It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 179 You Are Really My Father

Chapter 179 You Are Really My Father
At the tailbone of the moon cicada, a fluffy tail swayed slightly.

Lin Yi rubbed her chin, no wonder Yuechan was thin and small, but she always felt that her waist was thicker... It turned out that her tail was usually wrapped around her waist.

The system also said "Fuck", and at the same time understood why Yuechan wanted to touch the host's ass when the host said it was her father.

This is to touch whether the host has a tail.

In the original plot, Yue Chan didn't show her tail until she died, so the system didn't know she was a demon.

Yue Chan said slowly, "Actually, I am half human and half demon. When I become an adult, my demon power will skyrocket, so now I have enough strength to go to the underworld with you."

Lin Yi looked at Yue Chan's tail, couldn't hold back, and touched it.

Fluffy and comfortable.

Moon Cicada blushed...

In the end, Zheng promised Yuechan to go to the underworld.

Before you know it, night falls.

Suddenly, there was a layer of miasma in the air.

In the distance, there was a sound of suona playing, and a big red sedan chair flew unsteadily.

A group of ghosts in red clothes followed the sedan chair, came to the foot of the mountain, and shouted loudly: "I want to marry Empress Qingshan~"


The mountain trembled, conveying an embarrassing emotion.

Hui Hai clasped his hands together and walked down the mountain.

"Amitabha, let the poor monk save them."

At the foot of the mountain, Hui Hai swung the halo around his neck and smashed the sedan chair to pieces, saving a group of ghosts by the way.

Zheng Shi said: "Going to the underworld this time, there will be a lot of resistance."

Yan Chixia was very confident, "Old Montenegro, small problem."

A group of people headed to the underworld mightily, and then met the old black mountain demon blocking the way at the entrance.

Although it didn't go to the human world, it still knows what happened at the foot of the mountain.

"Why did you kill my men?"

Hui Hai replied, "That's supernatural."


The black mountain old demon was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth, "Although you are friends of Xiao Shanshan, you guys who killed my subordinates will eventually give me an explanation, otherwise where will I put my face?"

Hui Hai smiled, "No!"


The Montenegro old demon stopped talking, and a ghost general walked out from the foot of Montenegro.

It trotted towards Lin Yi and the others, followed by a large group of ghosts.

Yan Chixia untied the bag on her back, opened it, and it was full of talismans.

He shouted, "Look at me Refa!"

Stacks of talismans were thrown out, and the moment they touched the ghost, a dazzling thunder burst out, and then exploded with a bang.

When Yan Chixia finished throwing the talisman, there was only one ghost general standing on the field.

However, the armor on it also became tattered, revealing the skeleton inside.

Oni General is a skeleton in armor.

Yan Chixia wiped the sweat from her forehead, "It's finally over."


General Ghost took a step forward and continued to charge forward.

Moon Cicada moved and turned into a huge... dog.

She rushed towards the ghost general and slapped her paw, causing the skeletons to scatter all over the ground.

Resisting the urge to gnaw the bones on the ground, Yue Chan ran back and stood beside Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said, "You can change back into a human form."

Moon Cicada's voice was as thin as a mosquito's fly, "The clothes...the clothes are torn."

When they came to the underworld, no one brought extra clothes, so Yuechan had to temporarily maintain the form of a demon.

The Black Mountain old demon was dripping blood with distress, all the subordinates it had amassed for thousands of years were all wiped out.

One after another, ferocious skulls flew out from the black mountain, "I want you to die!"

Moon Cicada looked at the skull and swallowed.

Hui Hai took off the aperture around his neck and threw it out.


The aperture emits a dazzling Buddha light, the skull is illuminated by the golden light, and there is a "sizzling" sound immediately, and black smoke overflows from the skull, and then dissipates under the golden light.

The skulls overflowing with black smoke fell to the ground one after another as if they had lost power.

The black mountain old demon finally started to get scared, "Wait, I won't pursue you for killing my men, and I won't ask Xiao Shanshan to marry me anymore, don't do anything!"

"What about the people you killed?"

Each of the flying skulls is a human life.

"Are you the Virgin? What does it have to do with you if I kill them?"

Hui Hai was silent for a moment, and then said: "It really has nothing to do with me, but you know, what we cultivators like to do the most is to slay demons and demons."


Hui Hai controlled the aperture and smashed at the old demon of Montenegro.

The old Black Mountain demon roared, "Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

The mountain collapsed inch by inch under the impact of the aperture, but it quickly reattached to the mountain and returned to its integrity.

Tentacles protruded from the mountain, and after the light circle was caught, it instantly became dim.

However, the black air on the Black Mountain has also dimmed a little because of this.

The Montenegrin old demon roared, "Suppress me!"

A piece of tombstone suddenly drilled out of the ground, forming a strange magic circle, trapping Hui Hai and the others in it. The next second, Hui Hai and Yan Chixia were horrified to find that their mana could no longer be used.

The Montenegro old demon sneered, "I just don't want to spend hundreds of years of my morality to be subdued. Since you don't know how to praise, then suffer death!"

Pieces of stones flew out of the mountain and hit Huihai and the others.

Zheng Shi and Yue Chan hurriedly led Hui Hai and Yan Chixia to avoid the stones, but the stones pursued them closely.

Lin Yi jumped up, "Have you all tried your hand before? Finally it's my turn!"


Behind Lin Yi, green mountains and green waters emerged, among which stood wooden houses.

Suddenly, the door of a wooden house opened.

A woman stepped out of it.

She has silver hair, fox ears on top of her head, and a furry fox tail behind her.

Yue Chan stared blankly at this scene...

The woman stepped forward, looked at the Black Mountain old demon, and then raised her slender hand.

In the next second, the Black Mountain old demon seemed to be crushed by an invisible force, and turned into powder in an instant, without even a scream.

Under the vision of Jindan, the power of [Elemental Control] was exerted to the extreme.

The stones chasing Hui Hai and the others lost their strength and fell to the ground one after another.

After Lin Yi died, the vision slowly dissipated.

Yue Chan stepped forward, "Lin Yi, who was that silver-haired woman just now?"

"My daughter-in-law!"

The expression on Yue Chan's face was a bit complicated.

" are really my father."

Lin Yi is human, the silver-haired woman has a tail, and she is half human and half demon.

Everything is right.

Yuechan asked: "Why did you abandon me back then?"

System: "Oh, the question and answer of death."

It wanted to see how the host would respond.

Lin Yi sighed, raised his head 45 degrees, with a vicissitudes of life.

"That year, your mother and I were chased and killed. In desperation, we had no choice but to hide you and lure the enemy away."

"Later, when we went back, you were gone."

"I've been looking for you all these years..."


(End of this chapter)

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