Xu Feng frowned, and for a moment he didn't know what to choose;

At this moment, the main mission suddenly popped up again;

[The system detects that you have collected all the World-Destroying Black Lotus fragments, and all related main tasks, side tasks and other tasks in this secret world are cancelled! 】

[You already own all the World-Destroying Black Lotus fragments. Do you want to submit the main quest items?Yes/No, please make your choice within ten seconds!If you choose No, your main mission will fail, and you will be trapped in this secret realm forever and become a part of this secret realm! 】

【Ten, nine, eight, seven,...】

Xu Feng was shocked when he saw the new main quest prompt that popped up. If he did not submit the quest, it would be regarded as a failure of the main quest. This was not unacceptable to him, but the penalty for failing the main quest was not forced eviction from the secret realm. When? Have you become trapped in this secret realm forever?
"You are cruel enough!" Xu Feng said harshly. When the countdown number jumped to "three", he chose to submit the main quest item.

The next moment, the world-destroying black lotus that had just been pieced together in front of Xu Feng began to slowly disappear, as if it had been wiped away bit by bit with an eraser.

[Congratulations, you have submitted the main quest items and you have completed the main quest!Because the mission items you submitted are all the World-Destroying Black Lotus fragments, the mission clearance evaluation will be greatly improved! 】

[You have completed the main mission and are about to leave the secret realm. You can still stay in the secret realm for 5 minutes. Please be prepared to leave! 】


The main mission was completed, and the fragments of the World-Destroying Black Lotus that were finally collected disappeared. Xu Feng suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart;
"The greatest treasure of the great avenue, that is the greatest treasure of the great avenue!" Xu Feng sighed in his heart.

The world-destroying black lotus attacks Wushuang!This is a twelve-level lotus platform with extremely strong offensive power, and it also has the effect of suppressing luck. It is a treasure that many people dream of, but now, such a treasure has disappeared from Xu Feng's hands.

"Forget it, I can't stay in this secret realm all my life and become a native of the secret realm just for the sake of a great treasure!" Xu Feng shook his head and sighed.

With only the last 5 minutes left, nothing could be done. Xu Feng could only wait patiently for the time to end and leave the secret realm of the avenue.

But Xu Feng always felt that he had something unfinished. When he subconsciously opened the task interface, he was stunned;
"Damn it, I still have an unfinished task of collecting Dinghai Divine Pearls. The combination of 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls is also a magic weapon with the quality of a great treasure!" Xu Feng's eyes widened suddenly, and he felt a great deal of regret.

If the World-Destroying Black Lotus is just broken and it would not be a pity to hand it over, then the task of collecting these 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls has really been abandoned by me;

"If I had known earlier, I should have completed the task of collecting the Dinghai Divine Pearl first, and then completed the main mission. I, I really..."

Five minutes passed quickly, and Xu Feng's figure suddenly turned into a white light and disappeared from the place, leaving only waves of helpless and regretful shouts;


At the same time, many of the apostles who are still exploring the secret realm of the avenue have received tasks related to the fragments of the World-Destroying Black Lotus. Some of them, like Xu Feng, are main tasks, but their main tasks have not yet happened. If the change fails, it will only be forced to leave the secret realm, and it will not be forced to stay in this secret realm like Xu Feng.But there are also some cases where these apostles suddenly received system prompts while doing tasks because they had obtained related side tasks or even a certain link in a series of tasks;
[Congratulations, because someone has collected all the World-Destroying Black Lotus fragments, the **** mission you received cannot be completed because there are no mission items, and it is considered a failure!You will be punished by ***** mission failure! 】


Every apostle who received this message began to curse.

For a time, screams and roars appeared from various places in the entire secret realm at almost the same time. Not to mention the punishment for failing the mission, the time and energy wasted just to complete the mission was already very large. How can they accept the loss!

Fortunately, the mission prompt did not mention that it was Xu Feng who collected all the fragments of the World-Destroying Black Lotus. Otherwise, Xu Feng would have been blacklisted by many people. After leaving the secret realm, there would have been many people coming to challenge him. .

At this time, Xu Feng was already standing in the clearance evaluation space. On the empty screen in front of him, pictures he had experienced in the secret realm of the avenue were constantly skipping;
On the Black Wind Mountain, the scene of Xu Feng killing everyone, especially the black bear spirit, and even pausing for a second, greatly improved his pass rating;

This was Xu Feng's first time defeating the strong with the weak, killing a demon king-level enemy. Although he used the curse killing technique and did not drop any drops, it did not affect the improvement of his clearance evaluation;
In the subsequent regional missions, getting No.1 on the scoreboard also improved the clearance evaluation;
Later, Xu Feng fought with the little monk guarding the magic mountain. Although the strength of the little monk was much higher than that of the black bear spirit, it was a pity that due to the erosion of the demonic energy, many of the little monk's abilities were sealed and there was no way to use them. , in the end, he could only fight Xu Feng with his powerful physical body and magical powers of three heads and six arms;

In this battle, Xu Feng got a bargain. Although he killed a true king-level strongman, his actual combat power was far from the king-level level, and Xu Feng also obtained the Dao Dao as a result. Super magical power, three heads and six arms, which can be regarded as making a lot of money, and the clearance evaluation continues to improve;

After entering the Demon Mountain Cave, Xu Feng devoured the heart of the Demon Ancestor. This time, the clearance evaluation was directly improved by a big step, directly from A- level to S level. You know, there are A, A+ and S-The three steps are already the same as the three levels promised to complete the customs clearance mission.

"That's the heart of the Demon Ancestor. It's not surprising that the clearance evaluation has improved a lot!" Xu Feng thought to himself, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he completed the Chaos-level "True Evolved Holy Body" mission, and his clearance evaluation continued to improve;

After collecting all the World-Destroying Black Lotus fragments, when the entire World-Destroying Black Lotus appeared on the void screen, the entire clearance space trembled slightly, and the clearance evaluation jumped directly to SS level;
"This World-Destroying Black Lotus is probably more important than I imagined. It is definitely not just a great treasure!" Xu Feng thought to himself, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

For the sake of it, the system even started to resort to tricks, threatening Xu Feng that he would not be able to leave the secret realm of the avenue if he did not pay. This shows how important this world-destroying black lotus is to the system. As for the possibility of obtaining the complete twelve-level annihilation. It is impossible for Xu Feng to believe that he can obtain Shiheilian.

The void screen continued. When Xu Feng submitted the entire World-Destroying Black Lotus and completed the main mission, the clearance evaluation jumped directly from SS level to SSS level!
In the end, Xu Feng’s clearance evaluation was SSS!

[Your final clearance evaluation is SSS]

[You get the basic reward for clearing the level, 20 unallocated attribute points, which can be allocated to secondary attributes! 10 skill points, which can upgrade any skill level; the Qinglian Heart Sutra level can be increased by 1 level;]

[Your customs clearance evaluation is SSS level, and you will get an extra golden turntable chance, do you want to use it now?Tip: If you choose not to use it, you will automatically give up this chance to use it! 】


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