Chapter 11 Farming
Lin Yi answered very seriously, but Gu Jia and Gu Yi couldn't understand. They were still thinking about which sect Qingshan Mental Hospital was, and why they had never heard of it.

Lin Yi put the eight soul rings on his arms, squatted on the ground, looked at the two of them, and asked curiously: "What were you looking at just now?"

However, Gu Jia and Gu Yi thought that Lin Yi was asking questions.

The two looked at each other, absolutely no one would know that this matter was related to His Majesty the Pope, so the two reached an agreement in an dead!
By chance, they once obtained a special breathing technique, which can enter a state of suspended animation after practicing to a great degree, and automatically regain consciousness after half an hour.

Relying on this breathing technique, they have narrowly escaped death countless times.

Lin Yi blinked, "Why did they die?"

The system reminded: "They are not dead yet."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand, checked their breathing, and corrected, "They're dead."

The system just wanted to refute, but then gave up, "You can do whatever you say!"

Lin Yi turned and left, but returned to the same place after a while, with a shovel in his hand, "The dean said that when people die, they should be buried in the ground, and I will bury them."

The system was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed.

Good to bury!

I'm afraid these two people didn't expect Lin Yi to be a crazy person.

Half an hour later, Lin Yi patted the flat land with a shovel, and returned to the thatched cottage satisfied.

Lin Yi came to Bibi Dong's bed, looked at the sleeping little person, took off the soul ring on his arm, kneaded it together and kneaded it into a ball.

Lin Yi looked at the yellow, purple and purple "elliptical sphere" and was not very satisfied, so he kneaded it for a long time, and the ball finally became a perfect circle.

Lin Yi was satisfied, and then woke up Bibi Dong.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Bibi Dong rubbed her bleary sleepy eyes, and glanced out the window, it's not yet dawn!
Lin Yi said: "Release the soul ring."


Bibi Dong obediently released her martial soul, and immediately after that a circle of soul rings rose from the martial soul.

Lin Yi looked at the yellow ring and compared the size of the ball in his hand, um, it was just right.

So, Lin stuffed the ball into the center of the ring, and Bibi Dong's spirit ring suddenly became solid.


It suddenly discovered that the lifespan of Bibi Dong's spirit ring began to increase crazily, turning into a purple thousand-year spirit ring in an instant, and this improvement has not stopped.

But this is not a good thing for Bibi Dong, her spirit power is only level 18, she can't bear the thousand year spirit ring at all.

Sure enough, Bibi Dong's face turned red, no, her whole body was flushed, even drops of blood oozed out, and she was dizzy.

"Daddy... Daddy, I feel so bad."

The system was also yelling frantically, "Host, think of a way, Bibi Dong will explode!"

If Bibi Dong dies, the mission will fail!
Lin Yi was very calm, he took out a needle from his pocket, "Let me give you two needles in your spirit."

The needle in Lin Yi's hand kept falling, and Bibi Dong's martial soul was riddled with holes in an instant. In the next second, strands of silk threads were separated from the continuously upgrading soul ring and connected to the holes on the martial soul.

Wuhun began to absorb the power of the spirit ring, and Bibidong's pressure dropped sharply.

The system was at a loss, "What is the principle?"

Lin Yi proudly replied: "It's very simple, I made Bibi Dong's martial spirit stronger, so that he can withstand a higher age spirit ring, and my great acupuncture skills are indeed invincible."

This time, the system didn't refute Lin Yi anymore, it found that its host might not be an ordinary person... not just the brain.

The improvement of Bibi Dong's spirit ring finally stopped, and the spirit ring now showed a dark purple color, which meant that the lifespan of the spirit ring was infinitely approaching ten thousand years.

You know, Bibi Dong's spirit power is only level 18.

When Bibi Dong showed her spirit ring in front of outsiders, she would definitely frighten a group of people.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's martial soul has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Bibi Dong has twin martial souls, and the martial souls are the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-eating Spider Emperor.

The one that Bibidong added the soul ring to was the Death Spider Emperor. At this moment, the Death Spider Emperor no longer had the appearance when he was awakened. First, under the influence of the first soul ring, he became white, tender, cute, and then Lin Yi's acupuncture Under the irrigation of the spirit ring and the spirit ring, it became extremely huge.

At this moment, the Death Spider Emperor had filled the entire thatched cottage.

Bibi Dong put away her martial soul, and happily jumped into Lin Yi's arms, "Daddy, you are so powerful~"

"Daddy's just a little smarter than everyone else."


Always feel offended.

Under the feedback of the 9000 year spirit ring, Bibi Dong's spirit power has soared all the way, and now she can continue to absorb the next spirit ring, so the system began to urge Lin Yi to continue going to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow.

Lin Yi refused without hesitation.


Lin Yi rubbed his chin, "The meat is enough for a short time, I will plant the land tomorrow."


You are here to do missions, not to farm!

However, if Lin Yi could listen to the system, he wouldn't be Lin Yi.

Early the next morning, Lin Yi went to the field with a hoe on his shoulder. When Lin Yi arrived, the villagers had already started hoeing.

Some people hoe the ground faster than others, because he is not using an ordinary hoe, but his own awakened martial spirit, but because the "hoe martial spirit" is extremely slow in cultivation, it may not be able to reach level 10 in a lifetime, so the hoe Wuhun can only be used to hoe the ground.

Lin Yi looked at this scene thoughtfully.

The system asked fearfully: "Host, what are you thinking?"

"I'm looking for someone to help me hoe."

The system breathed a sigh of relief, then it was all right.

Lin Yi found the villagers who had awakened the hoe martial spirit, and put forward his own conditions, "I will help you cultivate, and you will help me hoe the ground."

The villagers looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, "Can you help us practice?"

"Of course, my daughter has twin spirits."

So the villagers immediately agreed.


Is there any necessary connection between the two?

Lin Yi took out the needles and gave the villagers one by one the needles. The villagers who had been needled joyfully summoned their martial souls to go to Lin Yi's field to hoe the ground, and planted grain by the way.

Half a month later, Lin Yi ran out of snake meat, and he finally planned to go to the Star Dou Forest to find meat to eat.

The system is very pleased.

When setting off, Lin Yi summoned the tractor, and a dozen villagers who had reached level 10 climbed onto the tractor, filled the carriage, and a group of people set off to the Star Forest.


Why is this style of painting a bit weird?

But no matter, the main purpose now is to improve Bibi Dong's strength first, as for the others, it's not important.

"Host, now navigate for you..."

"No, I remember the way."

The system doubted Lin Yi's words, so it stubbornly drew a map in Lin Yi's mind. Lin Yi was also very stubborn, he just didn't follow the map.

So, without any surprise, Lin Yi went astray again...

(End of this chapter)

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