Chapter 29 The Best of Both Worlds
The moon was in the middle of the sky, and a silver glow was sprinkled in the courtyard of the temple.

The branches and leaves of the bodhi tree shook, and the young monk suddenly heard the old monk's instructions, so he dragged Lin Yi and Zheng Shi to run into the Buddhist hall, "Master said that you can't leave the Buddhist hall at night."

Mrs. Zheng stopped, and glanced at the Buddhist hall timidly. The Buddhist hall was enveloped by the Buddha's light, so she couldn't get in, and... if nothing else happened, the reason why the old monk told the young monk not to leave the Buddhist hall at night was because she .

So, Zheng said: "You can come out at night later."

The little monk was puzzled, "Why?"

Zheng groaned in her heart, why else, of course, because I can't beat you... But she said, "Because you are protected by your father!"

The little monk suddenly realized, and then showed a silly smile, "Yes~"

Lin Yi waited patiently for them to finish talking, and then said: "It's getting late, it's time to get down to business."

Zheng's face was terrified, and he stammered, "What are you doing...Zheng's?"


Lin nodded, "It's time to sleep!"

Zheng's cheeks were blushing, and her figure was awkward, "We just met, isn't it good?"

"Oh, don't sleep then."

Lin Yi took the little monk back to the Buddhist hall and began to lay the floor, and after a while, there was a sound of even breathing.

Mrs. Zheng was in a mess in the yard by herself, and there was a bit of resentment on her face...


Early the next morning, Lin Yi opened his eyes and yawned.

When he came to the yard, he found that Mrs. Zheng had found a reclining chair that she didn't know where, and was sitting leisurely in the yard basking in the sun.

Lin Yi asked, "Is the meal ready?"

Zheng was taken aback, "I... I forgot."

Having not seen the sun for so many years, after the sun rose from the east, she first cautiously stretched out her hand into the sun, only feeling the warmth, not the burning.

At that moment, she was about to cry with joy, and then immediately rushed into the sunshine, and by the way moved out the reclining chair from a meditation room.

She didn't think about cooking at all...

"I'll do it now."

Zheng got up and ran.

Not long after, Lin Yi looked at the white rice porridge on the table and fell into deep thought.

He turned to look at Zheng Shi and asked, "Do you know how to make money?"


It took Zheng a while to understand Lin Yi's meaning, "Do you... still need to make money?"

Shouldn't others rush to give him money for such an expert?
Lin Yi lay weakly on the table, "Yes, I want to eat meat."

"Aren't monks forbidden to eat meat?"

Lin Yi pointed to his clothes, "Do you think I'm a monk?"

The little monk also interjected: "Daddy said, wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept in his heart that monks can also eat meat."

Zheng Shi fell into deep thought...

The monks in this temple seem to be not very serious, obviously they were not like this before...

After a while, Mrs. Zheng remembered to answer Lin Yi's question, "For an expert like you, it's actually very easy to make money. You just need to go down the mountain to help people catch demons and exorcise evil spirits."

Lin Yi and the little monk looked at each other, and said in unison: "But we won't!"

Zheng: "?"

You used Buddha light and Taoism last night, and now you tell me that you can’t exorcise evil spirits?
Are you kidding me?

Although Mrs. Zheng complained in her heart, she didn't dare to say it out of her mouth. She just said: "You can drive away evil spirits with seals and gold circles."



"All right!"

Lin Yi and the little monk got up, arrogantly, "Today, we will go down the mountain to kill demons!"

Lin Yi looked at Mrs. Zheng and asked, "Are you going?"

Zheng shook her head again and again, if she went down the mountain, she might be killed by demons and demons, and her bones were on the mountain, there was no way she could leave the mountain, or she would have run away long ago.

Seeing Zheng's refusal, Lin Yi and the young monk went down the mountain. Walking on the path between the mountains, the young monk looked around curiously. It was the first time for him to go down the mountain when he was so big.

The master always told him that the mountain was very dangerous and never let him leave the temple.

The nearest town to the foot of the mountain was half a day away. When Lin Yi and the little monk walked into the town, it was already afternoon. The two touched their hungry bellies, and finally the little monk walked to a steamed stuffed bun shop. The monk is here for alms."



The little monk came back in a hurry, Lin Yi stepped forward again, looked at the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, and said, "Boss, I'm here to kill demons, do you need it?"



Both of them failed, and at this moment, they saw a middle-aged man walking past them with a few Taoist priests.

Lin Yi vaguely heard the middle-aged man saying words such as "son" and "knocking evil", his eyes lit up, he pulled the little monk and followed behind them.

The middle-aged man finally led a group of Taoist priests into a large mansion. Lin Yi and the young monk followed and walked in. The guard at the door looked at their outfits and thought they were with the group of Taoist priests. , there is no obstruction.

Ding Chen came to the hall with a group of Taoist priests, and said in a respectful tone: "Please rest for a while, I will order people to prepare meals. Tonight, I will ask all the Taoist priests."

At this time, he noticed Lin Yi and the little monk standing at the end, and wondered in his heart, are there these two people among the Taoist priests he invited?

But forget it, it may be the apprentice brought by a Taoist leader!
It's just a matter of two extra pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

So, that evening, Lin Yi finally ate meat.

The little monk also ate so much that his mouth was full of greasy food. He really couldn't understand why the master said monks couldn't eat meat when the meat was so delicious. Fortunately, his father told him that he could eat it.

A group of Taoist priests thought that Lin Yi and the young monk were brought here by each other, so no one said anything.

After eating and drinking, a group of Taoist priests waited quietly in the hall, while Lin Yi and the young monk looked around curiously until night fell.

A strange wind blew, and a woman in a white dress floated from a distance. The woman had a soft and beautiful appearance, especially a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows, which set off her small face, making her look handsome and charming.

A group of Taoist priests who closed their eyes and meditated immediately opened their eyes, rushed out of the hall, and surrounded the woman in white skirt, "Bold female ghost, hurry up and catch her!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of Taoist priests started their hands one after another.

Ten minutes later, seeing that the female ghost was about to be beaten to death, a man rushed out suddenly and took the woman under his body.

A group of Taoist priests recognized that this was Ding Chen's son Ding Yu, and stopped immediately.

Ding Chen also rushed over panting, seeing his son protecting the female ghost, he roared angrily, "How long are you going to be so confused?"

Ding Yu pursed his lips, "Father, Shi Niang and I really love each other."

Ten Niang looked at Ding Yu moved, her eyes were gentle, "Ding Lang..."

A Taoist said: "Young master, people and ghosts have different paths, you will not have good results together."

"But we really love each other, I believe Ten Niang will not harm me."

Ding Yu is determined to protect Shi Niang. A group of Taoist priests are afraid of accidentally hurting Ding Yu, so they can't do anything for a while, and the two sides are in a stalemate.


Lin Yi said slowly, "I have a way to achieve the best of both worlds."

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lin Yi, "What way?"

"Since they really love each other, but people and ghosts go their separate, why not kill the man and turn him into a ghost too, so that people and ghosts don't go the same way."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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