Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 935 Is this the Supreme Lord?

Chapter 935 Is this the Supreme Lord?

"Qingshui, what Qingshui? Is he calling me?" Xu Feng thought to himself.

However, seeing the Taoist robe on the Taoist boy in front of him, Xu Feng also understood that his identity should be the same as him, a Taoist boy in a Taoist temple, because the Taoist robe on the Taoist boy in front of him was the same as the Taoist robe placed on his bed. The head set is exactly the same.

"Hurry up, I'll get the sacrificial vessels first. After placing the sacrificial vessels, the master will be back!" A look of boredom appeared in Tao Tong's eyes. Without waiting for Xu Feng to reply, he turned around and left the room. On the way, he Closed the bamboo door of the room.

"Qingshui, this slogan is really unpleasant..." Xu Feng pouted, turned around and put on the Taoist robe on the bedside.

"Hey, this is still a magic weapon!" Xu Feng stroked the Taoist robe on his body, with a look of surprise on his face. This Taoist robe turned out to be a magic-level equipment, with three skills attached to it.

"Cleaning Technique", "Dust Removal Technique", "Invigorating Technique"

The Cleansing Technique can clean the wearer's body, similar to taking a bath. The Dusting Technique cleans the robe itself and keeps it clean at all times. After cleaning, it looks like it has been ironed without wrinkles. The Uplifting Technique can make the wearer's mood rise. Looks very energetic.

Three very practical little spells, which are pretty good for a Taoist boy.

Putting on his Taoist robe, Xu Feng was about to leave the wooden house. He heard from the previous Taoist boy that the owner of his place, the man whom the Taoist boy called "Master", was going to hold a sacrificial ceremony. Xu Feng and the previous Taoist boy were responsible for the ceremony. Place the sacrificial vessel.

Just when Xu Feng was about to open the door and leave, he suddenly realized that the simple bamboo door seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious force and could not be opened at all, unlike the Taoist boy before who easily pushed the bamboo door open.

At this moment, the whole wooden house suddenly shook violently, as if something huge had fallen down, causing a shock wave.

The dust on the roof fell, slowly dancing in the sunlight that filtered through the cracks in the wooden wall. After a while, the dust seemed to be attached to a mysterious force and condensed together, forming lines of fonts in front of Xu Feng's eyes. ;
"Apostle Xu Feng, welcome to the secret world where the fragments of the avenue evolve!"

"You have a preset identity in this world, and relevant memories and experiences will be automatically loaded into your mind. This memory and experience will not have any impact on your original memory. After you leave this world, the memories and experiences will be automatically loaded into your mind. The experience will lie dormant in your subconscious in the depths of your consciousness!”

"Congratulations, Apostle Xu Feng, for entering the secret realm of the avenue, triggering the identity sublimation trial, and completing the trial. Your identity will be upgraded from a transcendent to a loose immortal!"

"Advancing to the Loose Immortal will allow you to be recognized by the Great Dao of the Upper Realm, your luck value will be increased by a thousand points, and your luck halo will be upgraded to a luck moral halo! You will get an opportunity to bathe the gods in the Dao, and you will have a certain chance of changing yourself. Heel!"

"The system detects that you triggered the identity sublimation trial, and the main mission has changed! The current main mission is to complete the sublimation trial. Do you accept it? Yes/No! Note: If you choose not to accept it, it means rejecting the identity sublimation trial, and the main mission will Change it to the original main mission!”


Xu Feng couldn't believe his eyes. How could he inexplicably trigger an identity sublimation trial?Could it be said that my status as an apostle of the lower world is a bit embarrassing?

"After entering the upper realm, I did find that many disciples in the sect were selected from all the worlds in the lower realm. There are very few disciples who are truly born and raised in the upper realm!" Xu Feng thought to himself: "And In the upper realm, the power system seems to be completely different from that on the Blue Star. Before, it was only the first to ninth levels of apostles, and after the breakthrough, they became transcendants. However, in the upper realm, most of them started their power systems from Sanxian..."

In fact, if the identity sublimation trial is not triggered, from what Xu Feng learned about the so-called Loose Immortal, there is almost no difference in strength from that of a Transcendent. They are both titles below the King level. It sounds like there are two sets of power systems, but in fact But it's the same.

Now it seems that there are still essential differences between the two power systems. Judging from the content of the sublimation trial, it is obvious that the identity of the loose immortal is higher than that of the transcendent!
"Accept the mission!" Xu Feng chose to accept without hesitation;
"Congratulations, you have accepted the identity sublimation trial. Please find the key prop to start the sublimation trial within 24 hours, the invitation to the Ginseng Fruit Club!"


