It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 131 You Are Giving Others a Chance to Spend Money

Chapter 131 You Are Giving Others a Chance to Spend Money

"Master, do you know where to fetch water?"

The white-haired old man looked up at Lin Yi, "Hey, a strange face, from outside?"


"Is there a place to live?"

"I just rented a house."

"Where did you rent it?"

Lin Yi said the place.

The uncle was stunned for a moment, then patted his thigh and cursed: "Which black-hearted broker actually rented that place to you, isn't he afraid of his heart and black lungs?"

He persuaded: "Young man, listen to me, you can't live in that place."

"I feel very good."

"Oh, that's right, there are some evil gates in that place."

Lin Yi said seriously: "Master, what age is it, we can't engage in feudal superstition."


Lin Yi came back with a bucket of water and found that the corpse was gone.

"What about people?"

Lin Yi fell into deep thought, "He's afraid of the sun, and he can't go out to play, so he must still be in the house."

Lin Yi searched the room first, but couldn't find it, then searched along the shadows where the sun couldn't reach, and came to the backyard before he knew it.

There is a well in the backyard, beside the well, a stone slab fell aside.

Lin Yi lay down on the side of the well and looked down. At the bottom of the well, there was a corpse head down, planted in the sand.

Lin Yi raised his head and looked at the sun. The bottom of the well was not exposed to sunlight, but he would definitely be exposed to the sun when he came out, so he didn't ask the corpse to come out, and planned to clean up first.


Fortunately, the corpse was not a human being, otherwise it would have drowned.

In the evening, when the sun had completely set on the horizon, Lin Yi came to the well and shouted, "Come out for dinner."

The corpse kicked its legs twice, and then there was no movement.

Seeing that he was unwilling to come out, Lin Yi jumped into the well and fished him out.

The corpse chewed non-stop.

Lin Yi asked, "What are you eating?"

The corpse was eating on its own.

Lin Yi opened his mouth and looked, what he was chewing was a mass of black gas, but it gave him the feeling of chewing gum.

"What is this?"

The system replied: "It's probably a resentful soul in the water. Does the host remember the third rule in the occupancy rules? You can't use well water, which means there are dirty things in the well!"


Lin Yi carried the corpse to the dining table and sat down. Dinner was fish soup, which he caught in the river.

Lin Yi fed the corpse a spoonful of fish soup, and the corpse spit it out.

"It seems that he is full..."

So Lin Yi drank the fish soup by himself, took a walk in the yard, and then went back to bed with the dead fetus.

But Lin Yi never fell asleep.

"Host, are you insomnia?"

"No, I'm waiting for the singing."


"Didn't you say that you can hear singing at night? I want to hear if it's good or not."


The resentful soul at the bottom of the well has been eaten by the corpse, the system estimates that there will be no more inexplicable singing at night, and was about to tell the host when it heard movement from outside the house.

The mellow and mournful female voice sang, weeping and complaining:

I would like to write to Hongjian with the covenant of white heads;
It is good to make the alliance of red leaves, and record the mandarin ducks;
However, He Qing bears the beauty, and the body dies and the way disappears;

The system was stunned, "Fuck! How many resentful souls are there in this house?"

As soon as Lin heard the singing, he closed his eyes with peace of mind, and soon fell asleep.

Late at night, the singing outside the house continued.

The corpse suddenly bounced off the bed, and then left the room in a hop.

After a while, the sound outside the house stopped abruptly.

The corpse chewed something and returned to the bed.

When Lin Yi woke up the next day, he found that the corpse seemed to have grown a bit.

"Children grow up fast!"

Lin looked at the sunlight outside the window, thought for a while, went out to catch fish, brought them to the market to sell, and then used the money to buy breakfast and needles.

On the way back to the house, Lin Yi met the old man again.

"Hey, are you still alive? Did you encounter anything special last night?"

Lin Yi recalled it carefully, then shook his head.

"Last night was quite normal, and there was a lullaby at night."


Lin Yi waved goodbye to the uncle and returned to the house.

He came to the corpse and said solemnly: "Next, I will perform [Great Acupuncture] for you, and you will not be afraid of the sun after that."

The corpse looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

Lin Yi pricked the needle skillfully.

Needle, broken.

Lin Yi fell into deep thought, this scene seemed familiar...

He picked up the corpse and poked it with his hand.

The skin is hard, like a block of iron.


Lin put down the corpse, sat on the stool and began to think about ways to make money.

There are not many fish in the river, and there is no way to make money just by catching fish.

"Host, you can be a Taoist priest and help people catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits. It just so happens that you have experience."

"Can this make money?"

He didn't make money when he and Hui Hai slayed demons and demons together.

The system thought about the host's brain, but didn't dare to say that it could make money. It thought again, "Why don't you become a barefoot doctor? You can know what's wrong with just a taste of blood."

Lin Yi shook his head again and again, he did not have a medical license.

When the system thought about it, that's right, even if the host knew what disease he had, he wouldn't know how to treat it!
Doctor, the most important thing is to cure the disease.

In the end, Lin Yi decided to give it a try as a Taoist priest, and think of other ways if he doesn't make money.

Lin Yi dug out a set of Taoist robes from the box left by the Taoist priest. After putting it on, he took the box and went to the street to set up a stall.

Soon someone came forward, squatted at the money stall, and asked, "Taoist?"

Lin nodded.

"Will it be fortune-telling?"

"will not."


People get up and leave.

"and many more!"

Lin Yi stopped him, his eyes were dark, and he said seriously: "I think the top of your head is black, and your life will be in danger."

"You think I'm scared?"

"Oh, forget it if you don't believe it."

Lin Yi continued to set up a stall.

The man wanted to leave, but he hesitated a bit, and in the end, he squatted down in front of the booth again, "Can you figure out what danger I'm in?"

"I don't know how to tell fortunes."


He looked at Lin Yi strangely, "You don't know how to tell fortunes, but you can still calculate that I will be in danger?"

"That's what my eyes see."

"Then can you tell what my name is?"

Lin Yi looked at him strangely, "That's Lao Wang's ability, I can't."

"Who is the old king?"

"my friend."

"Okay, let's get far, my name is Hong Yuan, just tell me, how can I avoid danger."

Don't you just want to sell amulets?
I'm not short of money, I'll buy it!
Spend money to buy peace of mind.

Lin Yi shook his head, "I don't know!"

Hong Yuan: "?"

You don't care about fate, you don't sell talismans, it makes me panic even more, okay?

Hong Yuan left in a daze, and Lin Yi didn't make any money after setting up a stall all day.

"Being a Taoist priest really doesn't make money."


You are giving others a chance to spend money!
As it was getting dark, Lin Yi returned to the house and found that the corpse was gone again.

He searched all over the house, but couldn't find it.

It seems that he ran out while it was dark.

The system panicked, "He ran out, can he find his way back?"

If you meet a Taoist priest outside, it will be so bad...

 Thank you Ye Zhendong for the reward of 100~
(End of this chapter)

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