Chapter 117

"Shuttle World [Battle of the Gods]..."

"God created human beings, but human beings are gradually no longer satisfied with God's rule, and human beings begin to rebel and blaspheme the gods."

"With the help of Hades, the god of the underworld, the gods decided to punish humans."

"Some humans choose to submit, and some humans choose to resist."

"Under war, life seems so cheap."

"Humans toppled the huge statue of the god-king Zeus, the statue collapsed, smashed into the bottom of the sea, and killed the little siren who went to the shore to bask in the sun."


Lin Yi blinked, showing a puzzled expression.

The system gave an affirmative answer, "Host, you guessed right, the little siren that was smashed to death is the mission goal of your world."

Fearing that the host might not understand, the system added, "Of course, you can also think of her as Ni's daughter."

"This mission: save the little siren and raise her up."

The system chuckled, "This task is quite simple..."

Among other things, the host is quite serious about raising children... It's just that it's easy to raise children in a wrong way.

But it's not a big problem, as long as it grows up successfully.

Lin Yi stood on the edge of the cliff, raised his head, and looked at the huge statue in front of him.

The statue is tens of meters high. At this moment, a group of soldiers are struggling to push the statue down.


In Lin Yi's ears, there was a faint humming sound, the voice was clear and rhythmic, like singing.

He came to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

Below, a little one opened her mouth leisurely, completely unaware of the imminent danger, and the voice came from her mouth.

The system said: "The siren's singing is the most beautiful music in the world, and it has a demagogic effect, but it may be because the siren is too small, and the singing can't be demagogic."

At this moment, the statue of Zeus was completely toppled, and the huge statue fell off the cliff and fell into the sea.

The little siren lying on the stone basking in the sun felt the sun was covered, and finally opened her eyes, and then she saw the huge statue hitting her.

The little siren turned pale in panic, and jumped on the rock twice, trying to jump back into the sea, but didn't jump up...


Of course, Lin Yi couldn't watch his daughter being crushed to death. He jumped off the cliff, spread his wings behind his back, accelerated instantly, and came to the side of the little siren.

The little siren looked at him in bewilderment.

Lin Yi touched the little siren's head, "Call me dad."


The statue fell down at this moment.

The statue was torn apart, and the sea surged up.

Lin Yi shook his wings, shaking off the debris of the statue, and then put the wings away.

He wanted to pick up the little siren, but found nowhere to start.

Below her waist is a fishtail, and her upper body is not wearing anything. If she wants to carry it, she can only carry it by her hair.

So Lin picked her up and held her with both hands.

Lin Yi thought about it, her daughter was not wearing any clothes, it was not suitable, so she stuffed her into his arms.

The little siren looked bewildered, and still didn't understand what was going on.

"Hey, young man over there, why are you there? Do you want a boat?"

As soon as Lin turned his head and looked, a boat was rowing over, and there were four people on board, two men and two women, who looked like a family.

As soon as Lin jumped onto the boat, the sea suddenly burst into bubbles. Horrible monsters emerged from the bottom of the sea. They were all black and skinny, and looked human as a whole, except for sharp teeth.

After they drilled out of the sea, they unfolded the huge bat wings on their backs, flew at an extremely fast speed, and killed all the soldiers who pushed down the statue of Zeus on the cliff.

Afterwards, these monsters became entangled together and turned into an old man dressed in black with black mist surging around him.

"Host, he is Hades, Hades."


Floating in the air, Hades glanced at the people on board and found that there were still people alive, so he attacked without hesitation, then turned and left confidently.

Human beings want to overthrow the rule of gods, which is exactly what he wants, and he will take the opportunity to persuade Zeus to punish humans and make humans fear.

Human love and belief are the source of power for Zeus and the gods, while human fear is his source of power.

When Zeus' power weakens and his power increases, he will become the new God King...

The black mist surged in, and the family of four on the boat looked terrified and wanted to escape, but the speed of the black mist was too fast, and they came close in an instant.

Lin Yi looked at the surging black mist, reached out to grab the black mist, and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.

"It stinks."

He threw away the black mist in disgust, and the moment the black mist fell on the sea, it exploded instantly.


The family of four looked at Lin Yi in shock, and then hurriedly rowed the boat to the shore, their faces full of joy after the catastrophe.

"My name is Perseus, they are my father, mother, and sister, thank you for saving us."

"My name is Lin Yi."

He touched the noisy little siren in his arms and asked, "Do you know where I can make clothes?"

"You can do it in a small town."

Then Perseus pointed in the direction of the town.

A group of soldiers rushed over and surrounded Lin Yi and the others. The leading soldier shouted, "They are the only ones left alive. Take them back to the king and ask what happened here."

Lin Yi shook his head, "I won't go with you, I'm going to make clothes."

"It's not up to you."

Lin Yi ignored them, ran towards the direction of the town, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A group of soldiers were stunned and could only take Perseus and the others back.

There's no way, I can't catch up...


As soon as Lin came to the town, he found out the location of the tailor.

He went into the tailor's shop and asked, "Can you make children's clothes?"


So Lin took out the little siren and put it on the table, "Then you measure the size!"

The tailor looked at the little siren, his eyes gradually widened, "It's a siren!"

He turned and ran.

It is rumored that the sirens would lure fishermen with their songs and then eat them.

Unexpectedly, the Kraken came ashore!

Lin Yi looked at the tailor's back suspiciously, and asked, "What is a siren?"

The system replied, "It's what humans call sirens, and some people call them mermaids."


He was a little distressed, the tailor had run away, what else to do with the clothes?
Lin Yi turned his head to look at the ruler on the table, thought for a while, and measured the size of the little siren himself, then went to the next tailor shop.

"Can you make children's clothes?"


Lin Yi didn't take out the small siren, and directly said the size that he had just measured. The tailor confirmed the fabric and other information with Lin Yi, and then quoted the price.

Lin Yi was stunned, he had no money...

The system made a suggestion, "Host, you can catch fish and sell it for money."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he turned around and ran to the beach, and plunged into it.

The little siren also got excited when he entered the sea water, and kept jumping in Lin Yi's arms, but Lin Yi pushed his head back as soon as he poked his head out.

"Hey, don't run around."


"Hungry? Okay!"

Lin released the little siren. She flicked her tail and swam forward cheerfully. She hugged a fish bigger than her and was about to bite it off. The next second, she was thrown away by the tail of the fish...

 Thanks to Qingci and Huange for the reward of 500, and Summoner Fantasy for the reward of 100~
(End of this chapter)

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