Xu Feng followed the map and walked straight towards the area with the book symbols. He didn't know that a large number of monks had already poured into this maze of small worlds, but the will of the great world in this small world was blocked by Xu Feng. Feng was killed, and the remains of the great avenue fell into his hands. Even if others discovered this small world, they would not be able to integrate it into the portable secret realm.

Another half hour passed, and now it was less than an hour before the last guiding light beam appeared on the invitation. A wide area appeared in front of Xu Feng. This area was many times wider than the previous block. Not only did it There was a mountain forest, and even a snow-capped mountain in the distance. A clear stream flowed out from under the feet, crossed the plain, and flowed into a lake.

Around the lake, many low thatched houses were built. These numerous thatched houses formed a village. Many monsters that looked exactly like the previous patroller were living here. These monsters had faces, shapes, and labyrinths. The Ranger is exactly the same, except that the height is less than half of the Ranger, only about 1.3 meters tall. He looks no different from an eight or nine-year-old child.

"Could this be the tribe of the Maze Ranger?" Xu Feng looked at the hundreds of short monsters in front of him and couldn't help but thought to himself.

When Xu Feng saw these monsters, they also discovered Xu Feng. The moment they saw Xu Feng, these short monsters all panicked, screamed, and ran towards the village;

Xu Feng came here because there was a book pattern marked here on the map. He felt that there should be some kind of magical power here, so he came to explore it. He didn't want to cause more killings. After all, any maze natives he killed now would only drop items. , and there is no law for him to understand.

These short monsters were of low strength. Even if they were all killed, they would probably not be able to produce any valuable items. They scattered and fled, which was more to Xu Feng's liking and allowed him to save time to explore this area.

However, after running a few steps, these monsters all stopped. Their eyes began to glow red, and they shouted: "Kahama!" They suddenly transformed into warriors who were not afraid of death and rushed towards Xu Feng. Come over.

Xu Feng frowned slightly and thought to himself: "The great will of this small world has fallen. Why can it still affect these maze natives?"

Xu Feng is the enemy of the Great Dao in this Little Thousand World. As long as he appears in front of the natives of this Little Thousand World, he will make them regard them as enemies, even if they die together. This is the will of the Great Dao towards the natives of the Little Thousand World to which he belongs. Influence, regardless of whether the Great Will exists or not, this influence will always exist.

These monsters, which were [-]% similar to the Rangers, rushed toward Xu Feng like a tide. Xu Feng frowned slightly, glanced at their sharp claws, and couldn't help but snorted: "A bunch of rabble!"

If these monsters can also have the ability of the Rangers and can release purple lightning balls, Xu Feng will definitely turn around and leave without saying a word. But now, although there are many of these monsters, their strength is simply not comparable to the Rangers, and their attacks can only rely on With sharp claws and sharp teeth, it is no different from a wild beast. Xu Feng will not take such an enemy seriously.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!" Xu Feng looked indifferent, and with a thought, countless talismans appeared out of thin air. As Xu Feng controlled them, these talismans turned into lightning and blasted towards these monsters;


How could these monsters, who were at the beginning of the Sanxian level at most, resist the Zixiao divine thunder talisman? One talisman at a time. Dozens of monsters that rushed up in an instant were hit by the divine thunder. They let out a burst of shrill screams and finally collapsed. He was a ball of charcoal and died tragically on the spot.

If it were any other creature, seeing all the companions around them die tragically, they would be frightened and run away immediately, wishing they had two more legs. However, these monsters in front of them seemed to be blinded, and they simply ignored the companions around them being killed by Zixiao Shen. Lei Bang died, and they all rushed towards Xu Feng without fear of death;

"The influence of the will of the Great Dao is too deep..." Xu Feng frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but the movements of his hands did not stop. Zixiao divine thunder talismans continued to emerge, turning into streaks of thunder. , blasted towards these monsters; in less than half a stick of incense, hundreds of monsters were killed by Xu Feng, turning into charred corpses on the ground. Looking at the charred corpses in front of him, Xu Feng couldn't help but frown, Some trophies cannot emerge by themselves. They have to do it by themselves, searching from the monster's corpse, just like the fog crystal core. Just looking at the charred corpses in front of him, Xu Feng didn't want to do anything for a moment.

"Forget it, the strength of these monsters is low. Even if there are trophies, I'm afraid they won't be of much value. It's better to look for possible magical books as soon as possible. I don't have much time left..." Xu Feng thought to himself and walked towards the village ahead. go; go;

The existence of the Maze Small Thousand World was originally known to only a few people who entered the White Bone Demon King's cave, but later it spread more and more widely. After all, such news is difficult to conceal. In the end, the apostles who almost entered the White Bone Demon King's territory, Everyone knew of its existence, and all of a sudden, they all swarmed towards this small world;

"It's really a small world, it's really a small world..."

For a moment, everyone's eyes flickered, and a trace of greed surged in their hearts. This is a Small Thousand World, which even an emperor-level powerhouse would covet. As long as you have it, you can become the master of a world. In this way, Few people can resist the temptation.

"No, no, this is a world of death!" Someone suddenly shouted, seeming to have noticed something, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"What, the world of death? Old Ghost Mu, please tell me clearly, what is going on?" Someone recognized the yelling man and couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Don't you even know what the world of death is?" The monk, who looked to be between 60 and [-] years old and was called Mu Laogui, sneered: "The great will of this small world has fallen and has no value for integration. Unless we can wait any longer, Thousands of years, wait until it gives birth to the will of the great road on its own again..."

"Death world!" For a moment, everyone's eyes showed disappointment. The will of the great road fell, and all the laws contained in the small world can no longer be revealed. This small world has no value and can only be regarded as a big world. Explore the secret place.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that we are too late!" Some people beat their chests. This kind of opportunity does not come often. Even if you can't use it now, you will get a lot of rewards if you report it to the sect. But if it is just a dead world, you will not report it. It’s valuable!

At this moment, deep in the maze, a golden light pillar suddenly appeared and shot straight into the sky. Even the thick fog could not cover it. Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw this golden light pillar.

"Xu Feng actually hid in this maze of small worlds. The fall of the Great Will in this world may be related to him. He may even have relics from the fall of the Great Will in his hands!" Someone shouted excitedly.

For a moment, everyone who was originally disappointed became excited, and they all jumped up and flew towards the location of the golden light pillar in the mist;


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