Chapter 59 Misunderstanding
Looking down at the boy named Chen Sheng, Zhao Ying nodded lightly.

"So, you can follow me from now on—"

Chen Sheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately stood behind Zhao Ying with joy, with his chest raised and his head raised, Gu Pan was in high spirits, quite proud.

Many of the children around had envious looks in their eyes.

Zhao Ying became more confident in his heart.

"I have been formally appointed by His Majesty as the champion general. If anyone is willing to follow me, you can come here to sign up with Chen Sheng before sunset today..."

Having said that, Zhao Ying paused for a moment.

"This time, I only want young people over the age of fourteen..."

As for the remuneration conditions that he originally planned to talk about, he didn't mention a word.

The change in mentality made him very calm now. He came here not to beg people to follow him, but to give them a chance.

This can be regarded as the first step of screening.

"If you are able to read and write, or other conditions are particularly good, you can relax the conditions appropriately..."

Having said that, Zhao Ying turned his head and ordered Chen Sheng.

"You stay here to find someone, I will call someone to help you later..."


Chen Sheng clasped his fists violently, his expression excited.

No, wouldn't this be a job in charge!

Zhao Ying found Xiong and Jing who were accompanying him this time, and asked them to bring a few officials accompanying the First Emperor to help him register his information.

Soon, a row of tables were set up in the Martial Arts Field, and several majestic officials in black official uniforms sat there upright.

At this time, many old people in the village who were still skeptical were convinced that the young man just now was really the grandson of the emperor, Zhao Ying, and that the grandson of the emperor really wanted to recruit soldiers in his village!

Many people were moved.

After all, in the Qin Dynasty, unless you were physically disabled, all adult men could not avoid military service.The same is a soldier, why not follow the emperor's eldest grandson?

As a result, many people began to move their minds and began to gather in the martial arts field.


Inside the living room.

The patriarchs of the three clans who were chatting with the first emperor and various old people in charge couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing the news.

They didn't expect that the eldest grandson of the emperor, who had made a lot of noise recently, would bypass them without humming or haha, and secretly recruit soldiers in the village.

"Your Majesty, the young master's move may not be appropriate..."

The old patriarch of the Meng family, with a dark and thin face and wrinkled forehead like cracked old bark, sighed, stood up tremblingly, and cupped his hands to the first emperor.

If it was an ordinary family, it would be a good thing for the children to follow the emperor's eldest grandson, at least it would be more promising than being an ordinary leader in the county, but I am not.

My family belongs to the majestic Mengxibai clan!
Although he is now down and out, it is also a symbol. If he sits back and watches the children of the clan join the emperor's eldest grandson, it will be tantamount to standing in the national battle!
"I am old, I only know that there is His Majesty in my heart..."

Xi Qihong also stood up with a wry smile, and respectfully bowed deeply to Emperor Shi Huang.Only Bai Fen, the patriarch of the Bai clan, looked at Shi Huangdi who was sitting there calmly, with some hesitation in his expression.

The First Emperor calmly glanced at the tense-looking elders of the Mengxi and Bai tribes and several old patriarchs, suddenly smiled, and waved his hands lightly.

"Your loyalty, of course, I know very well. The children are just looking for a few playmates, why should you be so nervous, and sit here, and have a good talk with me..."

As soon as Shi Huang's words came out, several elders of the clan who had already sneaked to the door had to back away embarrassingly.

Obviously, Emperor Shihuang wanted to stand up for that young master.

For the now declining Mengxibai clan, they don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.However, if they had a choice, they really didn't want to take this muddy water.

The Mengxi and Bai tribes really can't stand any big storms anymore.

At this time, Zhao Ying didn't know the quiet and undercurrent of the little story behind it, he left Xiong to help Chen Sheng, and he walked around in shock to check.

Traveling to this era, he really hasn't looked carefully at the rural houses of this era.

I saw that many houses did not have gates or walls, and occasionally there were only sparse fences, or a low and ruined earth wall.However, without exception, there are several mulberry trees planted in front of the yard, which is completely different from the farmhouses of later generations.

At the back of the yard, most of them are family latrines. What surprised him was that the bottom of many people's latrines turned out to be pig pens!
He even saw with his own eyes a pig that was so thin that its hair was blown up, gnawing on some yellow and white things, which made his heart churn for a while, so he couldn't spit it out.

