Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 957 Sea of ​​Undead

Ginseng fruit is a spiritual fruit of heaven and earth. It can not only increase the life span of a thousand years, but also greatly improve the level of cultivation. However, for the apostle, this effect will only be effective the first time it is eaten. Repeated consumption is ineffective.

Li Shuhuang had eaten a ginseng fruit a long time ago. This time she wanted to participate in the ginseng fruit festival because of the opportunities that might arise at the ginseng fruit festival. She did not take the ginseng fruit to heart. Bai Qingze injured an arm because of him. This ginseng fruit, Even if it was given to Bai Qingze, Li Shuhuang wouldn't feel bad, but the Bone Demon King was too powerful, and Li Shuhuang was not confident that he would be able to get the invitation.

Therefore, the cure is guaranteed, return to the sect, and exchange your sect contribution for a healing pill;
After hearing this, Bai Qingze breathed a sigh of relief. He originally wanted to persuade Li Shuhuang to give up the invitation from the White Bone Demon King, but when he thought that the ginseng fruit at the ginseng fruit party would belong to him, he couldn't say anything to persuade him.

"Senior sister, be careful." Bai Qingze comforted casually, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the valley;
Li Shuhuang took a deep breath and looked towards the White Bone Cave not far away. She vaguely felt that if she did not defeat the White Bone Demon King and win the invitation this time, her Taoist heart might be damaged and she would have inner demons. I am afraid that my cultivation will never improve from now on.

Thinking of this, Li Shuhuang gritted her teeth and walked towards the Bone Cave without hesitation.

At this time, in the White Bone Cave, the White Bone Demon King, who was burned by the flames of the glazed palace lantern, stumbled back to the cave. In his cave, an altar dozens of meters high made entirely of bones stood. In the cave.

Various bones are also scattered around the Bone Altar. From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​bones.

When everyone rushed into the Bone Cave, they were shocked by the scene before them. Most of the layers of bones were human skeletons. With so many bones, the number of humans killed by this Bone Demon King was at least one hundred thousand!
The rabbit dies and the fox grieves, everything harms its own kind. No matter how powerful the apostles are, they will never forget that they are originally a member of the human race. Seeing this scene in front of them, the hearts of all the apostles burned with anger!

Hundreds of apostles yelled out such a word in unison, and cast various spells one after another. The beams of light flying like petals gathered together like flowing water and rushed towards the Demon King.The Bone Demon King sneered, and the spear in his hand instantly transformed into a staff. As he swung it, a black energy wave burst out, defeating all the attacks like flying flowers and flowing water.

On the Bone Altar, countless energies surged up from the bottom, quickly repairing the injuries on the Bone Demon King. The originally seriously injured Bone Demon King quickly returned to his peak condition under the treatment of the Bone Altar.

"Wake up, my army of the undead!" The Bone Demon King let out a low roar, and countless ghost figures flew out of its body, howling and flying towards the layers of bones under the Bone Altar;

After a while, the layers of bones under the Bone Altar began to slowly squirm, as if there were waves on the sea;
Soon, everyone heard the sound of clicking and clicking bones. In the sea of ​​bones under the Bone Altar, countless bones attracted each other, forming a large number of bone monsters. Some of these monsters were very tall, reaching seven or eight meters. Tall, some are short in stature, only a little over one meter tall, some have two heads, some have more than a dozen arms, with different shapes, looking weird and intrusive.

A moment later, thousands of white-bone monsters appeared in front of everyone. There were so many that some monsters were even piled on top of each other, and some even used their hands and feet to climb up the rock walls around and above the cave.

Seeing this scene, the anger that just surged up in everyone was like a bucket of cold water being poured down, extinguished in an instant, and was replaced by deep fear!
Tens of thousands of undead bones roared at the crowd. At the same time, the aura of these undead bones also increased rapidly at a terrifying speed. After a while, all the undead bones had broken through to the level of loose immortals;

At this moment, even Xu Feng was shocked. This Bone Demon King was only at the peak of King-level strength, but he could control tens of thousands of Bone Undead who were cultivated as immortals. How was this possible?

"If this Bone Demon King is in the lower realm, I'm afraid he can destroy a whole world with his own power!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The group of apostles turned around and ran away without saying a word, while the skeletal undead behind them rushed toward everyone like a tide;

At this time, Xu Feng was like a rock. Even though the apostles around him fled the White Bone Cave in panic, the apostles who passed by Xu Feng all looked at Xu Feng with surprised eyes. They all thought that Xu Feng was here. Feng was frightened, his legs were too weak to move.

After a while, all the apostles fled the Bone Cave Mansion, leaving Xu Feng alone to face tens of thousands of bones and undead with the cultivation of loose immortals! "Giggle, little guy, they all ran away, why didn't you run away?" The voice of the Bone Demon King suddenly turned into a charming female voice and sounded in Xu Feng's ears: "Are you already so scared that your legs are weak? Can’t move anymore?”

"Oh, is this just rubbish?" Xu Feng looked at the layers of bones and undead in front of him, with a disdainful smile on his face.

When Xu Feng saw countless human skeletons in the White Bone Cave Mansion, he had already sentenced the White Bone Demon King to death in his heart. Originally, he only planned to get an invitation from it and leave, but now, he wants to save the lives of these trillions of human beings. revenge!

"Trash?" The Bone Demon King smiled coquettishly, and then sternly said: "Kill him!"

In an instant, countless bones and undead souls rushed towards Xu Feng, looking as if they were going to cut Xu Feng into pieces.

Xu Feng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. In an instant, a huge vortex of waves appeared at the feet of countless bones and undead. This black vortex of waves was more than a hundred meters in diameter. Its terrifying suction force caused all objects within a 200-meter radius to twitch. This unstoppable momentum is sucked towards the center of the vortex!

The whirlpool disaster!

This is a skill named after a natural disaster, and it is also the most powerful group attack spell that Xu Feng has mastered. After being integrated into the "Eternal Devouring Technique", the whirlpool natural disaster mutated again, and combined with the calamity power, it has unlimited Improved capabilities.

one, two, three...

As the first ice vortex appeared, one black vortex after another filled the entire White Bone Cave. Tens of thousands of the Bone Undead had no resistance at all in the face of this natural disaster and could only watch helplessly. His newly assembled body was dragged into the center of the vortex, and the sharp-edged ice in the vortex was twisted into powder.

In just a few seconds, countless white-bone undead were killed by Xu Feng alone. When the whirlpool natural disaster slowly dissipated, the entire cave was completely emptied, leaving only a dozen white-bone undead less than one meter in size. The fish that slipped through the net ran towards the direction of the Bone Altar as if out of fear!

This scene made Lady White Bones, who was sitting on the Bone Altar, tremble with rage. Even if the White Bones Undead were broken into pieces, they could be reunited countless times as long as Lady White Bones was around. However, Xu Feng's whirlpool natural disasters were like pieces of paper. The huge mouth swallowed all the bones of the undead without leaving any residue. How could Madam Bones create such an army?

"You deserve to die!" Mrs. Bones screamed, and the bone staff in her hand turned into a bone spear again, and she threw it towards Xu Feng.

For a moment, Xu Feng felt as if he was locked. It seemed that no matter how he dodged, the spear would eventually pierce his chest!

"Hey, mental locking?" A look of surprise appeared on Xu Feng's face. Ever since he became a transcendent and possessed the cultivation of Sanxian, this kind of mental locking skills can no longer lock him. But now, Xu Feng Feng actually felt locked again, which made him even more curious about Madam Bone's bone spear.


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