Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 833 Trial Battlefield

Chapter 833 Trial Battlefield
[You have entered the Transcendence Battlefield, there are testers who want to join, do you agree?whether】

At this time, Xu Feng has been teleported into the Transcendence Battlefield, but he is still in a closed area with an area of ​​about 100 square meters, surrounded by faint light curtains, unable to leave;

"Hey, there are still people who want to undergo the transcendence test at this time?" Xu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise. It is not 20 years later, most of the apostles of the secret realm, even if they have reached the peak of level nine, He is also unwilling to take that step and become a detached person.

On the one hand, after becoming a detached person, they will be rejected by the will of the world and cannot enter any secret realm in the real world.The Transcendence Battlefield is an extremely dangerous place, described as a flesh and blood mill.Even if a hundred ninth-level peak powerhouses participate in the transcendence trial, there may not be any one who will succeed.The pass rate is extremely low, which is one of the reasons why many ninth-level apostles refrain from evolving their domains.After all, once the domain is successfully evolved, not only will it be sure to go beyond the battlefield, but the success rate will also be greatly increased.

The ninth-level apostle has reached the pinnacle of power in the real world. With his unparalleled strength, he has become the target of many organizations and forces.No matter which country it is, as long as the ninth-level apostle speaks, they will do their best to get him to join.In addition, various countries also provide generous welfare policies for the ninth-level apostles, allowing them to enjoy the honor.Faced with such a coveted situation, why would the ninth-level apostle risk his life to pursue the realm of the transcendent?
Therefore, in this time period, a large number of ninth-level apostles are unwilling to become detached.However, 20 years later the situation is completely different.The various secret realms have long been integrated with the real world, and the will of the world no longer excludes those who become detached.The process of becoming a detached person has become as common as advancing from a mid-level apostle to a high-level one.

The stronger the strength, the longer the lifespan, and the wider the world of the plane that the footprints have traveled.However, the gap between the detached person and the ordinary apostle of the secret realm seems to be a world of difference, like two completely different worlds.Xu Feng knew nothing about the world of the detached, it was an unknown territory that he had never set foot in in his previous life.

In his previous life, Xu Feng participated in a transcendence trial.He clearly recalled that moment. There were eight testers at that time, most of them were ninth-level peak apostles, and there were two eighth-level apostles.And he was the only seventh-level apostle who participated in the transcendence test.

The more trials there are, the more difficult the trial battlefield will be.Therefore, when other people saw that Xu Feng was only a seventh-level apostle, their faces became ugly.They seemed to be a little isolated from Xu Feng, but in that trial, although Xu Feng was the lowest level apostle of the secret realm, he was not the first one to lose.Some secret realm apostles at the peak of level nine didn't stick with him that long.

After Xu Feng hesitated for a moment, he still chose "Yes".

With his current strength, there is not much difference in difficulty for him with one more person and one less person!
After a while, a figure slowly appeared beside him. From illusion to solidity, Xu Feng raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the companion this time turned out to be a woman.

After the woman's figure was completely solidified, Xu Feng found that the woman's face was somewhat familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

When the woman saw Xu Feng, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she took a breath as if relieved, with a look of joy on her face.

"Hello, Xu Feng, I'm Pu Xiuzhen, I'm a singer, I'm so lucky to have met you in the Transcendence Trial!" Pu Xiuzhen said excitedly.

"Pu Xiuzhen?" Xu Feng frowned slightly.

"Oh, my stage name is Feilin!" Pu Xiuzhen said.

A dazed look flashed across Xu Feng's face, as if he suddenly remembered something important.Fei Lin, that is a legendary singer, he was an international superstar in his previous life, and he has been in the music world for many years.Thinking about it, the news that a peak nine-level apostle chose to become a singer is simply jaw-dropping.

However, in previous lives, such situations were commonplace.The ninth-level apostles had already stood at the pinnacle of the world, and those ninth-level apostles who were unwilling to advance to transcendence began to enjoy the joy of life to the fullest.They became big stars, actors, singers, anchors, and some even learned cross talk.At first, the shift came as a surprise, but over time the public reaction to it flattened.However, people are still full of interest in the matter of the nine-level apostle becoming a star, and many people follow them.

"Filin!" Xu Feng nodded. In his previous life, until his death, Filin had always been a ninth-level peak apostle and had never been promoted to a transcendent person. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Filin became a ninth-level apostle so early, and unexpectedly He really participated in the transcendence test.

Obviously, the trial of transcendence in the previous life of Film was a failure, but he used some kind of treasure to save his life. However, since then, Film seems to have lost his courage, or he never found another one. A treasure that can exempt the punishment for failure of the Transcendence Trial, so the Transcendence Trial has not been carried out for a long time.

"Filin, hello, I've heard your song and I like it very much." Xu Feng greeted with a smile.

"Thank you." Feilin looked a little shy, his face was reddish, he lowered his head and said, "Xu Feng, you have to help me out of the battlefield this time."

Xu Feng glanced at Feilin and said with a smile: "Help each other, since we have come here, we are now comrades-in-arms, and strive for everyone to pass this trial!"

Feilin's face was full of surprise, and he nodded excitedly.

After chatting with Fei Lin for a few words, Xu Feng turned his gaze to the light curtain in front of him. The waiting time is very short, and the light curtain will disappear in a short time. At that time, there will be groups of secret realm troops appearing. In order to pass the Transcendence Trial, all the army of secret realms that appeared must be killed.

Feilin looked at Xu Feng's back, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and a sly look appeared in his eyes.

In fact, after Xu Feng destroyed the entire Dark Tribunal with his own power, he returned to Tongtian Island. At that time, Feilin had already expected that Xu Feng might want to take that step, so he also decided to take that step early. Came to Tongtian Island.

Film spent a lot of money to obtain all the information about Xu Feng, starting from details such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc., and judged that Xu Feng's detachment trial would be in the next few days, so Film also rented a house nearby, every half an hour. When she was young, she applied for a trial of transcendence. If after applying, she found out that she was alone in the trial, then she would cancel the trial and wait until someone else applied for the trial with her.

Her purpose was to hug Xu Feng's thigh to make the trial of detachment easier;
Although she has done so much and spent millions to collect all information about Xu Feng, the probability of finally being able to carry out the transcendence trial with Xu Feng is less than 30.00%. Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded in the end. Really He and Xu Feng entered the trial battlefield together.


(End of this chapter)

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