At this moment, he deeply understood why the ancients, especially the rich people in ancient times, hated eating pork so much, saying that pork is a dirty thing.

What is the question of whether this is fishy or not?
It is such a method of feeding pigs that ordinary people may not be able to eat it in a leisurely manner.

Of course, poor people who are so poor that they can't see oil and water all year round have no choice.

"Young man, but passing by, I'm thirsty and want to ask for a glass of water. You're welcome, just come in and sit down..."

Probably seeing Zhao Ying standing in front of his courtyard for a long time, under the eaves of the main room, an old man was weaving a straw mat, mistakenly thought that he wanted to ask for water, but he was a little afraid to speak.He stopped what he was doing and smiled at him honestly.

Immediately, he turned around and called his wife in the house to fetch water.

"Then bother the old man..."

Zhao Ying gave Jing a look, and walked in with Jing.

At this time, an old woman in a shabby brown dress came out from behind the door with a kind face and a ladle of cold water.The water scoop has obviously been used for some years, and it was cut in half and sewn together with needlework.

"Thank you old man..."

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Ying casually turned over a small square stool on the ground and started talking with the old man.

The old man was very enthusiastic and unsuspecting. Zhao Ying soon learned that the old man had three sons, one died in Chu, the other died in Qi, and the youngest son went hunting in the mountains some time ago. I broke my leg, and now I'm going to the next village to ask for medicine...

When talking about these tragic pasts, the old man's face was very calm, as if he was telling some other people's stories.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

When later generations read history, I only feel soul-stirring, admiring the great foresight of the first emperor, why have they ever paid attention to the trauma caused by war to these ordinary people?
Thinking of another war that might come soon, Zhao Ying's eyes couldn't help but get a little heavy.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly heard the snoring of the little piglet coming from the pigsty behind him, and he couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

"Old man, I heard that there seem to be a few little piglets in your backyard. I don't know if you are willing to part with them. I am willing to accept them at a high price..."

As soon as she heard that the piglets were accepted at a high price, the old woman was obviously moved, and wanted to agree, but was glared back by her old man.

"Young master, you may not know that this pork is fishy and smelly. A nobleman like you is not used to eating it. It is useless for you to buy this. Although my Xiqi family has fallen, I can't cheat people. ..."

When Zhao Ying heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Thank you for reminding me, I can save all of these. It's just that I got a prescription from an ancient book, saying that as long as the piglets are castrated, the pigs will become docile and honest, and they will grow up fast and well. It doesn’t smell fishy, ​​so I don’t know if it’s true or not, I just saw you have a little piglet here, so I wanted to buy it and try it..."

The old man looked at him suspiciously.

"Is what you said true?"

Zhao Ying nodded seriously.

After some talking, Zhao Ying successfully bought the eight piglets from the old Xiqig's family. According to his childhood memory, he tried to sterilize these piglets one by one, and then forced them into the house. The old man gave Qin Banliang as a fee to help look after and feed the piglets, and then left in shock.

Until Zhao Ying disappeared from sight with a startled back, the old woman who was holding a heavy Qin Banliang still couldn't believe her eyes.

"Old man, tell me, isn't that young boy just now a little silly--you said, isn't this giving us money for nothing..."

The old man sighed.

"Silly woman, so you can see it too. She was just looking for an excuse to give us money—Young Master is kind, he is a real nobleman..."


"Young master is kind!"

Walking out of the small courtyard not far away, he was shocked silently all the time, and couldn't help sighing sincerely.

"Don't think too much, just do an experiment..."

Zhao Ying waved his hand casually, who knew that just as he finished speaking, he bowed in surprise and seriousness.

"No, I understand!"

Zhao Ying: ...

Forget it, Ai thinks whatever he wants, he doesn't bother to explain, because even if it is an explanation, he can't explain it clearly, just look at the look in his surprised eyes.

I don't know how much drama I added in my heart!
PS: I found it for Chinese medicine and adjusted it today, and it should be able to update normally tomorrow.Thank you all for your continued support even when my update is not enough!Thanks, I have advanced to the fourth round of PK.

(End of this chapter)

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