Chapter 82 Escape
Seeing that the female corpse came back to life, Xu Feng was heartbroken for a moment, but he seemed to wake up suddenly.

In fact, Xu Feng has always maintained the utmost vigilance for the last dark red coffin. When he saw that the female corpse in the coffin showed no signs of decay, this vigilance should be raised to the maximum threshold. Feng opened the coffin lid, and the first time he saw the female corpse, his premonition of danger seemed to disappear, and he felt that everything was normal.

Xu Feng dodged back violently, with a "stab", the sleeve that was being dragged by the female corpse was torn apart.

"Song Qiang, attack!" Xu Feng shouted loudly while rolling down the altar.

"Evil spirit, suffer death!" Song Qiang brandished the Mo knife and let out a roar. He jumped up and danced with the knife. His momentum exploded to the peak in an instant, and the sharp blade slashed at the female corpse sitting up in the coffin. Cut over.

When Xu Feng saw the Yellow Turban warrior Song Qiang rushing up, he felt a little relieved.

The female corpse in front of me is more terrifying than those zombies before, and it can even reduce the perception of danger. Xu Feng has seen such a monster in his previous life. It is obviously powerful and extremely powerful, but it feels like a human animal Harmless, being with her feels like a spring breeze, and even feels good.

This situation happened because the strength gap between the two was too great, which blinded the perception of danger. In such a situation, there was no other way to go except to escape.

Xu Feng saw the yellow turban wrestler rush towards the female corpse, but without any pause under his feet, he rushed desperately towards the outside of the hall.

Just after Xu Feng opened the coffin lid, the exploration progress of the main task 100 has reached 10%, and now there is only less than 10 minutes of survival time left. As long as Xu Feng survives these [-] minutes, Xu Feng will be able to successfully clear the solo secret realm. leave here.

Although there is still no clue about the core of the secret realm, the fundamental method has been obtained, and the expected plan is half completed. What kind of bicycle is needed at this time!
As soon as Xu Feng rushed to the entrance of the main hall, he heard a coquettish shout from behind: "Little house slave, dare to make a mistake!"

There was a crisp impact sound, and Xu Feng looked back subconsciously. At this time, Song Qiang, the yellow scarf warrior, was suspended in the air, holding the Mo knife tightly with both hands and pressing down. At this time, the blade of the Mo knife was pinched by the female corpse with one hand. , The previous impact sound turned out to be the sound of Mo Dao slashing on the palm of the female corpse.


The hard blade of the Mo Dao shattered into pieces in the white palm of the female corpse. The female corpse waved it casually, leaving only the Mo Dao with a long blade, which flew backwards with a "swish", and stuck behind the female corpse. On the statue of the god, until there was no handle, only a deep hole the size of a fist was left.

Yellow Turban Warrior Song Qiang was also dragged by this force and flew towards the female corpse, and was grabbed by the female corpse's throat.

"Damn it for the next crime!" The voice of the female corpse was soft and charming, but the words she said were like ice, chilling one's heart.


The female corpse shook the hand holding Song Qiang, the yellow scarf warrior, and Song Qiang's body immediately shattered into pieces of paper and bamboo.

The Taoist soldier who can instantly kill zombies, Song Qiang, a yellow scarf fighter, is as vulnerable as a child in front of the female corpse.

"It's so scary..."

Xu Feng was heartbroken when he saw it, his right hand danced quickly in the void, the power of the sun poured out, and a talisman was born in the void, exuding a strong purple flow.

Wall piercer!
This time it took only one second to draw the void talisman, three minutes faster than the most familiar healing talisman.

Xu Feng stuck the wall-piercing talisman on his body, and his whole body suddenly turned into a gust of wind, and fled towards Yizhuang.

"You can't come out, you can't come out, you can't leave Yizhuang, you can't leave Yizhuang!" Xu Feng whispered while running away.

Those powerful monsters in the secret realm will have a sense of territory. Once a creature breaks into its territory, it will be regarded as an enemy and will take the initiative to attack.

But these powerful monsters with territorial awareness rarely leave their territory to go to other places under normal circumstances. As long as they leave the monster's territory, under normal circumstances, it will not chase after them.

The previous Yin Locust tree spirit was a similar monster, but the reason why it couldn't leave the territory was because of some kind of restraint, not from its original intention.

Now Xu Feng strongly hopes that this Yizhuang is the territory of the female corpse. As long as he leaves the Yizhuang, the female corpse will not chase him out.

"Sir, you lifted the veil of the servant's family, and we have established a good relationship. From then on, we will be destined for three lives, and the promise will be made!" The gentle voice of the female corpse appeared in Xu Feng's ear again.

Xu Feng looked back, at the gate of Yizhuang, there was a woman wearing a red wedding gown and a phoenix crown and Xiapei, looking at his back with a sweet smile, who else could it be if it wasn't a female corpse?

"Damn it, she was able to leave Yizhuang!" Xu Feng was terrified, and fled in the direction of the former deserted village in a panic.

Seeing that the female corpse was able to leave Yizhuang, Xu Feng's heart sank, and the strength of this monster could not help but rise to another level in his heart.

In the previous life, the apostles of the secret realm called this powerful monster that has no sense of territory and can roam around at will, as the world boss. When encountering such a monster, one or two apostles of the secret realm are no match for it at all, so they must organize an elite team of apostles. In order to compete with it.

In the former Qingfeng Town Secret Realm, Jiu Jianxian actually existed similarly, but it didn't kill indiscriminately and was very friendly, but the female corpse in front of me...

Xu Feng soon came to the deserted village. Right after he entered the deserted village, the female corpse also appeared at the entrance of the village. Looking at the tall stone tablet outside the village entrance, the smile on the female corpse's face disappeared immediately, and was replaced by icy coldness.

With a cold snort, the female corpse waved her hand towards the stone tablet, and the stone tablet engraved with the words "Xiaogou Village" suddenly shattered with a "boom", and was swept away by a strong force like garbage.

Immediately, the female corpse walked into the deserted village slowly with light steps.

"Master, are you playing hide-and-seek with my family? Hehehe, this game was my favorite when I was young..."

The female corpse was walking on the small road in the deserted village, and there was a thatched cottage in front of it. With a wave of the female corpse, the thatched cottage was suddenly pushed down by a strong force, turning it into a pile of ruins.

"Ah, Mr. Xiang didn't hide here!" The female corpse covered her mouth and smiled, and continued to walk forward.

Boom, boom, boom~
The female corpse walked all the way, and all the thatched cottages she saw were all razed to the ground by her. After a while, half of the village had turned into a piece of white land.

Xu Feng, who was hiding in a thatched hut in the middle of the village, looked at it with cold sweat, and glanced at the remaining time of the task, which was only more than five minutes. Now, every minute and every second is like a year to him, like a year. Suffering in general.

"Five minutes is enough for her to raze the entire village to the ground..." Xu Feng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his body trembled slightly uncontrollably. This was the body's instinctive reaction to fear.

But Xu Feng's mind was full of thoughts, and one picture after another passed through his mind, looking for a possible glimmer of life.

The more dangerous it was, the calmer Xu Feng would be. This innate talent had allowed him to survive the predicament of almost being wiped out many times in his previous life.

At this moment, a picture suddenly flashed in Xu Feng's mind, it was the sacrificial altar in the middle of the deserted village!

Xu Feng's eyes lit up. In his opinion, this should be the only chance to escape the secret realm!


(End of this chapter)

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