Chapter 976
The Glazed True Fire Star Lamp is a great treasure, and it is also a treasure that Xu Feng can exert its full power. Not to mention that Xu Feng is just a transcendent, even an emperor-level powerhouse like Song Xinghe can Never owned a great treasure.

Xu Feng originally just watched the will of the small thousand world in the labyrinth lose to Song Xinghe. With the same hatred, he temporarily transferred the control of the Liuli True Fire Star Lamp to the will of the great road in the small thousand world. Now that the battle is over, this small thousand world With his great will, he didn't even send back the Liuli True Fire Star Lamp.

For a moment, Xu Feng laughed angrily. The Dao Will of this small world is really a dog. If he didn't help it, it would never be Song Xinghe's opponent. He can be said to be its savior. But now, Not only did it not thank Xu Feng, it actually wanted to take Xu Feng's great treasure, the Glazed True Fire Star Lamp as its own. This was simply ungrateful.

"Originally I wanted to wait until I reach the peak of the Emperor Level to devour you and use it as an opportunity to advance, but I didn't expect that you are seeking death on your own now!" Xu Feng raised his head and looked at the thick fog that was constantly billowing above his head, with a look of emotion on his face. A look that looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Come back!" Xu Feng shouted towards the sky;
Even if he hands over the control of the True Fire Star Lamp, the core of the Star Lamp, the Law of Fire, is integrated into it by Xu Feng!
Deng, the will of the Great Dao of Xiaoqian World can be controlled, but the Law of True Fire inside is completely subordinate to Xu Feng's will;
In the rolling fog, a thunder suddenly sounded, and half of the sky suddenly lit up with a dark red, just like the flaming clouds at sunset;
Xu Feng could clearly feel a resistance that refused him to take back the Star Lamp. Unfortunately, it could stop the lamp, but it could not stop the flame in the lamp;

At this time, in the center of the Liuli True Fire Star Lamp, a fist-sized flame was constantly hitting the lamp wall of the Star Lamp, as if it wanted to break out of the constraints of the lamp wall;

At the same time, the entire glazed true fire star lantern was trembling violently, as if there were two invisible hands wrestling, both trying to compete for the control of this palace lantern!
After a moment, Xu Feng frowned and a ferocious look appeared on his face. The core of the star lantern was imprinted with his spiritual imprint. Theoretically, he was the real owner of this palace lantern, and he only temporarily lent it to others. Wanting to take it back should have been just a thought.

But the gap in strength between him and the Dao Will in this labyrinth world is too big. It's like in the real world, you lend a treasure to a person whose strength and status are very different from yours, and the other person falls in love with it. As for your treasure, the possibility of you getting it back from him is also very low.

After being in a stalemate for a stick of incense, Xu Feng finally discovered that if the great will of this maze of small worlds did not let go, it would be difficult for him to take back the palace lantern. Even if he could fully control the law of fire in the palace lantern, the palace lantern would not be able to regain control of the palace lantern. The meaning of its existence is to store the fire, and at the same time restrain the fire to prevent the flames from spilling out of the lamp. Coupled with the huge power gap between Xu Feng and the Dao Will of this Little Thousand World, it turned out that the true power of Xu Feng, the palace lantern. Master, there is no way to take back the palace lantern!
This is a treasure of the highest level of the Great Dao. With it, Xu Feng can crush the vast majority of king-level experts with the strength of a loose immortal. If it were not for his mediocre defensive powers, Xu Feng could even cultivate as a loose immortal. Fight a few moves against an emperor-level powerhouse head-on.

How could such a treasure be taken away so easily by the great will of this small world!
"If I can't get it back, I would rather destroy it than let it be snatched away by you in vain!" Xu Feng gritted his teeth, his face full of anger, and he looked like he would rather have the jade broken than the whole thing, and roared in a low voice.

"Explode!" Xu Feng let out a low roar. In an instant, the law of fire in the True Fire Star Lamp suddenly changed from violent collision to stillness. The next moment, violent fluctuations burst out from the flames;

The deafening roar resounded throughout the entire maze world. This was a great treasure that self-destructed. Even if the palace lantern has the ability to bind the fire inside, this is the law of true fire. Once it self-destructs, the power of the explosion will be hundreds and thousands of times more. How could it be bound by a palace lantern?

Before the Dao Will of this small world could react, the glazed true fire star lantern exploded completely, and the palace lantern instantly turned into powder. At the same time, all the power generated by the self-destruction of the true fire law was released. ;Click, click~
A series of shattering sounds suddenly sounded in the sky. In the surging fog, large pieces of glass-like sky fell from the sky. Under friction with the air, the sky fragments began to burn violently, trailing long tail flames like meteorites. Countless flame marks were drawn in the air;
Immediately afterwards, countless dark golden raindrops splashed down from the sky, instantly turning into a downpour, spreading all over the entire maze world!
All the maze creatures felt an inexplicable sadness in their hearts, as if their parents had passed away, their best friends had parted, and could never see each other again, or their favorite and most precious items were broken and could not be repaired...

Tears flowed down involuntarily, sadness welled up in my heart, but specifically why they were sad, all the maze creatures looked confused...

The sorrow of the avenue!

Xu Feng looked at the dark golden rain all over the sky and couldn't help but snorted coldly;
In the original battle with Song Xinghe, the will of the Great Dao in this maze of small thousand worlds had been severely injured. The self-destruction of the Supreme Treasure of the Dao, the Glazed True Fire Star Lamp, became the last straw to crush it. The Dao Will, which had been seriously injured, gave it a final blow, completely ruining it.

This dark golden rain all over the sky is the blood shed by the great will of this small world;
But at this time, Xu Feng had lost contact with the Star Lamp, and he suddenly felt lost;
However, at this moment, Xu Feng suddenly discovered that the two small ginseng fruit trees in his secret realm looked a little sluggish because they had just been transplanted. However, when he was dripping with the blood of Dao Will, these two small ginseng fruit trees inexplicably came to him. Conveys a sense of joy and excitement;

The power of the domain was unleashed, and Xu Feng saw that in the domain, a small ginseng fruit tree and a small netherworld ginseng fruit tree had not only completely taken root in the void, and no longer needed the chaotic aura of the chaotic unicorn beast to assist their growth, even the trees The fruits above are all ripe and can be picked immediately.

"What is going on? Could it be that the blood of the great avenue can also accelerate the growth of spiritual plants?" Xu Feng frowned slightly, looked at the spiritual plants in the secret realm, and wondered in his heart: "But why are purple jade grapes and ice marrow The flat peach has not changed..."

Although he couldn't understand it, Xu Feng began to expand the secret realm as much as possible, constantly absorbing the dark golden avenue blood. As the avenue blood continued to merge into the secret realm, Xu Feng suddenly discovered that his secret realm seemed to be slowly... It is slowly changing, becoming more vivid and energetic, and even the concentration of spiritual energy is rapidly increasing. Various laws, in addition to the four laws of earth, water, fire and wind that Xu Feng has mastered, other laws are also following. The blood of the avenue is slowly integrated into Xu Feng's secret realm!
"My secret realm seems to be advancing towards the Cave Heaven Paradise. Although there is still a long way to go before the Small Thousand Worlds, if I can advance to the Cave Heaven Paradise, losing a great treasure does not seem to be a big loss!" Xu Feng I couldn't help but secretly thought.


(End of this chapter)

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