Chapter 16 Development Direction
The 10-year-old Bone Rabbit is still dead after all, no matter how human-like and soft she is, in the eyes of most soul masters, she is still synonymous with the 10-year-old soul ring.

But the woman was not killed by Bibi Dong, the last blow was done by Qian Xun Ji, so this 10 year spirit ring can only be absorbed by Qian Xun Ji.

At the last moment, after all, he was not willing to hand over the 10-year soul ring to others.

Qian Xunji looked at Bibi Dong, full of apology, "I didn't expect it to die, I just wanted to seriously injure it so that it wouldn't hurt you, after all, it has the cultivation level of Contra."

"Well, I know."

Bibi Dong nodded lightly, with a calm expression on her face.

To be honest, she doesn't care about the 10-year soul ring, and she has always been very grateful to Chihiro Ji for allowing her to join Wuhundian Academy for free, but at this moment, Chihiro Ji's hypocrisy made her sick.

Qian Xunji didn't look at Bibi Dong again, sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb the spirit ring.

Bibi Dong took Lin Yi's arm and said, "Daddy, I'm still one soul ring away~"

Lin nodded, and Bibi Dong turned and left.

In fact, although Bibi Dong is only level 60 now, her strength is not afraid of ordinary ten thousand year spirit beasts... The reason is naturally her twin spirits.

Normally, the best development strategy for twin spirits is to put a spirit ring on one spirit first, and wait until the other spirit has reached Contra or Titled Douluo before putting on a spirit ring. All the two martial souls are soul rings that are more than ten thousand years old.

But Bibi Dong doesn't have to be like this, she can withstand the ten thousand year spirit ring at level 20, and the 10 year spirit beast is rare, so the two spirits can be developed simultaneously.

Two spirits, ten thousand-year spirit rings... Bibi Dong's strength, no one can predict, because she has always been in the Academy of Wuhundian, and she has never made a full-strength attack.

Half an hour later, as Bibi Dong killed a ten thousand year spirit beast, she began to absorb the spirit ring.

Lin Yi was looking around boredly, a touch of silver suddenly attracted his attention.

Lin Yi blinked, and quietly came to a big tree not far away, and then jumped out suddenly, making the silver figure hiding behind the tree tremble with fright.

Only then did Lin Yi see clearly that it was a little girl about six or seven years old, with long silver hair reaching her waist, wearing a long white dress, and bare feet, looking at Lin Yi timidly, wanting to get closer, but not daring to .

Lin Yi stepped forward and stroked the little girl's long hair, um, it was very smooth.

He asked: "Who are you?"

The little girl didn't speak.

The system analyzed: "The little girl who can appear in the center of the Star Dou Forest must not be simple. Either she is the daughter of a big boss and someone protects in the dark, or...she is a 10-year-old soul beast that has transformed."

So, Lin Yi asked, "Where's your big brother's father?"

The little girl still didn't speak, but looked at Lin Yi timidly.

When Lin saw that she didn't answer, he didn't care, so he just sat down on the ground, picked up the little girl and began to rub her hair.

It's so comfortable...

This feeling is like returning to a mental hospital... Lin Yi was startled suddenly, how could he have such thoughts, it was really scary!
In Lin Yi's arms, the little girl also closed her eyes comfortably, with an expression like a kitten.

Call ~
A gust of wind blew by, and Bibi Dong opened her eyes.

Soul ring, absorbed successfully.

The little girl was frightened, and immediately jumped out of Lin Yi's arms, landed on all fours, and ran away quickly, the small figure disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the little girl's escaping posture, the system said firmly, "She must be a transformed soul beast!"


Lin Yi responded perfunctorily. Although he didn't know where the bluffing sound came from, he found that as long as he responded casually, the noisy sound would disappear temporarily.

Bibi Dong ran over, looked at the direction where the little girl disappeared, and asked suspiciously: "Daddy, did something run over just now?"

Lin nodded, "Well, that's your future mother."

Bibi Dong: "?"

System: "Damn it! Beast!"


The five-yearly Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to begin. The competition is jointly organized by the Wuhun Palace, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire royal family, aiming to select the best young soul masters in the entire continent.

The champion team of the competition can get rich prizes.

Qian Xunji looked at the Wuhundian Academy team, there were five people in total, including Bibi Dong, "Wuhundian doesn't need to participate in the trials, just wait for the finals, must win the championship."

"The prize for the champion of this competition is jointly funded by Wuhundian, Tiandou Empire, and Star Luo Empire. The prize is rich. If you win it, it will be of great help to you."

Qian Xunji gave a few more simple words of encouragement, and then let the crowd disperse. He looked at Bibi Dong's back and sighed faintly.

"I've... I can't bear it any longer!"

His eyes were deep, "I'll wait for you for another four years, when you become an adult, even if you hate me for the rest of your life, I will still have you..."

Regarding the trials, no one paid attention to the Wuhun Hall. Lin Yi and Bibidong returned to Xiayun Village. After eight years of development, Xiayun Village has taken on a completely new look.

Of course, it is not only Xiayun Village that has taken on a new look, but also the surrounding villages.

In the past, they were unable to practice, and worked on the land every day just to pay taxes to the two empires. Now, with tractors, their farming efficiency has been greatly improved, and their output has even doubled.

In this way, there is no need to worry about tax issues, and the talent for cultivation can also be solved by acupuncture. Now, the average soul power in the village is more than 30.

The artisans of several villages united together, and based on the inspiration brought by the tractor, they developed many machines to continuously speed up the efficiency of farming.

Some villagers said, "We can't just take care of ourselves. There are still many villages on the mainland who are busy with food and clothing every day just like us before. We can't learn Lin Yi's great acupuncture, but we can share tractors and other machines."


This suggestion was quickly accepted by everyone, so they went to ask Lin Yi for his consent. Naturally, Lin Yi didn't have any opinions, and he didn't care about it at all.

In his mind, the system seriously pondered, if this continues, what direction will this Douluo Continent develop?
From Douluo Continent to Farming Continent?
No, no!
The system woke up suddenly, "These are not things I should think about. The most important thing now is to complete the task. Let me think about how to get Bibi Dong the god position..."

In this world, the god position is passed down through inheritance, and only by obtaining the god position can one become a god after reaching level 99.

If Bibi Dong does not become a god, the task will never be completed.

"Well, after the competition, we can send Bibi Dong to the Capital of Slaughter. There are two gods, Shura God and Rakshasa God. If it doesn't work, we can go to Sea God Island to try..."

(End of this chapter)

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