The Rainbow Hall is a well-known conference hall in the country. Many important meetings will be held here. Every meeting will attract the attention of the whole country.

"Xu Feng, are you also invited to attend the award ceremony?" A strange voice rang in Xu Feng's ear.

Following the sound, I saw a young woman in formal attire walking towards Xu Feng with an excited expression on her face.

"You are..." Xu Feng had a puzzled look on his face.

"Chu Ting!" The young woman reminded: "Did you forget that I was the only girl in the top ten in the Holy Child Competition back then!"

Xu Feng had a dazed look on his face;
In the original Holy Son Contest, after the top ten were selected, they were going to be sent to a secret place on the sea for the final selection. As a result, all ten preparatory holy sons were robbed while at sea, and Xu Feng entered the Ten Thousand Laws because of this. Zong.

If he hadn't entered Wanfazong at the beginning, Xu Feng would not have been able to improve his strength by leaps and bounds in just a few years. If he followed the steps, Xu Feng might still be trapped in the sixth-level apostle, trying to break through to become a seventh-level apostle. What about high-ranking apostles?

The young woman in front of her is already a high-level apostle, but she is only at level seven. It seems that she has just broken through and her aura has not yet stabilized completely.

"So it was you, have you come back?" Xu Feng smiled.

"I'm back, I've been back a long time ago. When we were kidnapped by the Wumeng, we were originally intended to become apprentices of the Dark Wumeng, like raising Gu, to select qualified witches. Fortunately, we were rescued in the end. Listen Said it was because..." Chu Ting showed emotion on her face, and sighed in a low voice: "It's better for the country to be strong, otherwise, few of us will survive!"

"Xiao Ting, why did you come here?" A man in military uniform hurried over, his face full of anxiety.

"Patriotic!" Chu Ting glanced back, subconsciously frowned, but soon a faint smile appeared on her face, and she waved to the man who was rushing over.

"Xu Feng, this is my boyfriend, Zhang Aiguo!" Chu Ting pointed to the man standing beside her and smiled, then pointed to Xu Feng and said, "This is Xu Feng, No.1 on the list!"

"Are you also the apostle of the secret realm?" Zhang Aiguo showed a look of envy on his face, and shook hands with Xu Feng: "Hello."

Xu Feng smiled and nodded. After reaching out to shake his hand, he was a little surprised. The man in front of him was just an ordinary person. He never expected to find a secret apostle as his girlfriend.

After the three of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, they left;
"Chu Ting, why did your friend appear here?" Zhang Aiguo whispered.

"Maybe he was invited to watch the ceremony. I heard that he still holds a post in the City Guards Department, and his father is a local director of the City Guards Department!" Chu Ting replied in a low voice.

"This kind of place is not what he should come to." Zhang Aiguo's tone was clearly tinged with contempt.

"Keep your voice down, he was the one who did the hunt that caused a sensation in the world a few months ago. I heard that millions of people died that time..." Chu Ting said in a low voice, "He is number one on the list, so it can be said that he is Except for the transcendent, the No. 1 apostle of the secret realm, don't provoke him, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Zhang Aiguo snorted coldly: "Does he still dare to kill me? Besides, no matter how strong the individual is, it doesn't matter..."

The two discussed in low voices, and sat down in two remote places on the far left.

Xu Feng smiled. The conversation between the two did not cause any disturbance in his heart. Soon, he was ushered to the front row and sat down.

Seeing that Xu Feng was sitting in the first row, both Zhang Aiguo and Chu Ting showed surprise expressions on their faces. You must know that those who can sit in the front row are very important people, far from being confused like them. People who come in to watch the ceremony can compare...

"He wants to be awarded? How is this possible~" Zhang Aiguo's eyes were full of jealousy. The people who were awarded today are all at the general level, and Xu Feng is wearing a suit. It is impossible for him to be in the army. If he really wants to award Xun is equivalent to being directly promoted from an ordinary person to the rank of general, which has never happened before in history.

"It seems that we all underestimated this No. 1 list!" Chu Ting looked at Xu Feng's back with a thoughtful look on her face.


A few days after the award ceremony, Xu Feng came to the headquarters of the City Guard, and Zuo Zhidao handed him a suitcase.

"Six secret realm cores for the seventh level, five secret realm cores for the eighth level, and three secret realm cores for the ninth level..." Zuo Zhidao said, "These secret realm cores are enough to raise a level seven portable secret realm to level nine!"

"Thank you Director Zuo!" Xu Feng laughed.

After Xu Feng became a general and expressed his unwillingness to take up the specific work of the city guard department, Zuo Zhidao was naturally promoted from the position of deputy director general to chief director.

These secret realm cores can be regarded as Zuo Zhidao's reciprocation. Of course, everything is carried out in a legal and compliant manner.

Xu Feng opened the suitcase. The suitcase has three layers. The top layer contains six cores of the seventh-level secret realm, three of which are in the state of spar, two of which are round beads, and the last one is actually a living thing. It looks like a frozen centipede;
With a thought in Xu Feng's mind, the power of the domain unfolded, and all the cores of these secret realms were involved in the domain;
The next moment, Xu Feng showed an excited smile on his face;

Unexpectedly, after the fusion of the portable secret realm and the power of the domain, the secret realm core can also be used to upgrade the level. This is good news for Xu Feng, and he can finally complete the second prerequisite for the transcendence assessment.

The six secret realm cores soon began to integrate with the portable secret realm, and the area of ​​the portable secret realm began to expand. At the same time, Xu Feng felt that his spirit seemed to be constantly strengthening, and the area of ​​the real world domain was also expanding at any time!

"Three kills with one stone!" Xu Feng moaned in a low voice with a refreshed look on his face.

One, two, three,...

Soon, all the cores of the secret realm were fused by Xu Feng's portable secret realm, and the level of the portable secret realm was also raised to the point where it could not be raised. The area of ​​the real world domain has expanded to a range of ten kilometers. Within this range, Xu Feng Feng has the terrifying ability to affect reality. Everything in the domain seems to evolve by itself, and Xu Feng can control it as he pleases!

"Your strength has improved again?" Zuo Zhidao showed a horrified look on his face. You must know that increasing the level of the portable secret realm will only expand the scope of the secret realm and provide more resources for the apostles of the secret realm. There is no way to directly improve the strength of the apostles of the secret realm .

But now, what happened in front of him completely overturned Zuo Zhidao's cognition as a high-level apostle!

"It's okay!" Xu Feng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Thank you Director Zuo!"

The improvement of the real world domain and the skyrocketing of Xu Feng's spiritual attributes make the evolutionary Eucharist seem to feel something, and it is also slowly improving silently;

Thirty times, forty times, fifty times...

The Evolved Eucharist has been upgraded to an eighty-fold increase before slowly stopping. At this time, Xu Feng's strength is comparable to that of the detached man who has fused with the hundred-fold amplified Eucharist, but compared with the detached man, he is not Rejected by the consciousness of the real world, all this is not too good for Xu Feng!
"Now there is only the power of a hundred calamities left!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

At this moment, the red phone on Zuo Zhidao's desk rang. After Zuo Zhidao answered it and listened for a while, his expression gradually became serious.

Putting down the phone, Zuo Zhidao stared at Xu Feng and said, "The Dark Court has appeared. We suspect that their target is you!"


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