The battle between Xu Feng alone and the five presiding judges of the Dark Tribunal was so famous that the whole world was shocked by it. Because of the large number of onlookers, many details of the battle were revealed, but the more details are revealed, the more Make everyone feel puzzled and suspicious.

Possess a follower who has the strength to crush and kill the chief judge of the Dark Tribunal!
This sounds so incredible!

"What do you think the detached people are!" The detached people almost laughed angrily when they heard the news. Not to mention having the strength to crush the five chief judges of the Dark Tribunal, even if a person who has just advanced, even a domain It is impossible for a detached person who has not yet evolved to be someone's follower, unless the other party is also a detached person, and he is also a famous and powerful detached person.

Therefore, when Hanba Xiaowan appeared, many detached people came forward to watch, with curious expressions on their faces.

"Is this Xu Feng's follower who has the strength to kill the presiding judge alone? It doesn't seem to be the apostle of the secret realm..." A detached man rubbed his chin and observed carefully.

"It should be a native of the secret realm. Maybe he was subdued when his strength was low. Later, when his strength improved, he didn't choose to betray?" After saying this, even the detached person who spoke couldn't believe it. Regardless of whether the apostle or the native of the secret realm After signing the contract, after the natives of the secret realm have crossed the ninth peak and become something like a detached person, any contracts including slave contracts, companion contracts, blood contracts, devil contracts, etc. will become invalid;

A detached person is a person who has jumped out of the three realms and is not in the five elements. How can he be bound by a contract?

When all the possibilities are ruled out, then the remaining answer is the only correct one. This native of the secret realm is willing to accompany Xu Feng with all his heart!
Although the chance of this happening is very small, after all, after possessing the strength of a detached person, he is already comparable to a god. What kind of emotion can override it?When power and status change drastically, thinking will also change accordingly.

"Xu Feng is really lucky!" A detached person couldn't help sighing.


Detached from the battlefield, at this time the Hanba Xiaowan has rushed into the crowd. Xiaowan's domain looks extremely simple, that is, the arid domain. In this domain, no drop of water is allowed, nor is any form of water element allowed to appear. , once it appears, it will evaporate at an extremely fast speed, and another feature of this field is sandification, which can change any terrain within the range into sand...

Hanba Xiaowan's domain is not very large, only about 1000 meters away, but when she rushed into the dense crowd, the power of the drought domain was so strong that it made people feel creepy.

As long as any native of the secret realm enters the domain, the water on his body will disappear within a few breaths, and the natives of the secret realm who have lost their body water will all be turned into mummies one by one, falling to the ground, and instantly turning into powder. , within a kilometer of Hanba Xiaowan, there is nothing...

This scene frightened the natives of the secret realm who came out of the portal of the secret realm. The originally neat battle formation also appeared a little panic. What is even more surprising is that no matter what defensive spell skills these natives of the secret realm cast, There is no way to resist Hanba Xiaowan's domain power.

"How is this possible..." In the Transcendence Void, countless detachment powers frowned one after another. The drought domain also belongs to the single-attribute domain, but when did the single-attribute domain become so domineering?
The knowledge about the field is taboo knowledge that is difficult to reach for most ordinary apostles of the secret realm, but for the detached ones, it is open knowledge and can be obtained through many channels.

At this time, those detached people who have not yet evolved the domain will pursue the evolution of the real world domain. You must know that even a very simple real world domain with only four basic elements of earth, water, fire, and wind is stronger than any single element domain. There is potential for development.

But now, after seeing the power of Hanba Xiaowan's arid domain, these detached people in the detachment void began to become confused, and even doubted whether the knowledge about the domain they had acquired before was correct!
"How is this possible? Why is the power of the arid field so strong?" A detached person's face was full of confusion.

"Even if the single elemental field is evolved to the extreme, it is impossible to have such power. There must be a big secret hidden in this woman!" The eyes of a detached person are shining, full of greed.

This is the secret that makes the transcendents salivate. If you can get it, you will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd of transcendents!

All of a sudden, the detached people watching began to have thoughts.

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded, this sneer sounded so piercing in the ears of the greedy detached people, they could not help but look in the direction of the sound.

At this time, a graceful and luxurious woman in a red dress was looking at everyone with mocking eyes.

Seeing that it was the woman who sneered, all the detached people who were originally angry suddenly became calm and turned their heads, not daring to continue staring at her.

"Yun Ji, did you find anything? Why don't you tell us and explain it to us!" An old man with white beard and hair said to the woman with a smile.

