Chapter 298 This is also magic

The black tights flowed slowly as if they had life.

The black mask on Winnie's face faded away, revealing half of her flawless face, while the other half was still covered by the black mask.

The cheeks on both sides are like two people with completely different expressions.

Facing Thanos' fist, she didn't change her face.

In the next second, Thanos' fist landed on her.

iron Man:"?"

Doctor Strange: "..."

Iron Man turned his head to look at Doctor Strange, "I thought she was a big boss when I saw her expression, but she was flattened by a punch... You said she has no power to resist, how can she be so calm?"

"I do not know either……"

A calm female voice sounded, "Who said I have no power to resist?"

Iron Man looked at Weini, and then at the place where Thanos just smashed down, "I just saw you were smashed to the ground..."

"That's an illusion."

Mother has a kind of ability, that is, the abilities of people who have been parasitized by her will be copied by her, and mother has parasitized father.

Therefore, mother's abilities include but are not limited to: [Illusion], [Petrochemical], [Element Control], [Mist Space]...

Iron Man turned to look at Doctor Strange, "Is this also magic?"

Doctor Strange was silent for a moment, then nodded affirmatively, "Of course!"

Iron Man fell into deep thought, always feeling as if they had hope of winning again.

So he doesn't have to die?

He has a wife, a child, and he doesn't want to die if he can.

Iron Man asked Winnie, "Can you beat Thanos?"

"You mean this purple potato head?"

"Don't say it, it's quite image..."

The two are chatting here, and on the other side, Thanos is still in an illusion.

Winnie asked, "Have you met my dad?"

"I did meet Lin Yi, but he probably isn't the father you mentioned."

"What do you mean?"

"He is not from your universe, so..."

"My father was not from our universe."

iron Man:"?"

He was a little confused.

Winnie continued to ask, "So where is my dad?"

"He was sent to another place by Thanos. I don't know exactly where."

So, Winnie turned to look at Thanos.

In the next second, Wei Ni cut her wrist, blood flowed down, and then condensed into a blood blade in an instant.

The blood blade pierced Thanos' chest, and he also escaped from the illusion.

Winnie asked, "Where did you send my dad?"

Thanos smiled, "You shouldn't... stab me in the chest."

He stretched out his left hand, and the space gem lighted up on it. However, before the power of the gem was activated, a sharp blade suddenly extended from the black tights on Winnie's body, cutting off Thanos' arm.

Thanos let out a scream.

Winnie tilted her head, "Why do you think I didn't chop off your head? Of course it was to find out the whereabouts of my father."

Thanos had a mocking smile on his face, "You'll never want to know where he is..."

Wei Ni didn't speak anymore, she thought for a moment, and the blood blade in her hand turned into a blood gun, nailing Thanos to the ground.

She bent down, picked up the Infinity Gauntlet on the ground, and then set the last time gem on it.

The six gems were collected in Wei Ni's hands.

Winnie put on the Infinity Gauntlet and was about to snap her fingers, but Doctor Strange hurriedly stopped her, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Find my dad."


Although Dr. Strange felt that using the Infinity Gauntlet to find his father was a bit overkill, he had no way to stop it. He could only remind him: "When the six Infinity Stones are activated at the same time, it will generate a powerful force. Almost no one can bear this force. Severe injuries, or death."

"Is it that scary?"

"That's right!"


Winnie took off the Infinity Gauntlet, and an identical figure suddenly emerged from her body. She said, "You snap your fingers."

The clone nodded.

With a snap of the fingers, the entire arm of the avatar was instantly scrapped.

The avatar gasped in pain, "It's so cool!"

Doctor Strange: "?"

Wei Ni was not surprised by this, she retracted her avatar, and a portal appeared beside her, and then she walked in...


On a desolate planet, Lin Yi was "touching corpses".

He groped on Thanos' body for a long time, but he couldn't find where the Infinity Stone was.

Lin Yi asked, "How long will it take me to fly back?"

"Estimated to be a year."


Lin Yi continued to touch the corpse, and began to think about the probability of Thanos hiding the Infinity Stone in his stomach.

"Host, you can't find it."


"I guess, this is the Thanos of the parallel universe, and the Infinity Stone is on another Thanos."

Lin Daxi, "Then let's go find another Thanos, so that we can find the space gem and go back."

"He must be on Earth."

"so what?"

"If you want to find Thanos to get the space gem, you need to fly back to the earth first. You have already flown back to the earth, why do you need the space gem?"


The system sighed and was ready for the mission to fail.

Never expected that Thanos would even play tricks.

Lin Yi suddenly said, "Then let's fly to Earth! One year, very soon."

The system was taken aback for a moment, and then it was full of emotion, "Host, you are so kind."

Unexpectedly, the host is willing to work so hard for the task, how can it give up first?
Maybe Doctor Strange and the others can last for a year?

Lin Yi thought very simply.

He has to go back to find his wife...

The system drew a map in Lin Yi's mind, with the location of the earth marked on it, which was indeed too far away.

Lin Yi stood up, a portal suddenly appeared beside him.

Without hesitation, he immediately rushed into the portal.

"Wait, host, you don't even know where the other end of the portal is."

"it's the same."

Then, Lin Yi bumped into someone.

The petite figure bumped into his arms, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Lin Yi looked down, "Daughter-in-law?"

Winnie looked up, "Dad, can you really not see me?"

"I can see."


The venom detached from Wei Ni's body, wrapped around Lin Yi's body, and then merged with him.

"I finally... found you."

"Daughter-in-law, how did you find me?"

Before Venom could speak, Winnie explained: "The multiverse suddenly opened, and we suspected that you were in another universe, so we searched for you one by one."

"Some universes are so strange. There is a universe called 0071. The mother in it is actually a big villain. If my mother is so beautiful, how could she be a villain?"

Listening to Winnie's chatter, the system sighed, "She has changed a lot..."

In the past, she always looked expressionless, and she was calm about everything she encountered, which made people wonder if she had no emotions.

But now, she is much more lively.

Lin Yi touched Wei Ni's head, and heard her continue: "We found this universe, met Thanos, snatched the Infinity Gauntlet from him, and used the power of the Infinity Stone to find you."

Wei Ni handed the Infinity Gauntlet to Lin Yi, "Dad, this stone is very beautiful, I give it to you."

"Thank you."

Lin Yi took the glove, picked off the infinity gem on it, and picked out the space gem from it, "Let's go home..."

 Thanks to book friends 20230608081530521 for the reward of 267~
  I've been moving these few days, I'm really tired, I can't bear it today, there's only one change!
(End of this chapter)

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