Chapter 318
Under the leadership of Zhao Dun, Lin Yi and Jia Jia found a relatively famous small noodle restaurant nearby. The business was very good, but the business was fast. After waiting for three or four minutes, three bowls of noodles were served.

Tastes good, but a little pricey.

But it doesn't matter, Zhao Dun treats guests.

The three of them ate the noodles while listening to Xiaomeng's voice in their minds, and then Jiajia and Zhao Dun came to the same conclusion: this guy is a chatterbox.

After the three of them ate, Xiaomeng just finished talking.

The noisy voice in my head disappeared, and if nothing unexpected happened, it would reappear after 5 minutes.


Did Mr. Zou really live for hundreds of years like Xiaomeng said?
Is that human being?
The two didn't think any more, Zhao Dun got up and said, "Go to the Supernatural Bureau?"

"it is good."

Jia Jia and Lin Yi stood up right after Zhao Dun walked out of the noodle shop when the cell phone rang.


The other party didn't know what to say, Zhao Dun's face changed suddenly, "What?"

"okay, I get it."

Putting down the phone, Zhao Dun looked gloomy, thought for a moment, and then dialed a number.

"Hey, Old Chen, is there any latest order from above?"


Zhao Dun put down the phone and took a deep breath, but he couldn't calm down at all, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he even felt his legs were weak and he couldn't stand still.

Jiajia asked: "What's wrong?"

"Just now, the Ghost Bureau called, saying that Zhang Yan... Well, he is the superpower with the ability to predict the future, but the superpower is activated intermittently, and no one knows what the triggering condition is."

"Just now, he predicted the future again. In 3 minutes, a plane will crash into the bustling city center of Jianghai. A group of superpowers who have not fully recovered their superpowers, trying to stop the plane from falling, almost wiped out the whole army. "

"Then, I called the director of the Jianghai Supernatural Bureau to confirm. Just now, he was indeed given an order to prevent the plane from falling at all costs. If he can't, he will use the life of a superhuman to fill it up."

Jiajia: "!"

Her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

If they are prepared, superpowers may not be able to stop a plane, but they are usually suppressed by superpowers. It would be good to recover a little in a few minutes. How can they stop a plane?

This is letting them die!

3 minutes……

Coupled with the time spent chatting just now, there are at most 2 minutes left.

2 minutes, it's too late!
Jiajia looked at Lin Yi subconsciously, and then smiled helplessly. Lin Yi is indeed very strong, but he is still human after all, and it is impossible to rush to Jianghai within 2 minutes.

Lin Yi saw Jiajia's eyes and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"


"Jiajia, it's wrong to lie."

Jiajia was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, "Lin Yi, I want to save Jiang Hai's superpowers, but I can't do anything..."

Lin Yiyi: "I'll help you."


Lin Yi repeated again, "I will help you."

"However, there are less than 2 minutes left now, and Jianghai is more than 1600 kilometers away from here."

Lin Yi scratched his head and counted with his fingers.

He knows how far 1600 kilometers is, but he doesn't know how fast he can fly.

The system opened the mouth and said: "Host, there is no problem, it is completely in time."


So Lin said to Jiajia: "I can do it."

Jiajia was overjoyed, "Then hurry up and be careful."

"it is good."


On the plane, Xiaomeng looked at the time, 5 minutes was almost up.

He turned his head and said to Yang Yu, "Can you still do it?"

Yang Yu stiffened his neck, "No problem!"

At this moment, all the blood vessels on his body had burst, and his skin was covered in blood red, which looked a little scary.

"Then come on, hold on for a while, and I'll find you a wife after I'm done."


Yang Yu smirked twice, and activated his superpower again.

"Ahem, can you hear me?"

"If nothing else happens, you should be able to hear it."

"Five minutes are up. Since Zou Qiang didn't call me, I'll keep my word. Next, the plane will crash into the city center of Jianghai."

"Remember, this accident is not my responsibility alone, it is Zou Qiang's inaction that hurt you."

Xiaomeng controlled the plane and crashed into the city center.

He turned back, smiled at Yang Yu, and said, "Close your eyes, and when you hear a loud bang, you will be able to see your wife. Remember, before that, you must not open your eyes. Otherwise it won’t work.”

Yang Yu immediately closed his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

Looking at Yang Yu's dumbfounded look, Xiaomeng felt a little sad suddenly.

If hundreds of years ago, how could superpowers be reduced to this point...

Xiaomeng took one last look at Yang Yu who had his eyes closed, smashed through the glass, and jumped out.

He landed before the plane, and fell to the ground with a bang, turning into a puddle of meat, bones, flesh and mud mixed together, a blur.

After a while, the meat paste began to squirm, and Xiaomeng quickly recovered.

He looked up and looked at the plane that was about to land.

He said softly, "Bang!"

However, the expected explosion did not occur. He watched in amazement as the plane that was about to land suddenly stopped in the air. The entire head of the plane was severely deformed, but other than that, no one was injured.

