Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 841 Armorization

Chapter 841 Armorization

The scene that happened on the battlefield of detachment stunned all the detachment people in the void. At this moment, they could no longer sit on the god's throne, and stood up one after another, looking at the battlefield of detachment with surprise on their faces!

"This, what is going on here, why did such a change occur?"

"That mummy is obviously extremely weak, but why does it exude the aura of a detached person? It shouldn't be, the level of these secret battlefields is at most level nine, how can there be a strong person beyond the world level?"

"This is a transcendental battlefield. It's unbelievable that the enemy you face could be a transcendent person. If back then..."

"Hehe, now it seems that there should be only one explanation! The secret realm where this mummy is located was originally a big world that was no different from the real world. Naturally, there will be transcendent people, but the level of the world has been lowered later. Ninth-level secret realm, but these detached people cast secret techniques and fell into a state of suspended animation..."

"Yes, I once explored a ninth-level secret realm. According to the myths and legends in that secret realm, I discovered a detached person in a state of suspended animation. In order to kill it, our team of ten people survived in the end. There are only three people left..."

"Did you see those giant warriors, they actually used their own flesh and blood to nourish the detached person in a state of suspended animation, is Xu Feng frightened? Why didn't he attack? His only chance!"


At this time, the huge coffin was already filled with the flesh and blood of giant warriors. At the same time, the mummy in the coffin showed a relaxed expression on its face and let out a faint groan. The next moment, all the giant's flesh and blood turned into The billowing energy rushed towards the mummy, and after a while, only a layer of metal armor and weapons remained in the huge coffin, and all the flesh and bones of these giant warriors disappeared.

The mummy in the coffin suddenly sat up, and its body was restored to its original integrity, full of flesh and blood, exuding a creepy and terrifying aura;
"I, Emperor Senna, have come back to life again!" The giant in the coffin let out a roar, and the coffin he was in was torn apart by a mysterious force, and the fragments flew in all directions.

Emperor Senna stood up, his waist was wrapped with a layer of animal skin, and the rest of his body was completely bare. Emperor Senna, who had recovered to his peak state, had a faint dark golden light shining on his skin. He was originally in a mummy state. The Kaiser Senna was less than 30 meters tall, but at this time, he was already over 50 meters tall. The original coffin could not bear his current height at all.

"Little guy, preventing me from recovering just now is your only chance to defeat me!" The moment Emperor Senna opened his eyes, he already understood the environment he was in and the reason for his inexplicable recovery.

"In order to kill you, the level of the world I live in has been specially temporarily raised by the Transcendence Battlefield, little guy, it seems that you are also a very remarkable person!" Emperor Senna laughed loudly, and with a thought, suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. Gathered a set of strangely shaped armor;
This set of armor is flowing with light, and the breath it emits is exactly the same as that of Emperor Senna, as if it were one body;
"Transcendence?" Xu Feng narrowed his eyes, and the armor on Emperor Senard gave Xu Feng a very familiar feeling, which also made Xu Feng instantly recognize the strangeness of this armor;

Outside the battlefield of detachment, in the void, the eyes of the detached people are all attracted by the armor on Emperor Senna's body;

"Detachment of the Eucharist, this is the armored characteristic that the Transcendent Eucharist can only possess when it grows to the limit!" A detached person couldn't help but shouted: "How is this possible? What kind of big world is the world he lives in? Not only Can it carry the detached person, and can also carry the detached Eucharist to grow to the limit?"

An ordinary ninth-level secret realm cannot even carry an ordinary transcendent person, let alone this kind of transcendent person who has fused the transcendent holy body and allowed the transcendent holy body to grow to the limit at the same time!

Many of the transcendent people present did not even integrate the Transcendence Eucharist, let alone grow the Transcendence Eucharist to the limit;
"Hehe, now I'm a little interested in the world where this giant lives..." Yunji sat on the throne, resting her chin on her left hand, and whispered to herself: "The ordinary world can't even carry a transcendent person. What's more, a detached person who has integrated a hundred-fold increase and a thousand-fold increase in the holy body? Could it be that the world where the giant lives in front of him is also a super-large world with the same scale as the real world?"

"Yunji is right. Only in the super-large world can there be transcendent beings who have integrated the transcendent holy body. It's a pity..." Hua Sheng shook his head and said with a smile: "The world he is in now must also be For some reason, he fell down the grade, otherwise, how could this giant feign death to escape?"

Yun Ji sighed, shook her head, with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

As a detached person, he has gained great freedom and freedom, but it is also because the individual is too powerful that he is no longer accommodated by the world he lives in, and is rejected by the will of the world. In the real world, he will be suppressed, and his strength cannot Play to your heart's content.

Only in the special space beyond the battlefield can one show his real body and gain a moment of relaxation;
"Hehe, in the previous trials, I couldn't test Xu Feng's trump card at all, but now, a detached person who has grown the detached holy body to the limit is far from comparable to the five presiding judges of the Dark Tribunal..., Xu Feng is in danger this time!" Hua Sheng glanced at Zuo Zhidao, who was not far away with a livid face, shook his head and said with a low smile, with a look of gloating.

Originally thought that with Xu Feng's strength to crush the detached people, it would be an easy thing to pass the detached trial, but now it seems that the detached battlefield is obviously unwilling to let Xu Feng pass the trial so easily!

Zuo Zhidao's face was gloomy and scary, but Hua Sheng on the side laughed and comforted him: "Zuo Sheng, the higher the difficulty of the transcendence test, the greater the reward for the apostle after passing the test. Look at this opponent, if If Xu Feng can pass the trial, maybe he will be directly rewarded with a blueprint for casting a transcendent holy body!"

For those who have transcended, the field of evolution is just an entry point, and what really determines the difference in strength between each other still depends on the Transcendence Eucharist;
Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even a ten-fold increase in the detachment of the holy body is what the detached people pursue, and it is also the real watershed of strength among the detached people. , will seek to comprehend the power of rules, and there are probably only one or two out of [-] detached people who can realize and use the power of rules, and they are all top geniuses among detached people who go back to try to comprehend the power of rules .

Xu Feng looked at the 50-meter giant in armor, and couldn't help showing a cautious look on his face.

"A transcendent holy body with a 150-fold increase?" Xu Feng said to himself, "No, no, this is a transcendent holy body with a [-]-fold increase..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's eyes fell on the giant's armor involuntarily, and the corners of his mouth could not help but tilt slightly, and he smiled and said, "Is it a transcendent holy body that has grown to the peak? It seems that the quality is average, and the limit is only 150 times. This is too low!"


(End of this chapter)

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