It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 112 The obsession with naming

Chapter 112 The obsession with naming

The car moved forward quickly, and the zombies along the way heard the movement and rushed towards the car like crazy. Because of Lin Yi's S-shaped position, some zombies were thrown into the air, and some were knocked into the air.

Qing Meng hugged Lin Yi's arm cowardly, so his driving route became more elegant.

Half a day later, with an abnormal noise, the vehicle broke down.

Lin got out of the car and looked at the front of the car emitting white smoke. He pondered for a moment, and his face suddenly revealed, "There should be too many zombies, and the car was damaged."

System: "That's not true!"

Lin took the luggage out of the car and prepared to change to another car to continue driving.

Yun Yue said weakly: "Father, can I not drive?"


"Because... because I'm motion sick."

Qing Meng nodded repeatedly.

"All right……"

Lin Yi felt a little regretful, and walked forward with his luggage on his shoulders.

It's almost time for lunch, too.

Lin Yi originally planned to find a place to cook and eat, but he saw a truck speeding past not far away, and then crashed into the door of a shopping mall.

A dense crowd of zombies followed the truck. Seeing that it was about to surround the truck, several people rushed out of the mall and rescued the people on the truck.

The people who rushed out of the mall, and two familiar figures, were Michael and Andre.

Lin Yi decided to stay away from the mall, they have guns, what if they want to clear their dreams?
So Lin Yi turned a corner, away from the shopping mall, then walked into a residential building, cleaned out the zombies inside, and made lunch for Yun Yue and Qing Meng respectively.

During the meal, Yun Yue asked: "Father, when will you and mother have a younger brother or sister?"

Lin Yi thought for a while, "Wait until your mother can speak."

Qing Meng tilted her head, thoughtfully...

After lunch, it suddenly rained outside, Lin Yi could only postpone the departure time, planning to wait for the rain to stop before moving on.

In the middle of the night, Qingmeng suddenly opened her eyes.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the mall, got up from the bed, was about to go out, and came back and put the helmet on her head.


In the mall, Andre chained his wife's limbs to the bed.

He looked at his wife tenderly, "Baby, come on, our baby will be born soon..."

Ruta failed to give birth to the child in the end.

She died in childbirth.

There were no doctors, no medical equipment of any kind, which seemed to be expected.

However, in the next second, Luta turned into a zombie.

Before, she had been scratched by zombies.

The stillborn fetus in her stomach also suddenly moved.

Andre's eyes brightened, and he took out his child, which was a girl.

Her whole body was bluish-white, with only the whites of her eyes. When she saw Andre, she opened her mouth to bite him.

She is also a zombie.

Andre didn't care, he looked at the baby in his arms tenderly, "My child, this is my child..."

At this moment, someone heard the movement and walked in.

The person who came was a middle-aged woman. When she saw Luta who had turned into a zombie, and Andre who was covered in blood, she subconsciously pulled out a pistol.

Andre also took out his gun. He looked at the person coming with a gloomy look, "Do you want to kill Ruta? Do you want to kill my child?"

"She's a zombie."

"No, she is my wife."

The middle-aged woman swallowed, and finally pulled the trigger on Ruta.

Andre also shot at the middle-aged woman without hesitation.

The middle-aged woman wanted to shoot the baby zombie in Andre's arms before she died, but Andre blocked it with her own body.

In the end, Andre, Luta, and the middle-aged woman all died, and the only one who was "alive" was the baby zombie.

When everyone heard the gunshots and rushed over, they couldn't help but tremble slightly when they saw the tragic situation in the room.

Then, they walked towards Andre cautiously, lifted the quilt that wrapped the baby, and saw the baby zombie inside, staring and grinning.

Michael gently closed Andre's eyes, then pointed at the baby, and raised the gun...

A figure suddenly fell from the ventilation duct.

Qing Meng got up from the ground, looked around blankly, then picked up the baby zombie, turned and ran.

A group of people looked at each other blankly.

"who is she?"

"I do not know!"

After a moment of sluggishness, they turned around and chased after them, only to find that Qing Meng's speed was ridiculously fast, not human at all.

At this moment, Michael finally noticed Qing Meng's complexion, which was bluish white like a zombie.

"She's a zombie!"

Michael raised his gun and was about to shoot, but found that the zombie had a helmet on its head...

He is lost.

Will zombies still wear this stuff?

The next morning, Lin Yi opened his eyes and found that Qing Meng was squatting beside the bed, smiling foolishly at him.

"Daughter-in-law, good morning!"

Lin Yi sat up from the bed, and then saw the baby in Qing Meng's arms.

"Whose cub is this?"

Lin Yi fell into deep thought. He remembered that if she simply slept, she would not be able to get pregnant...

He saw the steel helmet next to the bed, with several bullet holes still on it.

"Did you go out last night?"

Qing Meng nodded, then handed the baby to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took the baby and jumped off the bed, "Whoever beats you, I'll beat him again!"

Qing Meng shook her head.

"All right……"

When eating breakfast, Lin Yi felt a little worried.

What should this little one eat?
She can't eat the kidneys either, and she hasn't even grown her teeth...

In the end, Lin Yi fed her two drops of blood.

When the rain stopped, Lin Yituo and his family continued to walk forward. He stopped only at dusk and planned to settle here for a while.

Lin Yi planted the seeds on the roof before making dinner.

After dinner, Lin Yi bathed Qing Meng and the baby one by one. He threw the baby on the table in the room and fell asleep with Qing Meng in his arms.

The next day, Lin Yi woke up and found that the baby who was still in the swaddle yesterday had already crawled today, and was currently gnawing on his fingers with his toothless gums.

As soon as Lin raised his arm, the baby had no teeth, but it was biting tightly, and he brought it up together, hanging in the air, swaying.

"It grows pretty fast..."

Lin Yi came to the living room with the baby, looked at Qing Meng and Yun Yue, "Should we give her a name?"

Qing Meng and Yun Yue nodded.

"How about calling Lin Goudan?"

Qing Meng looked blank, while Yun Yue was dumbfounded, then shook her head again and again.

She doesn't want a younger sister named Lin Goudan!

"What's that name?"

Yun Yue thought hard, racked her brains, tried her best to recall the Chinese characters her father taught her, and then said, "How about calling Lin Yi?"

Dad's surname is Lin, and the word "一" is best written.

Lin Yi said, "My name is Lin Yi."

Yun Yue stuck out her tongue, "Then it's called Lin Er."

"I still think Lin Goudan sounds good."

The system can't listen anymore, none of these three people is reliable.

It suggested: "It's better to call it Lin Jian, anyway, I picked it up."

Lin Yi finally decided to let the baby choose by himself.

He wrote three names on the paper, put them side by side in a row, and said to the baby, "Go and grab one."

Under Lin Yi's expectant eyes, the baby grabbed the paper with the words "Lin Jian" written on it...

(End of this chapter)

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