Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 90 Medical Department

Chapter 90 Medical Department

"The third-level apostle's subsidy is [-]?" Xu Feng was taken aback. He didn't expect that his father Xu Nantian's salary was so high. If basic salary, post allowance and so on were included, it should be more than [-] a month. But Xu Feng felt that his family was living in a difficult situation. Even their house was bought with a lot of borrowed money.

"But I feel that my father's salary is quite low. After wearing a pair of leather shoes for three years, I can't bear to change them..." Xu Feng couldn't help asking.

Li Dong was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "You will understand later."


The two returned to the floor where Xu Nantian had been treated before. It looked no different from a regular hospital, except that there were far fewer medical staff, and the corridors were deserted. It seemed that Li Dong was right, the medical department is usually very leisurely. .

Li Dong took Xu Feng to an office. The office was very large and the layout was very simple. There was a large conference room on the left and five desks on the right.

Three of the desks were empty, with nothing on them. Computers and some documents were placed on the other desk, which looked a bit messy. There was a person in a white coat sitting in front of the other desk.

"Doctor Li." Li Dong brought Xu Feng forward and said.

"Huh, Deputy Director Li?" The doctor looked back and stood up quickly.

Xu Feng recognized this doctor, who was the one who treated Xu Nantian before, and his name seemed to be Li Miao.

"Doctor Li, this is Xu Feng, a new colleague from the treatment department. I'll leave it to you. You will take care of him more in the future." Li Dong pointed to Xu Feng and said.

"Xu Feng, this is Dr. Li Miao Li. He has excellent medical skills. His master is a national player. You should ask Dr. Li more often for advice." Li Dong introduced.

Xu Feng raised his eyebrows, a national player?

This title is not something that anyone can have. Those who had the title of national player in the previous life, even if they were not apprentices in the secret realm, had a very high social status, and they usually go deep and simple. Ordinary people don't even know their existence.

Li Dong explained a few words before leaving. Li Miao pointed to the three empty desks and said, "Our second medical team has just been established. There are only three people including you, and one of them is out with the team. , you can choose any one of these three empty tables."

Xu Feng picked one at random and started cleaning.

"Are you an apostle, a professional Taoist priest? You use the healing talisman well." Li Miao returned to his seat, saw Xu Feng was busy at his work station for a while, and he didn't want to read any more, so he chatted with Xu Feng.

"Yes, there is only one healing talisman..." Xu Feng replied casually while wiping the table: "Actually, I want to go to the frontline combat department, but you know, the director is my father, so I can't help myself! "

"The front-line combat department is very hard!" Li Miao said with a smile: "The battle damage is also very serious. Last time the director led a team to explore a third-level secret realm, but two brothers were killed, and the whole body was frozen into ice. The cremation can't even be cremated, and in the end it can only be buried in a frozen state..., the director was also injured at that time, if it weren't for you, the director's injury would not be so easy to recover."

"You'll know when you go out with the team a few times. Maybe after a few outings, you'll change your mind." Li Miao laughed.

While Xu Feng was doing hygiene, he was chatting with Li Miao casually. Li Miao seemed to be very interested in him, especially his apostle status and Taoist profession, and especially the treatment that cured Xu Nantian. character is very interested.

Xu Feng directly took out a healing talisman from his pocket and handed it to him: "Here, here it is for you."

Li Miao was very happy when he took the healing talisman, thanked him non-stop, and then studied it over and over again, and even kept gesticulating on the table according to the phoenix seal pattern on the healing talisman.

It is not the first time Li Miao has heard of the healing talisman, but it is the first time he has seen the healing talisman with his own eyes. You must know that for those who study medicine, the healing talisman is like a bug. It takes eight or nine years to study in a medical university, and you don’t need to memorize those medical books. You only need to draw a talisman to heal most of the trauma, and even some injuries that cannot be treated by medical means can be easily treated by the healing talisman. Healed, just like Director Xu Nantian's injury.

For a medical worker, this subverts cognition, and even the world view may collapse.

"Studying medicine for ten years is worse than getting a good job as an apostle!" Li Miao couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Xu Feng, can I learn this talisman?" Li Miao finally couldn't bear it, and asked expectantly.

Xu Feng looked up at him, didn't speak, just shook his head.

A healing talisman without spiritual power or yin power is useless no matter how resembling it is depicted. Xu Feng doesn't know the principle behind it, and there is no way to pass it on to others.

Although he had already guessed the answer, seeing Xu Feng shaking his head, Li Miao felt a little sad and sighed.

"Then, can I use this healing talisman for other people to heal injuries?" Li Miao asked again.

"No, when I use it, I must use my mental power as a primer to stimulate it..." Xu Feng scratched his head and said.If these talismans can be used by other people, then Xu Feng no longer needs to worry about money. A bottle of healing potion can be sold for [-]. His healing talisman is even more effective than the potion. Only higher.

jingle bell~
The phone rang suddenly in the office, Li Miao's face changed, and he quickly stepped forward to pick up the phone.

"Hey, someone from Team Two, Team Three is injured? Is it serious? Then send it to..." Li Miao said with a serious face.

There are only two teams in the treatment department of the city defense office. The first team has the largest number of people and the most exquisite medical skills. However, the doctors in the first team are relatively old and rarely go out to work. He was invited to give lectures, give lectures, or perform surgery at major hospitals in Songtao City.

However, in order to ensure the integrity of the city, the City Guard often goes to explore the nearby secret realms. For them, the secret realms that have not obtained the core of the secret realm are safety hazards, not to mention that some new secret realms will pop up around the city from time to time. For the first-line For the combat department, the pressure is high.

It was also because of the heavy casualties in the front-line combat department that the City Guards Department began to set up the second team of the medical department, mainly to cooperate with the combat department in field work and reduce casualties.

It's just that the establishment of the second department is too short, and there are only three people including the intern Xu Feng. If you want to assign a medical staff to each combat team, it will not be possible in a short time.

"Have you called the treatment team? What did they say?" Li Miao asked suddenly.

After a while, Li Miao glanced at Xu Feng, nodded and said, "Then send it up, we have a new Taoist apostle who can heal talismans, let him try."

After hanging up the phone, Li Miao said to Xu Feng with a serious face: "The two teams of the combat department were attacked by wild beasts inside when they were exploring a new first-level secret realm, and almost all of them were injured. Two of them were in critical condition and needed immediate surgery. , It’s too late to transfer to other hospitals, one team can be responsible for one person’s operation, and another seriously injured person, are you sure about treating it?”

"You can try it." Xu Feng nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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