Chapter 276
Lin Yi squatted on the ground, staring at the ground seriously.

Lu Yuan and Jiajia looked at each other.

"What is he doing?"

"The monster must be here."

"how do you know?"

"Otherwise, why is Lin Yi squatting here?"

Lu Yuan thought about it, and thought it made sense, but...

"What's the use of him squatting here?"

"How do I know?"


At this moment, a giant rat is digging crazily underground. Its plan is very clear. First, it will destroy the city's electricity and network, and make the city semi-paralyzed.

Then go to destroy the power suppressor under the mental hospital. The group of superpowers have become crazy now, and the condition has just become serious. Once the human beings do not replace the power suppressor in time, the group of superpowers will definitely There was a big mess.

Ha ha……

It is the most fun to let human beings reap their own fruits!

Suddenly, the giant rat bumped into something. It thought it was a rock, and was about to go around it, but found that the ground around it became extremely hard.

The giant rat was dumbfounded.

In the next second, it watched helplessly as the hard soil turned into small figures, surrounding it in the middle.

The giant mouse tried to communicate with the villain, "Zhi... Zhizhi..."

The villain squeezed his fist and began to punch and kick the giant rat.


on the ground.

Jia Jia asked Lin Yi, "How is it now?"

"The fighting is intense."

Jiajia: "?"

A few minutes later, a hole suddenly opened in the ground, and several clay figurines came out from the ground holding a huge mouse.

The giant rat was dying, and his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

After a few clay figurines carried the giant rat up, they jumped back into the crack and turned into soil again. Then, the crack in the ground closed again.

Lin Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, the battle just now was really exciting!
Immediately he looked proud, "I won the game this time!"

He first controlled the little clay figurine to knock it into the air, and then followed it up with a general attack. To be on the safe side, he even froze the giant rat.

All in all, plenty of control.

"I heard that the game will have a matching mechanism, that is, if a person is too good, the system will match him with a very good opponent and a good teammate."

Lin Yi sighed, "Maybe I'm in this situation, that's why I keep losing. When there is no matching mechanism, it's easy for me to win."

For the sake of fairness, he even kept the strength of the clay figurine and the giant rat at the same level.

There are five clay figurines, and only one giant mouse, because it has no teammates.

Jiajia opened her mouth, but remained silent in the end.

What can she say?

Jiajia winked at Lu Yuan, and then took Lin Yi back to the base.

Lu Yuan naturally understood what Jiajia meant. It was agreed in advance that she took Lin Yi away, and he came to interrogate the giant mouse to see if he could get some information.

And these interrogation information cannot be known to Lin Yi.

Lu Yuan looked at the giant mouse and asked, "Can you speak human language?"

The giant rat stared at Lu Yuan with red eyes, without saying a word.

Lu Yuan took out his gun and pointed it at the giant mouse's temple, "I'll shoot if you don't speak."


"Can't speak human language?"


Lu Yuan shook his head regretfully, "It seems really not."

The next second, he pulled the trigger.

With a gunshot, the giant rat completely lost its sound.

Lu Yuan got up, took out his mobile phone, and asked people from the Supernatural Bureau to come and deal with the aftermath.

Naturally, the matter of the interrogation cannot be disclosed, so the giant rat must die...


Power was quickly restored to the city, but only for Star City.

Rats have a strong reproductive ability, and it was mentioned above that more than one giant rat monster escaped.

Jiajia also wondered why there was only one giant rat in Star City. It turned out that the other giant rats went to other cities to wreak havoc.

Cities with earth-type superpowers are okay. Although the collective illness of superpowers is getting worse now, the giant rats can still be wiped out at some cost. The most uncomfortable cities are those cities that have no way to deal with giant rats.

The entire city lost power and internet, and was basically paralyzed. The emergency power supply of generators could not last long, so they could only ask the higher authorities for help.

Soon, the directors of all supernatural bureaus received a notice, which roughly meant: If there is a way to deal with giant rats, share them immediately, and if there are superpowers who can deal with giant rats, support other cities as soon as possible.

Lu Yuan was a little hesitant. It was okay for Lin Yi to make a move in Xingcheng, but once he left Xingcheng, his performance might be found abnormal.

Because, Lin Yi didn't lose his memory, and his condition didn't get worse.

He asked Jiajia for advice.

Jiajia asked, "What do you think?"

"I do not know."

Lu Yuan was very conflicted. He didn't want to watch the giant rat continue to wreak havoc, but he also didn't want Lin Yi to be in danger.

The last medicine only caused Lin Yi to lose his memory for a day, what if he did it again?

Will Lin Yi still have such good luck?

Jiajia thought for a while, "Actually... we don't know much about Lin Yi's abilities, so we can ask him if there is a way to deal with the giant rat without showing up."

"Then go ask..."

Lin Yi nodded again after hearing Jiajia's question, "Yes."

"any solution?"

"Let the pendant catch mice. As we all know, cats are the killer of mice."

Lu Yuan: "..."

Jiajia knew that Zhuizi had also awakened superpowers, but this matter could not be exposed, so she asked, "Is there any other way?"

"I can turn into a mushroom so people can't find me."

Jiajia woke up suddenly.


Lin Yi seemed to have a trick of "turning into a mushroom". Even if he stood in front of him, no one would be able to spot him.

Now there is only one question left...

Jiajia looked at Lu Yuan, "You have to find a way to ensure that there is no photography equipment on site."

Although Lin Yi can be ignored by the human eye, if he is videotaped or photographed, he will still be found at the scene, and it will be even more troublesome.

Lu Yuan nodded, "Leave this to me."

The first thing Lin Yi went to was Jiangcheng. He used [Outlaw Madman] to stand aside and made a clay figurine to play games, while Lu Yuan acted as a facade.

The director of the Jiangcheng Supernatural Bureau asked, "How are you going to catch the monster?"

Lu Yuan took out his gun, aimed at the hole dug by the giant rat, and fired a shot into it.

The director of the Jiangcheng Supernatural Bureau looked at Lu Yuan with an expression of "you seem to be teasing me".

Lu Yuan walked to a place and said, "From here, dig down."

Someone immediately stepped forward and started digging, and it didn't take long to dig out the body of the giant rat, with an obvious gunshot wound on its head.

The director of the Jiangcheng Supernatural Bureau widened his eyes, "Are you also awakened with superpowers?"


"Then how did you do it?"

"Better luck."


Lu Yuan turned around and was about to go to the next city. The director of the Jiangcheng Supernatural Bureau hurriedly stopped him, "Wait, I have another question."


"This giant rat monster, why is its nose bruised and face swollen?"

Lu Yuan: "..."

For the next half a month, Lu Yuan led Lin Yi to run around, and finally almost wiped out the giant rat.

He came to a deserted place, looked around, and shouted: "Lin Yi, are you there?"


Lin Yi's figure appeared.

"Can you find out if there are any giant rats hiding?"


"That's good."

A relaxed smile appeared on Lu Yuan's face, "Do you want to play around in this city?"

Lin Yi looked at the countdown in his mind and shook his head, "I still have things to do."

Lu Yuan was stunned, "What's the matter?"

"Find a wife."


He wants to see where Lin Yi can find a wife!

Then, Lu Yuan saw Lin Yi returned to the base and lay down on the bed.


Well, it seems that he is going to find a wife in his dream.

Lu Yuan turned and left.

Not long after, the system's voice sounded, "Shuttle world..."

 Thank you for the 100 rewards that will never change~
(End of this chapter)

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