Feng was number one in the heaven list, he was only a domain-level powerhouse at the peak of the eighth level.

At this time, the number of mercenary organizations gathered together has exceeded [-], with a total of more than [-] field-level apostles at the peak of the ninth level, more than half of them have entered the heaven list, and three of the peak field apostles of the ninth level even ranked in the top ten of the sky list.

The arrival of these forces even alarmed the officials of Hondus, but the number of secret apostles in Hondus is too small, there is only one high-level apostle, and it is only at the artistic conception level. They can't help these powerful mercenary organizations at all. They can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes, as if they didn't see it.

In less than half a day, tens of thousands of people gathered on the border of Hondus.

"No matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Even if he is number one in the heaven list, it is impossible for him to have so many opponents of the same level!"

"The same field-level powerhouse, the competition is the field. Can he crush the domain of one person, can he crush ten people at the same time? Our current field-level powerhouse has more than 50 people!"

Soon, a number of domain-level powerhouses gathered together. They may know each other, maybe they are meeting for the first time, and they may even have some hatred for each other, but since they are here and have a common goal, it is impossible for anyone to do things that arouse the anger of the crowd.

"Qianbo is touching, 50 billion US dollars is enough to fight for once, don't say that this is a high-level apostle at the field level, even if it is a higher-level existence, there are probably people who dare to take a gamble!"

"Hehe, what is 50 billion? The value of that high-grade holy equipment is only a lot more than 50 billion US dollars!" Another burly man like a brown bear snorted coldly and said in a low voice: "That is not holy-level materials, but complete holy-level equipment. You know, how low is the chance of holy-level equipment dropping in high-level secret realms? Only masters can forge holy equipment!"

"Hey, do you think there will be a detached person tempted, lurking nearby, waiting to hunt Xu Feng?"

"It's possible that a piece of high-grade holy-level equipment is enough to tempt someone who has escaped!"


While everyone was chatting, a message from the front suddenly came from the radio station where many forces were located.

"The target has appeared, the target has appeared! It is flying towards us very fast, damn it, after testing, the target's flying speed has exceeded the speed of sound, and it has even reached twice the speed of sound! No, the enemy has spotted us, and he is rushing towards us..."

The next moment, the sound stopped abruptly, leaving only the current noise of "呵啦" on the radio.

The complexions of many field-level powerhouses sank at the same time. Xu Feng's flying speed alone shocked everyone. Don't look at the fact that there are more than 50 field-level powerhouses in them now. In terms of flying speed, at least half of them can't reach the speed of sound. There are only a handful of people who can reach the speed of sound, let alone twice the speed of sound.

This also meant that if Xu Feng wanted to escape, none of them would be able to catch up with him, and if Xu Feng wanted to chase them down, most of the more than 50 people present would not be able to survive.

"It's just that the flying speed is faster. Since he dares to come, with so many of us, are we still afraid of him alone!"

"The Falcon mercenary group is investigating ahead. Although they are only a small mercenary group, they also have two domain-level powerhouses. Although neither of them has made it to the top of the list, they should not be underestimated! They have lost contact in such a short period of time. Xu Feng's strength is evident!"

"Hmph, get ready to fight, even if he is No.1 in the Tianbang, he should stay away from us!"

Following the issuance of orders one after another, tens of thousands of mercenaries gathered on the border spread out like a tide. These large mercenary organizations all possess advanced weapons, not much worse than regular armies of other countries.

Looking from the sky, it looks like dozens of battle formations are laid out on the coastline, and this is the place Xu Feng must pass through.

buzz, buzz, buzz~
Dozens of fighter planes soared over everyone's heads like birds of prey, across the sky.However, these field-level powerhouses knew that it was just a dream to resist Xu Feng with these modern weapons, and at most it would only cost him a little physical strength.

"The drone self-explosion team lost contact!"

"Cobra Valley sniper team lost contact!"

"The JS Hurricane fighter formation is completely wiped out!"

"The enemy has penetrated the sniper position, and the thirteen top killers of the Assassin League have lost contact..."


One by one, the news reached the heads of the mercenary regiments from the front through the radio.

Everyone's complexion became more and more ugly.

Although I know that these arrangements can have little effect, but this kind of hunting speed is a bit too fast, almost collapsing at the touch of a button.

"No.1 in the Tianbang, it really deserves its reputation!" A man with a huge axe and a burly figure like a bear said in a deep voice.

This man was tall and mighty, more than two meters tall, standing in the crowd like a huge brown bear walking upright.He exuded a frightening coercion, as if it could overwhelm people to the ground.He was wearing a thick black battle armor, and he was holding a giant ax that was about the same height as him.The domain he showed seemed to be a rolling snow-capped mountain range, and just standing there gave people a feeling of being immobile.

This man is known as the Xiong Huang, ranked seventh in the Heaven Ranking, and is the most powerful existence among all the secret realm apostles and mercenaries present.

"I'd like to see how big the gap is between No. 50 and No. [-]!" Xiong Huang thought to himself, and shouted to more than [-] field-level apostles beside him, "Don't make any moves. I will go up first when the time comes, and weigh the strength of No. [-] in the Tian Ranking!"

"Xiong Huang, it seems that he is a little bit unconvinced about being number one in the heaven list!" A voice came, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Everyone had guessed what Xiong Huang was thinking, and they were all willing to sell Xiong Huang's face. Anyway, it was a matter of no cost. No one believed that Xiong Huang, who was seventh in the list, could defeat Xu Feng.

... (end of this chapter)

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