It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 142 The Way of Evil Cultivation

Chapter 142 The Way of Evil Cultivation

Qing Si likes to stay with Lin Yi because she finds staying with Lin Yi very relaxing.

Just like Lin Yi's state when he was still a willow tree.

No defense needed, no pretense needed.

"Godfather, there is still one month left before the Five Elements Ancient Realm will open, can you go with me?"


"Hee hee, godfather, you are the best."

The so-called ancient realm is the secret realm left by practitioners thousands of years ago. It is rumored that at that time, there was no need to sacrifice to cultivate immortality. As long as there is talent and hard work, everyone can become immortal.

There are some secret treasures in the ancient realm, and sacrificing them after obtaining them will significantly improve the cultivation base.

If you want to obtain a secret treasure, not only depends on your cultivation, but also depends on your luck.

"Daddy said that my cultivation base is too low, and he won't let me go to the ancient realm. Godfather, let's go quietly when the time comes, so that Daddy won't find out."

"it is good."

Half a month before the opening of the ancient realm, Qingsi packed her luggage and put it in the storage bag, "Godfather, let's go!"

"it is good."

The two slipped out of Lin's house like thieves. After the distance was far enough, Qingsi happily ran forward, looking at everything around him curiously.

"Daddy, let's go to the town ahead and stay overnight!"

"it is good."

The two went to the city and found an inn.

In the middle of the night, Qingsi was awakened by the sound of fighting.

She immediately ran to Lin Yi's room, and then dared to look out.

Outside the inn, a man in black was chasing and killing a man and a woman. Obviously, the man and woman were no match for the man in black, and they were already seriously injured.

"Ayun, run, I'll stop him."

"No, Huang Lang, I won't let you die."

Ayun gently nestled in Huang Lang's arms, with a gentle expression on his face, "I really, really want to be with you for the rest of my life... But, I have no chance."

"Huang Lang, please sacrifice me. I will be your sacrifice voluntarily. In this way, your cultivation should be enough for you to escape..."

Naturally Huang Lang didn't want to, so after some tugging between the two sides, seeing the man in black stabbing him with a sword, Ayun stood up and picked up Huang Lang to block the sword. He was seriously injured and was dying.

She looked at Huang Lang tenderly, "Sacrifice me, don't let me die in vain..."

With tears in his eyes, Huang Lang sacrificed Ayun in grief.

Ayun's body disappeared, leaving only a yellow dress in place.

In the next moment, Huang Lang's cultivation changed from the third level of foundation building to the fifth level of foundation building.

He looked at the man in black with hatred in his eyes, and the next second, the man in black suddenly came to Huang Lang and pointed at his forehead.

"It's time to remember..."

The hatred in Huang Lang's eyes gradually disappeared, and his face gradually returned to calm.

He looked down at Ayun's remaining clothes on the ground, and clicked his tongue, "This kind of sacrifice, the improvement of cultivation is really amazing."

The man in black chuckled and said, "That's natural. You, who have sealed your memory, are truly in love with her. The importance of her to you is self-evident. After the sacrifice, the improvement in cultivation will naturally be high."

Qing Si, who was moved by the love between the two just now, froze instantly.


"Why is it fake?"

If everything is false, then the death of the woman named Ayun would be too unworthy.

Qing Si's voice made the man in black look over instantly, and the next second, the figure of the man in black disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in the inn room.

"Hehe, why do people always like to watch the excitement? If that's the case, then die!"

The black mist filled the palm of the man in black, and Qingsi immediately jumped behind Lin Yi, "Godfather, save me!"

Lin Yi looked at the man in black and asked, "Is it illegal to watch the fun?"


"It's not breaking the law to watch the fun, why are you killing us?"

"Of course it's because you have seen secrets that you shouldn't know."


Lin Yi pouted, "You are so domineering."


Is this really domineering or not?

The man in black didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Yi anymore, he moved and rushed towards Lin Yi, and in the next second, Lin Yi held his head down and smashed it to the ground.

"Golden... Golden Core cultivator!"

The man in black was full of disbelief, and was about to run away when a sword pierced through his heart.

Qingsi drew out his long sword, and explained to Lin Yi: "When you cut grass, you have to get rid of the roots."

"Godfather, you also arrest the man below."

Lin nodded and grabbed Huang Lang, and Qingsi ended his life with another sword strike.

Lin Yi dutifully found a place and buried the two of them.

Qingsi breathed a sigh of relief, returned to the inn, began to look through the storage bags of the two of them, and then sacrificed all of them at once. Her cultivation base also reached the sixth level of Qi training.

"The outside world is really exciting. When I first came out, I met two bad guys."

Qing Si turned her head and found that Lin Yi was staring up at the sky.

"Godfather, what are you looking at?"


"Are you thinking of being a mother?"

"I was wondering if I could sacrifice the moon."

Qingsi was taken aback for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

It seems, probably, possible.

If godfather could go to the moon.

"Godfather, why don't you try?"


Lin Yi flew to the moon and came back near dawn.

He shook his head, "No, the sacrifice failed."


"Probably because even if I get to the moon, the moon is not mine..."

Qing Si soon stopped worrying about this issue, and continued to rush to the ancient realm with Lin Yi.

"Godfather, according to this speed, I estimate that we will arrive in ten days."


Lin Yi looked around while hurrying.

"Godfather, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking for a horse to ride on."

"What's so good about riding a horse? It runs slowly and doesn't last long. It's better to ride a monster."

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

"Where can I find monsters?"

Qingsi pointed to the mountains in the distance, "There are many precious medicinal herbs in the monster mountains, but there are also a lot of monsters, and many people will experience them."

Qingsi's face was full of complacency, "Although I have never been out of the Lin family, I have read a lot of books, Godfather, don't worry, I have a wealth of theoretical knowledge."

So Lin Yi and Qing Si turned a corner and walked towards the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Lin Yi caught a mouse several meters long and asked, "Can this be used as a mount?"

"No, it's not easy to tame."


Lin threw the mouse away and continued walking.

He caught many monsters along the way, but Qing Si denied them all.

"Godfather, we can't go any further. Further on is the center of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, where the monsters have all reached the Golden Core Stage."

Lin Yi smiled confidently, "It's okay, if I meet someone with a higher cultivation level than mine, I'll just improve it."

The system was startled, what did the host want to sacrifice?
"Godfather, have you already thought of what to sacrifice?"

"of course."

So Qing Si happily followed Lin Yi to the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

What stands out is a trust...

(End of this chapter)

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