Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 99 The Kobold Mine

Chapter 99 The Kobold Mine

Xu Feng stepped into the secret realm of the "Kobold Mine", thinking about Zhao Ruhai's mission, he suddenly had a feeling of changing history.

"In the previous life, Zhao Ruhai didn't complete this task, and passed by the superimposed forging technique. If I can help him complete it in this life, is it possible for his forging technique to break through to the master level?" Xu Feng thought to himself.

Occupations are divided into combat occupations and life occupations. Only by locking life occupations as the main promotion occupations can it be possible to advance occupations to masters or even higher.

If one only regards life occupations as sideline jobs, it is like Xu Feng's drawing talisman and paper-making people skills. The highest skill level can only reach perfection, and he will never be able to break through to master.

Xu Feng entered the gate of the secret realm, and the familiar feeling of weightlessness flooded his heart again.This feeling will make the apostle feel very uncomfortable after entering the secret realm, and he has to rest for a few minutes every time he enters the secret realm. This feeling of discomfort will only be relieved when his physical attributes break through [-] points.

[Level [-] Secret Realm "Kobold Mine" opens...]

【Ding!The system detects that the zero-level apostle Xu Feng entered the secret realm for the first time, and the main task starts to be automatically generated...]

[Secret Difficulty: C Grade]

[Type: Multiplayer (Normal Level)]

[Main task 1: Kobold candles, the kobolds living in the mines, always like to carry some candles made of human fat, kill them, snatch the candles from them, and teach them a lesson!Quest Item, Kobold Candle: 0/30. 】

[Main task 2: Explore the secret realm, explore the unknown area in the secret realm, the current exploration rate is 0%]

[Main task 3: Mining ore, dig a piece of any ore with a purity of 15 or more in the secret realm, the higher the quality, the higher the evaluation after completing this task. 】

[Submission 1: Cruel Overseer, Kobold Overseer Ruert’s favorite thing to do is to whip the kobold miners, and he never tires of it. Many kobold miners died because they couldn’t bear this kind of torture, and the miners echoed with dog heads every day. Human Miner's Curse "Kill it, we'd rather die with it!".Would you like to help these kobold miners get their wish?Quest item, Kobold Overseer Luert's head: 0/1 (This mission has not been completed, it will not affect the customs clearance evaluation!)]

[Remarks: This secret realm contains rich ore resources. The time limit for the first entry is 8 hours, and you can re-enter after that, and the time limit for each time is 12 hours. After 12 hours, you will not be able to enter the secret realm again in the next 72 hours! 】

All the information above will be stored in the Apostolic Seal, and you can access it at any time from the Apostolic Seal. If you have any questions, you can also seek answers from the Apostolic Seal at any time.


Xu Feng's eyes flickered, a feeling of dizziness hit him, and there was a loud voice in his ear, and the turbid air made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

After getting used to it a bit, Xu Feng opened his eyes. In the dark mine, there was a lot of voices. In a short distance of more than 100 meters, there were hundreds of people wielding pickaxes to mine. Ore with very low purity, these ores are almost worthless, similar to ordinary stones, and it is estimated that only apprentice-level blacksmiths will use them to practice their hands.

"There is someone here, thank you!"

"There's no room, there's no room, go inside, it's still empty..."

Some apostles who were digging at the door saw the pickaxes stuck in Xu Feng's backpack, and thought that Xu Feng had also come in to mine, and they shouted loudly before he approached.

Xu Feng smiled slightly, and walked in.

When entering a secret realm for the first time, most of them will have an exploration mission. For secret realms with low difficulty, this mission is simply giving away apostle experience for nothing.

There are many passages in the mine, which are densely packed like spider webs. When encountering this situation, novice apostles will easily take repeated wrong paths, resulting in spending too much time.

The time to complete the main task for the first time is only eight hours. If you spend too much time on the exploration task, other tasks may not be completed.

At that time, if the main task fails, they will either stay in the mine forever and cannot get out, or they will be driven out of the mine and lose a chance to gain apostle experience.

Judging from Xu Feng's experience, the difficulty is only C-level zero-level secret realm, and the punishment for failing the main mission is very likely to just drive people out and lose a chance to gain apostle experience.

Every time Xu Feng walked through a fork in the road, he would carve a mark on the stone that only he could understand. This is a set of pathfinding symbols developed by Xu Feng himself. A three-dimensional virtual map was formed in Xu Feng's mind.

In fact, in the previous life, every apostle had a set of methods to quickly complete the task of exploring the map before obtaining the function of the secret map. This kind of small skill will naturally be summed up after entering more secrets.

It only took Xu Feng more than half an hour to explore all the passages and pits in the entire mine. On the one hand, it was because he had his own symbol marking system, and on the other hand, it was also because of the information given to him by the City Guards Office. The topographic map of the first and second floors of the mine is described in detail above, and it is naturally very quick to explore according to the map.

"Although I know that this map cannot be fake, I still feel a little uneasy, hehe, I'm really sick!" Xu Feng shook his head in his heart and smiled wryly.

In his previous life, Xu Feng had always been a lone wolf. After suffering a few losses, he would be skeptical about everything. This skeptical spirit has been deeply imprinted in Xu Feng's bones, and it may be difficult to change it in a while.

After exploring the entire first floor of the mine, Xu Feng did not find a single kobold miner. Looking around, they were all zero-level apostles for mining, and there were hundreds of them in number. Xu Feng's face suddenly became ugly.

"It's troublesome. There are too many apostles mining here. As soon as the monsters are spawned, they will kill them. It seems that we have to compete with them." Xu Feng thought to himself.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Feng prepared to go to the second floor of the mine, where the area is smaller and there will be fewer people. After all, the Kobold Overseer will refresh there, and its strength is still very strong. It is difficult for the zero-level apostle to be its opponent .

Moreover, Zhao Ruhai's mission item is also on the second floor of the mine. According to the coordinates, the place where the mission item is buried is very close to the place where the kobold supervisor refreshed.

Just when Xu Feng was about to step into the second floor of the mine, a wild laugh suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hahaha, mithril ore with a purity of 12, you've made a fortune, you've made a fortune!"

Looking back, a miner's apostle held an irregular piece of ore in his hand. The silver-gray ore was dotted with faint luster, which looked like a naturally formed work of art.

"Hey, it's really mithril ore. The purity is average. This piece of ore costs at least 10 yuan!"

"One hundred thousand is a bit low. Go out and find a blacksmith and sell it, at least 15. But if you want to sell it here, it will probably be lower!"

The surrounding miners and apostles looked at the man enviously, but in this mine, this kind of thing is not uncommon. Many people have dug out high-purity ore, which is why so many zero-level apostles are willing to run away. The reason for mining here.

Xu Feng smiled. He had this kind of experience before, and it was one of the few happy experiences in his previous life.

Glancing at the lucky guy, Xu Feng walked towards the second floor of the mine. The second he left the first floor of the mine, dozens of kobold miners appeared out of thin air. These kobold miners, left-handed Holding a red candle and waving a short iron pickaxe in his right hand, he rushed towards the apostles who were mining.


(End of this chapter)

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