Chapter 835

The trial of transcendence is like a thrilling battle. The trialists need to face countless soldiers pouring out of the portals of the secret realm, wave after wave, seemingly endless.This is a merciless zero-sum game. Only by completely eliminating every soldier that appears can one's own survival be guaranteed.Otherwise, the testers will be killed by the swarming soldiers.

The Trial of Transcendence is like an endless ordeal, like waves coming one after another, and you can't predict when the attacks will end.Whenever you think that the most difficult moment is over, there will be a new portal of light in the secret realm, and more indigenous warriors in the secret realm will emerge.This brutal cycle is so hopeless that it can break even the strongest of wills.

"I remember in the previous life, including the last wave of attacks, there were a total of [-] waves of attacks. Although I don't know how many more waves of attacks will follow, I will target the [-] waves of attacks now!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

Xu Feng watched helplessly as heavy cavalry rushed into the poisonous swamp one after another, and their figures were gradually swallowed by the swamp.However, there was no expression on Xu Feng's face.To him, such an attack was nothing more than a piece of cake, not worth mentioning at all.

More than 100 cavalrymen slammed into the swamp, unable to restrain their speed, just rushed straight in like this, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.The rest of the cavalry pulled on the reins desperately, but with too much force, blood oozed from the muzzles and noses of many of the horses.Even so, there were still a large number of cavalry colliding with each other, people and horses fell together, and were ruthlessly trampled into flesh by the cavalry behind...

Of the 200 cavalry, only [-] cavalry remained at most in the end. Just a simple undead spell killed half of the heavy cavalry, and more importantly, stopped the heavy cavalry that had already reached their peak speed.

Can the heavy cavalry who lost their sprint speed still be called an unstoppable torrent of steel?Of course not, the remaining heavy cavalry are nothing more than large sandbags, and they were instantly wiped out by the swarming undead soldiers.

"Yeah, it's a success, wipe them all out!" Fei Lin was so excited that he was about to jump up.

Xu Feng glanced at her in surprise, and couldn't help but said, "You don't think that defeating this wave of attacks is considered to be the completion of the test of detachment?"

"Ah, isn't it?" Feilin was stunned, and after a while, his cheeks were slightly red, and he hid behind Xu Feng.

"Then, how many waves are there?" Ferlin couldn't help asking.

"Be prepared for more than a hundred waves, and the first wave is the easiest wave!" Xu Feng whispered.

"One hundred waves? The easiest..." Ferlin looked at the hundreds of still intact heavy cavalry corpses in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face.

The fighting power of five hundred heavy cavalry is nothing to a peak nine-level apostle. Even Filin himself can easily defeat them, but it will take a lot of effort to completely eliminate them.

"No wonder he said that carrying the secret realm and domain with him will increase the success rate of passing the transcendence test..." Ferlin suddenly thought in his heart.

There was a slight tremor in the air, and one after another pale golden teleportation gates appeared. This time, ten pale golden teleportation gates appeared directly.

The next moment, countless natives of the secret realm poured out from the light transmission gate, and the number of natives of the secret realm poured out of each light transmission gate was ten times that of the previous heavy cavalry;
Looking at the tide-like enemies, Feilin's face suddenly turned pale, and he subconsciously took out the copper coin, making preparations to leave the Transcendence Realm at any time;

Xu Feng looked at the swarming enemies, with an inexplicable smile on his face;
"It's such a familiar feeling. It was the first time I met so many enemies in my previous life. I was almost scared to pee, but now, I feel inexplicably relaxed..." Xu Feng smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the undead soldiers also roared Pounced towards the enemy, the Nether Dragon spit out death breath towards the tide-like enemy, and the giant skeleton beast jumped directly into the enemy like a tiger into a flock of sheep, and slaughtered wantonly.

In the field, the Temple of Withered Bones shines brightly, constantly producing high-level undead warriors. The female corpse bride, Xiao Wan, appears beside Xu Feng at some point, watching the battle in the distance with a sweet smile, from time to time He turned his head and glanced at Xu Feng with charming eyes.


At the same time, outside the detached battlefield, two empty high-backed seats appeared in the void, and two hundred-foot-tall giants appeared, naturally sitting on these two high-backed seats, looking at the battlefield below with great interest Everything on it is like two children squatting in the shade of a tree, staring at an ant hole, watching the ants fight.

Void Seat!This is something only those who have transcended are eligible to possess, and it will only appear next to the void battlefield;

"Pu Sheng, is that little girl your junior?" On the empty seat, the fair-skinned middle-aged man on the left stared at the detached battlefield below with great interest, and asked casually.

"Yes. That's my granddaughter!" said the detached person known as Pu Sheng with no expression on his face.

"Aptitude is a bit poor!" The middle-aged man said with a mocking smile on his face.

"Hmph." Pu Sheng seemed a little unhappy, snorted coldly, and did not refute.

At this moment, another high-backed seat suddenly appeared on the right side out of thin air. The next moment, a detached person appeared and sat on the seat.

"Hey, Zuo Sheng, the little guy below is someone from your city guard department, right?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Zuo Zhidao stretched his body, with a relaxed expression on his face, and a smile that was not a smile when he heard the middle-aged man speak.

"Yao Chengqiang, don't you know who he is? How dare you call him a little guy?" Zuo Zhidao sneered and said, "None of the five presiding judges in the Dark Inquisition who have integrated the Holy Body are his opponents. In your opinion, your strength , Can it be compared with the five presiding judges of the Dark Tribunal?"

"Or, do you think he can't complete the transcendence test today, can't become a transcendent person? Can't pose a threat to you?" Zuo Zhidao sneered, "The number of transcendent persons who died in Xu Feng's hands is close to double digits! "

Yao Chengqiang was at a loss for words immediately, the detached person would be rejected by the will of the world when entering the real world, and his strength would be suppressed. Only in this void and detached battlefield can the detached person's true strength and shape be restored.

Looking at Xu Feng in the battlefield of detachment, Yao Chengqiang looked at Xu Feng in the peak state of detachment, and a sense of superiority naturally surged in his heart. He didn't have much respect for Xu Feng who had not yet become a detachment.

But Yao Chengqiang seemed to have forgotten that Xu Feng was not an ordinary apostle of the secret realm, but he was able to cut down and kill nearly double-digit transcendents;
"The detached people in the real world are rejected by the will of the world, and their strength has dropped drastically. It's not surprising that they occasionally miss!" Yao Chengqiang said with an ugly face.

"Chi~" Zuo Zhidao was full of sarcasm, and gave Yao Chengqiang a contemptuous look, as if he didn't bother arguing with him, turned his eyes away, and looked down at the battlefield of detachment below.


(End of this chapter)

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