The detached people call themselves "sages", and when calling other detached people, they will call them saints to show respect. For example, other detached people called Zuo Zhidao "Zuo Sheng" before, but the woman in the red dress in front of him, But she doesn't like other people to call herself that. Her name is Yun Qiongyue, and she likes others to call herself Yun Ji.

"Hua Sheng, I don't believe you didn't see it. That woman is indeed a native of the secret realm, but her strength should not be underestimated. If I read correctly, she should belong to a god-like existence in the secret realm she is in. With the blessing of faith, the power of the domain is so powerful, not to mention, she has already realized the law of drought, even if it is a domain of a single element, it can also challenge the domain of the real world head-on!" Glancing at everyone, he sneered.

"Indigenous gods?"

"The power of faith?"

"Comprehension rules?"


Everyone started discussing one after another, and the eyes they looked at Hanba Xiaowan in the detached battlefield became more cautious;
"Being able to make a book god who has comprehended the power of rules to become his follower, the strength of the number one in the list today is really unfathomable!" A detached man stared at the detached battlefield instead, Xu who had never made a move Feng looked up.


Beyond the battlefield
Looking at the fight on the battlefield in the distance, Feilin's eyes were shining, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Hanba Xiaowan, who was over three meters tall.

"This sister is amazing!" Feilin couldn't help but said.

There was also a look of surprise on Xu Feng's face. Hanba Xiaowan's combat power refreshed Xu Feng's impression of her time and time again, especially Xiaowan who became Hanba's real backside. Xu Feng also felt a hint of threat;
At the same time, because of the sandy nature of Xiaowan's domain, the surrounding environment has become a desert terrain, which makes several adult sandworms become extremely excited, and their movement speed in the sand has increased significantly, making them more elusive. , making people hard to guard against!

"Number 60, the seventh wave of attacks, at this time in the previous life, I had almost exhausted it, and I was ready to start drawing the original power of the secret realm, but in this life, I haven't made a move until now, and I am still at the peak... "Xu Feng had a smile on his face, very satisfied.

All of this is thanks to Hanba Xiaowan. If it wasn't for her, Xu Feng would have been forced to take action as early as thirty waves, but Xiaowan's appearance forced her to resist more than 30 waves with her own strength. s attack.

At this time, all the undead warriors except for the Nether Dragon and the Skeleton Beast have exhausted their energy, and the Skeleton Beast was also seriously injured, so they retreated into the secret realm of the domain in desperation. Only the Nether Dragon still held on firmly. Controlling the air power, swooping down from time to time, exhaling a breath of ghosts, but the battlefield is not a place of ghosts, there is no breath of ghosts, the dragon of ghosts has been fighting for so long, and can't get any supplements, so it can only fly back to the secret realm of the domain from time to time, After resting for a while, fly out to fight, the fighting effect is better than nothing.

Now on the entire battlefield of detachment, you can only rely on Hanba Xiaowan and a few adult sandworms beside her. These adult sandworms seem to like the breath of Xiaowan very much, and they are like guards, guarding her around;
The area with a radius of 1000 meters belongs to the Xiaowan domain. To the swarming natives of the secret realm, this area is like a forbidden area for gods.

When the No.70 attack came, all the mages who came out from the gate of the secret realm again were wearing red robes. Their mana was surging, and each of them was an archmage comparable to a ninth-level peak envoy!
As soon as these great mages appeared on the battlefield of detachment, they immediately cast teleportation, distributed in various positions on the battlefield of detachment, and began to lock on Hanba Xiaowan, casting long-range attack spells!

Flame Storm, Tornado Wind, Poison Cloud, Thunder Missile, Thunderstorm,...

One after another, high-level spells were thrown towards Hanba Xiaowan as if they didn't need money, as if they were afraid that Xiaowan would dodge. These high-level spells were all group attacks, covering dozens or even hundreds of meters around Hanba Xiaowan in an instant. Area.

At this moment, Hanba Xiaowan suddenly let out a piercing scream;

In an instant, the world changed and the wind and clouds surged. Xiaowan seemed to step into a mysterious fairyland, floating gracefully in mid-air.Suddenly there was a gust of wind around her, and the wind and sand were like fog, filling the surroundings.Violent sand and dust raged within a radius of 1000 meters around Xiaowan, like a violently stirred desert.

All attacks, entering Xiaowan's domain, seemed to be swallowed, without any effect;
"Hey, Xiaowan's field is not a single element field. Now it seems that there are at least two elements, wind and earth!" Xu Feng couldn't help showing a surprised smile on his face.


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