It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 203 Don't Like the Dean

Chapter 203 Don't Like the Dean

Lin Yi looked at the writing on the ground.

The Faceless Girl used to be a teacher at the school, but because she was unwilling to accept the unspoken rules of the principal, she was slandered by rumors and had an affair with the students.

In the end, her reputation was ruined and everyone spurned her.

At night, when she was relaxing on the playground, she was insulted by the principal and killed.

Lin nodded, looked at the faceless woman with pity, and then tied her up again.

"I'm on patrol tonight, you have to be honest."

The faceless woman looked at Lin Yi accusingly, then broke the rope again, and wrote on the ground: "You, do you have any compassion? Shouldn't you help me take revenge?"

"You won't go by yourself?"

"I can't leave the playground."

"Then you can call the police."

"I have no proof."

"So why should I trust you?"


Lin Yi continued to tie up the faceless girl.

She broke again, "Can you leave me alone first? Every time I write, I have to break the rope first."

"Then you don't have to write."

"I can't speak."



You really don't like oil and salt!
Lin Yi tied up the faceless girl again and again, and the faceless girl broke again and again.

The night passed quickly.

When the dawn broke, the faceless woman glared at Lin Yi, and her figure slowly disappeared.


Lin Yi went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

The headmaster looked shocked when he saw him, "Didn't you meet anything last night?"

"Only met one person."

"Is she faceless?"


"Are you still alive?"

The principal soon realized that he had slipped his tongue, so he hurriedly changed the subject and started talking about the students' studies.

After breakfast, Lin Yi came to the classroom with a yawn.

"good morning students."

Lin Yi glanced around and asked, "Where's classmate Mei? Isn't he here yet?"

Someone raised his hand, "Teacher, he has been transferred to another class."

"That's a pity."

Lin started class.

Taking advantage of get out of class time, a student asked Lin Yi for his cell phone number.

"I haven't applied for a mobile phone card yet."

So, a student immediately ran out and got a card for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi expressed that he was very touched, "Thank you, students, for the gifts."


It's not a gift!

At the end of the day's class, in the middle of the night, a student called Lin Yi, "Teacher, I'm in the playground now, I'm so scared, can you come pick me up?"

"it is good."

As soon as Lin came to the playground, he saw the faceless girl again.

"Have you seen my student?"


"It looks like I haven't seen it."

So Lin Yi called the student again, "I'm at the playground, where are you?"

"Teacher, have you seen a woman with no face?"

"I see, it's by my side."

"Did she do nothing to you?"



Lin Yi asked, "Where are you?"

"I am home."


Lin Yi turned around and went back to the teacher's dormitory, continuing to sleep.

The next day, when he came to the classroom after breakfast, he found that none of the students had come.

"Collectively late?"

Lin Yi waited for another 10 minutes, but still no student came.

The dark color appeared in his eyes, and he looked out.

Then, he saw that his students were all in other classes.

Lin Yi walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

"We transferred classes, and the principal agreed."

So Lin Yi went to the principal.

Half an hour later, Lin Yi walked into the second class of the third year with a book, "Hi students, I am your new teacher, Lin Yi."


Lin Yi continued: "I just asked the principal, the school currently has only three classes, but I am the only teacher left, so from today onwards, the three classes will be merged together, and I will be the head teacher."


Lin opened the walls of the three classrooms and began to give lectures.

Three days later, Lin Yi looked at the empty classroom and fell into deep thought.

He found the principal and asked, "Where are the students?"

The principal was a little depressed, "All of them have changed schools..."

What's the point of being a principal in a school without students?
Lin Yi said: "You are the principal, you have to find a way to recruit students!"

"It's easy to say, you come, or do you want to be the principal?"

Lin Yi was very happy, "Okay!"


The headmaster suddenly faltered, "I'm just kidding, I'm going to find a way to recruit students."

As soon as Lin Yi was left, Yun Mei was the only student left.

He still does his duty.

However, the tasks of the two are quite consistent now.

Lin Yi's task is to pass the final exam for the students in Class Three, and Yunmei's task is to pass the final exam.

In the next two months, the principal recruited several students one after another, but none of the students survived for three days and transferred schools one after another.

They come to school to eat people, not to really study.

They can't bear the hardship of learning.

For a while, the headmaster's hair turned gray.

Finally, the final exam came.

Lin Yi waved at Yun Mei, "Come on!"


Yunmei walked into the examination room.

Two days later, the results came out, and Yunmei got full marks in the exam.


"Hee hee, Dad taught me well."

In front of Lin Yi and Yun Mei, the phantom panel appeared again:

Congratulations to the players: Lin Yi and Yun Mei cleared the copy [Twilight Primary School].

Due to special reasons, the instance [Twilight Elementary School] is temporarily closed.

The system clicked, "There is only one principal and the faceless girl left in the whole school. This school will be cold sooner or later."

Lin Yi and Yun Mei returned to the orphanage.

This time, the thriller game gave him a clearance reward: a phone card.

Lin Yi was very happy, "It's so thoughtful and practical!"

System: "I think it might just want to disgust you..."

What's the difference between rewards and no rewards?
Lin put the mobile phone card into the mobile phone, and then called Jiang Hong, "This is my mobile phone number, you can contact me in the future if you need anything."

Jiang Hong looked at the mobile phone number on the caller ID: 44444444444.

She fell into deep thought...

What phone number is this?

Couldn't it be from a horror game?

Why do you feel so full of resentment?
Jiang Hong chatted with Lin Yi for a few more words, and then said: "Lin Yi, based on your description, I wrote a dungeon guide for [Crazy Hospital], and now it has been sent to the horror game forum, signed by you, you have Time to see if there is any problem."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi searched the forum, and all the people who were pulled into the horror game, as long as they came out alive, would write down the status of the dungeon they cleared, so that people who encounter the same dungeon later can pass the level safely.

Lin Yi found the strategy uploaded by Jiang Hong.

He looked.

Hmm, I don't understand.

forget about it.

The director of the orphanage opened the door and walked in at this moment. She was relieved to see that Lin Yi and Yun Mei were safe and sound.

"You'll be fine."

"It's really unlucky for you to be drawn into the horror game again in such a short period of time."

"By the way, are you hungry?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "We came back after eating."

The director of the orphanage nodded, "Then you guys have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left. Lin Yi looked at her back, and Yun Mei threw herself into Lin Yi's arms at this moment, "Dad, you can't like the dean~"

"I do not like her."

"Hee hee, I'm sleepy."

"Then let's sleep!"


(End of this chapter)

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