These dust-condensed fonts only lasted for 30 seconds in mid-air. The mysterious power that shrouded them disappeared, and the dust could not condense. It suddenly disintegrated and fell toward the floor.

"Qingshui, aren't you up yet? I can't carry these sacrificial vessels alone!" The angry cry of the Taoist boy from before came from outside the house.

Xu Feng vaguely agreed, and then felt a large amount of necessary memories belonging to the original owner begin to pour into his mind like a tide.At this time, Xu Feng's mental power was extremely strong. He only felt his head was slightly stuffy, but there was no other discomfort;

Xu Feng stood there, squinting his eyes for a while to digest these memories, and then tried to push the door again;

This time the bamboo door was pushed open directly, and a bit of coolness hit his face, just like the river breeze in autumn. He was surrounded by rows of simple wooden houses, which looked almost exactly like the wooden house he was in.

Many Taoist boys, like him, were coming out of one wooden house after another and walking hurriedly towards the courtyard ahead;

According to the memory he obtained, Xu Feng followed the crowd and walked towards the front courtyard together with the Taoist boys;

After a while, Xu Feng saw the Taoist boy from before, holding a porcelain vase more than a foot high in his hand, walking cautiously towards the main hall facing the courtyard. When he saw Xu Feng coming out, this man The Taoist boy rolled his eyes at him, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Qingmu, let me help you." Xu Feng smiled slightly, walked forward quickly and said loudly.

Through memory, Xu Feng knew that this Taoist boy's Taoist name was Qingmu, which matched his Taoist name Qingshui.

"Why are you helping me!" Qingmu suddenly became angry and said loudly: "It is your and my task to place the sacrificial vessels. I have already placed five sacrificial vessels, and you just came here. It is obviously me who is helping you!"

"Okay, okay, Qingmu, you are helping me!" Xu Feng said quickly: "The time for the sacrificial ceremony is coming soon, we'd better place the sacrificial vessels quickly."

After Xu Feng finished speaking, he quickly walked to the room where the sacrificial vessels were stored in his memory, picked up a bronze mirror from inside, and walked towards the main hall;

Qing Mu finished placing the porcelain vases and was about to go back and move the last sacrificial vessel, the bronze mirror, with Xu Feng. However, he saw Xu Feng holding a bronze mirror as high as half a person with both hands and walking towards the main hall. He suddenly His expression changed and he ran out in a panic.

"You're crazy. This bronze mirror is forged from deep-sea black copper. It weighs more than 1000 or two hundred kilograms. You and I usually move it here together. Why are you so brave? What if..." Qingmu took action. Helping to move the bronze mirror, he complained softly.

"Don't worry, Qingmu, don't worry about me. I've found that my strength seems to have become much stronger in the past two days..." Xu Feng said with a smile;
"Huh, why am I worried about you? I'm worried that you will break the bronze mirror. When the time comes, you will be implicated and become a flower mud!" Qingmu snorted coldly.

After the two of them placed the bronze mirrors together, Qing Mu took a long breath and rested against a wooden pillar in the hall, while Xu Feng raised his head and looked at the statues in the sacrificial hall;

Seeing that this statue was more than five meters tall, with three heads and six arms, and every face had a ferocious look with a mouth full of fangs, Xu Feng couldn't help but freeze in his heart;
"Senior Brother Qingmu, do you know which deity this statue our master worships is?" Xu Feng couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

In the memory obtained, Xu Feng did not find the name of this god. Taoist boys usually have to do many things, and they are no different from slaves. The Taoist boy named Qingshui that Xu Feng occupied was only here for a few years. For more than three months, I rarely ask about such things.

But Xu Feng found this statue a little strange, and finally couldn't help but ask Qing Mu.

"This is our highest Taoist deity, Taishang Moral Heavenly Lord! Also known as Taishang Laojun!" Qingmu explained in a low voice: "The statue in front of you is the appearance of Taishang Laojun using his magical power of transforming one qi into three pure beings!"

Xu Feng: "..."

"It is clearly a magical power with three heads and six arms. How come Qing Mu said it turned into three pure things in one breath?" Xu Feng looked at the statue in front of him and was speechless. He thought to himself: "And you said that this statue is like the Supreme Lord. I don't know. If Taishang Laojun finds out, will he directly drop a divine thunder to kill you?"


(End of this chapter)

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