It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 272 Everyone wants to step on one foot

Chapter 272 Everyone wants to step on it

Bai Yuan remembered that Yun Miao had mentioned the Tiger Clan when he was talking about the trip to the secret realm, but it never expected that Yun Miao would become acquainted with the Tiger Clan.

It was about to speak when it suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in front of it. The next moment, a figure appeared in front of it.

Oh, no, it's two figures.

Bai Yuan looked at Lin Yi, thinking whether to kill him or not.

Yun Miao was very happy, "Dad, you are back!"


"Is sister Tiger all right?"

Xiao Ai replied from Lin Yi's back, "She's fine, because the Elephant Clan has been exterminated, and now the Tiger Clan's territory is bigger."


Yun Miao exclaimed, "Sister Huniang will become the lord of all clans in the future!"

White Ape: "..."

Seeing Yun Miao's attachment to Lin Yi, Bai Yuan didn't do anything in the end. It said, "You guys already know Yun Miao's identity, so you can't leave here."


Lin Yi cut down the tree and built a wooden house here.

Looking at the cut tree, the white ape feels distressed.

Afterwards, Yun Miao also summoned Xiaofen, let him cut down trees, and built two wooden houses.

White Ape: "..."

Then, Yun Miao found it, "Old Bai, the house is very comfortable to live in, and I built it specially for you."

White Ape was very pleased.

It's just a few trees, cut them down!
The white ape returned to the ground and looked at the three surviving humans. They were about to reach adulthood. According to Lord Pterosaur, he wanted to find a way to send them into the high wall as undercover agents.

The white ape hesitated for a moment, but still sent them into the high wall.


When the phone rang, Lin Yi pressed the answer button and asked, "Who is robbing the territory of the Tiger Clan again this time?"

Hu Yu was silent for a moment, then replied: "It's the wolf clan."

"Why does everyone want to take your place?"

"Because the tiger clan is weak..."

Lin Yi put down the phone and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, let's go!"

Xiao Ai jumped onto Lin Yi's back.

A voice suddenly sounded, "Wait!"

Bai Yuan stopped him, "You can't leave here, who knows if you are going to inform me."

Yun Miao took Bai Yuan's arm and acted coquettishly, "Father won't, why don't you go with me, Lao Bai?"

Bai Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

It told the tribe: "If I don't come back tomorrow, you go to my wooden house, there is a letter on the table, open it, and do according to the contents of the letter."

Yun Miao joked, "Old Bai, why do you seem to be explaining the funeral?"

Bai Yuan smiled, "War, maybe something unexpected happens."

"With Dad here, no."

The white ape didn't speak any more.

It is not afraid of accidents in the war, but afraid that Lin Yi will bring it into the human trap...

It still doesn't believe Lin Yi.

But Yun Miao believed.

So, it chose to go with it.

With his daughter-in-law on his back, Lin Yi carried the white ape in one hand and his daughter in the other, and disappeared in the same place in an instant. In just a short while, he came to the grassland.

Hu Yu was not surprised when Lin Yi appeared suddenly, she took another look at Bai Yuan, and asked Xiao Ai, "This time it's still the same?"

Xiao Ai nodded, "Yes!"

The white ape is a little curious, what does it mean to look the same?
Then, it saw, facing the rushing wolves, Xiao Ai jumped off Lin Yi's back and began to warm up.

Bai Yuan was thoughtful, this is... to let Lin Yi's summoned beast do it?

But isn't she weak?
However, what happened next made his eyes widen.

I saw Xiao Ai waved her little hand and shouted: "Go, master!"

Then, Lin Yi rushed out.

White Ape: "..."

Who the hell is the master and who is the summoned beast?

It was the first time it had seen a summoned beast commanding a human to fight.

Two seconds later, as soon as Lin returned to his original place, the wolves were all wiped out.

White Ape: "!"

It suddenly rejoiced that Lin Yi let the summoned beast do it instead of doing it himself, otherwise the grass on the grave would be three meters high now.

The Tiger Clan successfully expanded their territory again.

Next, White Ape felt that life was too repetitive.

[-]. Watching Lin Yi and his summoned beast show affection;

[-]. Follow Lin Yi to support the Tiger Clan.


Bai Yuan couldn't help but fell into deep thought, why does everyone want to invade the Tiger Clan?

Time passed day by day, and on this day, the woods suddenly became dark.

Lin Yi asked, "Is it dark?"

Yun Miao replied, "No!"

The white ape's expression changed, and he hurried out of the cabin and looked up.

In the sky, there is a huge pterosaur with its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

White Ape immediately knelt down on the ground, "Master Pterosaur!"

The pterosaur in the sky shrunk slowly, and finally became only two meters high. It landed in front of the white ape and asked, "After so long, what important information has been obtained?"

"No... no."

The three people who were sent to the high wall have all lost contact. It is estimated that because of Yun Miao's incident, the human race has been stricter in investigating undercover agents, and their identities have been exposed.

With one wing of the pterosaur, the white ape flew away, "What use are you for!"

The white ape began to humbly beg for mercy, like this every time in the past, the pterosaur would come to vent its anger on it when it was in a bad mood, and it would leave as soon as it calmed down.

The white ape has gotten used to it.

However, this time, Yun Miao ran out, and she shouted: "Who told you to beat Lao Bai, Xiaofen, beat him!"

A pink figure rushed to the pterosaur and slapped it.

The pterosaur was dumbfounded.

It looked blankly at Xiaofen who was hiding behind Yun Miao, and then flew into a rage.

"court death!"

The body of the pterodactyl continued to swell, and Yun Miao looked up at it without any fear, "Hmph, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Then I want to see if you are afraid!"

The pterosaur raised its foot and stepped on Yun Miao.

Yun Miao put her hands on her hips and shouted, "Father, save me!"

"No one can save you today!"

The pterosaur stepped on it, and the white ape rushed over, pushing Yun Miao away.

It looked at Yun Miao with reluctance in its eyes.

"Old White!"

"Live well..."

Bai Yuan closed his eyes, but the pain didn't come for a long time.

It opened its eyes, saw Lin Yi holding the shrunken pterosaur in his hand, shook it, and asked, "Can this be eaten?"

"Can you...?"

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

That night, Huyu received a grilled wing from Lin Yi. She took a bite and it tasted good, but there was no meat...

The white ape thought about it all night, and the next day, it found the tiger jade and said, "The white ape wants to join the tiger."

Huyu thought for a while, "No, let's consider our two clans merged!"

But the White Ape shook his head, "Only one patriarch is enough. Two patriarchs will have conflicts sooner or later. The White Ape Clan voluntarily becomes a vassal of the Tiger Clan."

Hu Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded.

As more and more groups invaded the Tiger Clan, the territory of the Tiger Clan became larger and larger. Gradually, no race dared to provoke the Tiger Clan any more, and some groups even voluntarily surrendered and became vassals of the Tiger Clan.

The Tiger Clan is growing stronger.

Hu Yu looked at Lin Yi, his eyes flickered.

It is all due to Lin Yi that the Tiger Clan can be what it is today.


Huyu glanced at Xiao Ai, then looked away...

 There is one more chapter in this world~
(End of this chapter)

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