It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 199 The name change was successful

Chapter 199 The name change was successful
"Shuttle world [horror game]..."

"People in this world will be randomly selected to enter the horror dungeon. If you pass the level, you will get rewards and continue to the next dungeon. If you fail, you will die."

"Yunmei is more unlucky. She was selected to enter the horror dungeon: [Mad Hospital] at the age of six. There is no doubt that she did not survive 2 minutes."

"This mission is to protect Yunmei and end the horror game."


As soon as Lin opened his eyes, the surroundings were pitch black.

"Where is this place?"

"Horror Dungeon: [Crazy Hospital], the host, you are now a doctor in the hospital, but these are not important, let's go and save Yunmei!"

Lin Yi looked at the little red dot in his mind, and remembered what the system said, Yunmei hadn't survived 2 minutes, so without saying a word, he crashed through the wall and went straight forward.

Ten seconds later, Lin Yi kicked a patient who was trying to grab Yunmei, and then hugged Yunmei, just as he wanted her to call her father, when the whole hospital suddenly collapsed.

Lin propped up the earth-yellow shield for a moment, and after a while, the smoke dissipated, and he looked at the ruins in front of him, a little dazed.

"Host, you have demolished the hospital!"

"You don't need to pay, right?"

"It shouldn't be necessary..."

Hearing that there is no need to pay, Lin relaxed instantly. He looked at the chubby Yunmei in his arms and said, "Call me Dad."


Not only is Yunmei well-behaved, she also took the initiative to kiss Lin Yi on the cheek.

Lin Yi asked, "How do I get out of here?"

The system replied, "The mission of the dungeon is to survive in the hospital for seven days, and you can leave the dungeon if you are still alive after seven days, but now that the hospital is gone, I don't know if standing on the ruins for seven days counts as mission completion..."

Soon, the horror game gave the answer.

The surrounding scene was a little blurry. In the next second, the hospital that had been turned into ruins was completely restored. Lin Yi and Yun Mei were standing on the first floor at this moment.

Lin Yi sighed, "This building is built so fast!"

The system replied, "This should be a reset."

In the corridor, the dim light suddenly flickered twice, the door of a ward opened, and a head poked out, "Doctor, I have a headache, can you come and help me?"

"it is good."

Lin Yi hugged Yunmei and walked over.

"Host, if my expectations are correct, the patients in this hospital are not human, so you must be careful."

Lin Yi walked into the ward and turned on the light.

The patient inside was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s, with slightly thick hair and a beard that hadn't been shaved for a long time.

As soon as Lin sat down, he signaled the patient to do the same.


"Zhao Cang..."



Zhao Cang asked: "Are you sure you are a doctor and not a policeman?"

"do not mind the details."

Lin Yi continued to ask, "Head hurts?"


Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Give me some blood to taste."

Zhao Cang was taken aback for a moment, and then gave Lin Yi a drop of blood.

Lin Yi took a sip with a serious expression.

"Doctor, what did you taste?"

"You're not sick, the headache is mostly fake."


Zhao Cang turned his head and looked out the window.

"I'm not sick, but I do have a headache because..."

He pointed out the window, "The moon is almost full. In fact, I am a werewolf. When the moon is full, I will not be able to control my transformation."

"What happens if you transform?"

"I will lose my mind and want to destroy everything around me like crazy."

Lin Yi got up and went to close the curtains.

"That way you can't see the moon."

"What are you doing to deceive your ears?"

Lin Yi felt a little regretful, "It doesn't seem to work..."

"Isn't this a matter of course?"

Lin Yi comforted: "Don't worry, I already have a solution, the full moon will be tomorrow night, I will come to you tomorrow."

Zhao Cang nodded blankly.

He reminded: "If you can't stop me from transforming, I will probably kill you when I lose my mind."


Lin Yi hugged Yunmei and turned to leave.


Lin Yi asked Yun Mei, "Are you sleepy?"

Yunmei nodded her head, "Usually in the orphanage, I'm asleep at this time~"

"Then let's go rest!"


Lin Yi searched for a long time before finding the doctor's lounge. At this time, Yunmei had already fallen asleep in his arms.

Lin Yi pinched her little cheek and went to bed too.




Intermittent calls came to his ears, and Lin Yi opened his eyes in a daze.

From the ceiling, a head stuck out and shouted, "Doctor, I feel like I'm sick, can you help me?"

"I got off work."

"But, doctor, you deserve the night shift!"

Lin Yi was taken aback, then nodded.

"Host, you must not leave Yunmei alone! It's too dangerous."

"I'm not stupid."


Lin Yi looked at the head on the ceiling and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Doctor, I feel like you are scolding me."

"Aren't you too sensitive?"


Lin Yi asked again: "What's wrong with you?"

"I always want to eat human flesh. I feel that I will die if I don't eat it. What should I do?"


Lin Yi neatly cut off a kidney for him, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

He looked at the bloody waist with his head, and was silent for a while.

Lin Yi felt that he was fine, so he fell back and continued to sleep.

After a while, the head on the ceiling slowly disappeared...

This time, Lin Yiyi slept until dawn, and then another patient came to him.

Lin Yi asked, "Is there no other doctor?"

The patient replied, "Yes, they were all eaten."


Lin Yi asked again, "Where's the dean?"

"It was also eaten."

Lin Yi became excited, "Then can I be directly promoted to the dean now?"

Yunmei immediately began to applaud, "Dad is amazing!"

Lin Yi said modestly: "General."


The patient looked at Lin Yi, a little dazed.

Is this what this person cares about?
And this little girl, is she so supportive?

"Doctor, you should see a doctor first!"

"From now on, please call me Dean."


After the patient was cured, Lin Yi inspected the entire building, and knocked on the doors one by one, telling everyone: "From now on, I will be the dean."

What he gained was complete silence.

Lin Yi was very happy, he returned to the first floor, then walked out of the building, looking at the four characters on the building: crazy hospital.

He shook his head, "That name doesn't sound good."

Then, he removed the word "crazy" and replaced it with the word "Qingshan".

So far, the crazy hospital has been renamed: Qingshan Hospital.

"From now on, I will be the director of Qingshan Hospital!"

Lin Yi stepped forward arrogantly and was about to go back when he found that the word "Qingshan" had changed to "crazy" again.

"What's the matter?"

The system replied, "Obviously, this dungeon does not want to change the name of the hospital."

So Lin Yi stubbornly changed the name of the hospital over and over again.

From morning to evening.

Finally, the copy compromised.

Name changed successfully...

 Thanks to the support staff for the reward 733~
(End of this chapter)

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