Xu Feng and Xiongjiang have already returned to the void passage dug before. At this time, the void qi around the void passage began to spread slowly. It won't be long before this newly dug passage will be filled with surrounding qi. .

"It's not too late. In two hours, this passage will probably be abolished. If you want to go back, you need to dig a new passage!" Xiong Jiang threw his fist towards the passage, and for a while , the surrounding qi made a cracking sound like glass, and the crystal fragments splashed around like streamers;
The overflowing void qi is much weaker than the condensed void qi. Xiongjiang dragged the passage for more than ten meters with almost no effort. In fact, this is what those detached people who maintain the passage need to do Every few hours, like Xiongjiang, it is necessary to shatter the stellar energy spreading around the passage. The consumption is not large, but it is a bit boring.

"Let's go, these spreading qi are very fragile, at most one hour, we can return to the Temple of Transcendence!" Xiong Jiang said.

At this moment, a beast roared suddenly from behind, the roar sounded so horrific that even the air in the void could not stop the roar from spreading;

Xiong Jiang's complexion changed drastically, and he looked back subconsciously, only to see that there was nothing behind him, but ripples like water waves constantly appeared in the void, which looked very strange.

"It's a virtual beast, Xu Feng, be careful!" Xiong Jiang reminded in a low voice.

"Void Beast?" Xu Feng frowned slightly. Void Beast is a special species that can survive in the void. It is a half-biological and half-elemental species. Not only can it travel freely in the void, but it can even fuse with the void. As one body, encountering virtual beasts in the void is an extremely troublesome thing for those who have escaped.

"No, it's not right, it's the tide of void beasts. Damn it, Xu Feng, run, we will definitely die if we stay here!" Xiong Jiang suddenly let out a low growl, turned around and rushed towards the void passage, only to see him holding his head in his hands, Relying on his strong physical body, he rushed towards the pervasive void qi. In a short while, he had already rushed tens of meters away, but Xiongjiang's body was also drenched with blood from the permeating void qi.

This is just the pervasive void qi. If it was solid void qi, Xiongjiang would not dare to hit him with his body alone. Even if he wanted to, the hard emptiness of the void could still make him bruise and teach him how to be a human being. .

"Xu Feng, follow me, run away!" Xiong Jiang turned his head and shouted at Xu Feng.

The next moment, the virtual beasts that were wandering in the void seemed to smell the bloody smell from Xiongjiang's body, and immediately swarmed towards them like sharks.

"These virtual beasts are so fast..." Xu Feng narrowed his eyes, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

The next moment, a virtual beast that looked like a wild wolf suddenly appeared in front of him, its silhouette emerged, and a dark red light burst out from its eyes.

Call ~
This void beast jumped out of the void, and rushed towards Xu Feng. Xu Feng tried his best to avoid the frontal attack of this void beast, but he didn't expect that the void beast's waist twisted in midair, and its claws were fierce. Passed by Xu Feng's chest;

A bloody light shot out from Xu Feng's chest;

"What?" Xu Feng showed a shocked expression on his face. The attack of this virtual beast was able to break through his physical defense. This, how is this possible?

You know, Xu Feng now not only has the immortal spirit body, but also has the body of Chaos Daojin, and after being promoted to the transcendent, all the four-dimensional attributes have become ∞, almost all the time. Ascension, and Xu Feng himself has also integrated the evolutionary body with a thousand-fold increase. Although it only has a three-hundred-fold increase now, it is not an ordinary detached person who can break through his body defense with a random blow.

It can be said that Xu Feng's current body is almost indistinguishable from those holy treasures. How could it be possible that a mere Void Beast could injure him with a random blow?

However, the smell of blood soon filled Xu Feng's nostrils. The fact that the injury was real, especially the pain from the wound, made Xu Feng feel that he was not a high-ranking detached person at all, but a mortal.

"Injured?" Xu Feng wiped the wound with his fingers, and seeing the redness of the fingertips, a strange smile appeared on Xu Feng's face.

"Since becoming a detached person, this is the first time I've been injured..." Xu Feng said with a smile, "This Void Beast's attack turned out to be real damage that ignores any defense resistance, it's really unbelievable!"

Xu Feng has also encountered monsters with real damage in the secret realm before, but the real damage of those monsters is triggered according to a certain ratio or a certain probability, but the virtual beast in front of him is different. It seems that it should be all attacks, Both are 100% true damage that ignores defense and resistance.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help but get excited. Once such a monster is killed, there is a high chance of dropping a treasure with real damage, or even a skill book. It can be said that each such monster is a huge treasure;
"I just don't know how the explosion rate is, kill one first and see..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng had a thought, and a Zixiao divine thunder talisman appeared in front of him, and the talisman turned into a divine thunder and struck towards the half-hidden and half-revealed virtual beast;
With a loud noise, the Void Beast in front of him was hit a somersault, but it only rolled twice on the ground before standing up again;
There was a look of surprise in Xu Feng's eyes. The Zixiao Shenlei, which had been multiplied by three hundred times, would not be able to withstand this blow even if it had evolved into a realm, unless it was a transcendent who fused with the holy body like him. It is possible to resist this blow.

"The strength of this Void Beast is actually comparable to the transcendent who has fused with the holy body? That is the strength of a high-level transcendent!" Xu Feng was surprised.

The next moment, there was another fluctuation in the void qi, and another virtual beast appeared. Most of this virtual beast's body was in the void qi, and only the smaller half of its body appeared in the passage;
Xu Feng frowned slightly. This is not just one or two virtual beasts, but a tide of virtual beasts. After a while, a large number of virtual beasts will come up. It's just how many times the increase can be exerted.

For such an enemy, Xu Feng can still deal with less than ten virtual beasts, but if there are more than ten, Xu Feng will become more difficult. If there are more numbers, Xu Feng can only run away first, but here are everywhere It's the stellar energy of the void. Compared with the void beasts that can freely travel through the stellar energy of the void, Xu Feng doesn't think he can escape!

"Forget it, retreat first, good luck to you!" Xu Feng looked at the two virtual beasts, with a look of regret in his eyes, turned around and flew towards the direction where Xiongjiang was running.

... (end of this chapter)

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