Seeing this familiar scene, Xiaomeng immediately understood that it was Lin Yi who had come.

"Fuck! How did he come so fast?"

"Xiao Ming has already confirmed that he is still in the mountain city, how could he appear here?"

"[Between virtual and real] can't do this, could it be [Duan Kong]? But it's not right, I've already checked, it's right that I don't have this superpower now..."

Xiaomeng couldn't figure it out, but he figured it out a little bit.

Run now!

Lin Yi waved his hand in front of Yang Yu, and asked curiously, "Are you blind?"

"I'm not, you're the blind."

"Then why don't you open your eyes?"

"Xiaomeng said that you can only open your eyes after hearing a loud noise, otherwise I won't have a wife."

Lin Yi thought for a while, took Yang Yu to the outskirts, and then punched the ground.

With a loud noise, a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Yang Yu opened his eyes happily, but there was only Lin Yi in front of him, and there was no sign of his wife.

He looked around and asked, "Where is my wife?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "Why is your wife asking me?"

"That's right, I should ask Xiaomeng, have you seen where he is?"


"Then you take me to find him."

"it is good."

Lin Yi picked up Yang Yu and caught up with Xiaomeng.

Looking at Lin Yi who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xiaomeng was startled, and subconsciously attacked, but was easily blocked by Lin Yi.

Xiaomeng was frightened, turned her eyes, suddenly pointed behind Lin Yi, and shouted: "Look, there is a plane!"

Lin Yi glanced back, and there was nothing behind him.

Turning his head again, Xiaomeng had already run away.

So, Lin Yi chased after him again.

Xiaomeng: "..."

He realized that he couldn't escape.

However, fortunately, Xiao Ming is not here, as long as she can survive...

Xiaomeng was ready to die, but Lin Yi asked: "You agreed to introduce Yang Yu's wife, why are you running away?"

Xiaomeng was stunned, "What?"

"You don't mean to cheat, do you?"

"Do not……"

He glanced at Lin Yi cautiously, "That's why you chased me?"

Lin Yi looked serious, "This is very important."


Xiaomeng suddenly felt that he had the hope of surviving, but where to find a wife for Yang Yu was a problem. Here in the wilderness, he couldn't conjure one...

Then, he saw that Xiao Ming got out from nowhere, stood in front of him, and looked at Lin Yi vigilantly, "Come to me if you have something to do, don't hurt Xiao Meng, I did everything. I killed everyone."

Lin Yi asked, "Did you kill someone?"

Xiao Ming: "Yes!"

Xiaomeng: "..."

Lin Yi let out an "oh" and continued to ask Xiaomeng, "So where is the daughter-in-law you want to introduce?"

Beside Lin Yi, Yang Yu collapsed suddenly, the blood vessels in his body burst, and his whole body was red like a boiled prawn.

"I...I want a daughter-in-law..."

Lin Yi looked at Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng hesitated for a moment, then called out to Yang Yu, "Husband..."

Xiao Ming: "..."

Yang Yu pointed at Xiaomeng tremblingly, "You are a man, I don't want you to be my wife."

He pointed at Xiao Ming again, "I want her."

Xiaomeng said directly: "No!"


"It doesn't work anyway."

Yang Yu burst into tears, buried his head in Lin Yi's chest, and complained, "He lied to me!"

Lin Yi looked at Xiaomeng seriously, "It's wrong to lie to people."

After speaking, he added, "It's wrong to kill people."

Xiaomeng: "..."

Lin Yi felt that Yang Yu's breath suddenly became much weaker, and he asked, "Are you going to die?"

"Yeah...Before I died, I wanted to have a daughter-in-law..."

Lin Yi thought about it seriously, and felt that his wish should be granted.

So he said: "Close your eyes, count to three, and then open your eyes, and you will be able to see your daughter-in-law."

Yang Yu asked pitifully, "You won't lie to me too, will you?"

"will not."

" do you count three numbers?"

"That's 1, 2, 3..."


Yang Yu closed his eyes and muttered: "1, 2, 3..."

Then, he opened his eyes.

In front of him was a woman. Because his eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't see her face clearly, but he thought she should be beautiful.

"young married woman?"

"it's me."

"Can you call me husband?"


A satisfied smile appeared on Yang Yu's face, and his voice gradually weakened, "Daughter-in-law, why are you wearing men's clothes..."

After the last word fell, his eyes were completely closed.

Lin Yi looked at the silent Yang Yu, his figure and face slowly changed, and soon returned to his original appearance.

Just now, he used [Mind Phase] and [Transformation] to transform into a woman, fulfilling Yang Yu's wish.

He turned his head and saw that Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng had already run away.

Lin Yi picked up Yang Yu's body, caught up with them, and said seriously: "You killed people, I will arrest you and hand you over to Jiajia."

Naturally, Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng would not wait to die, but they were soon subdued by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi grabbed them and flew towards the mountain city.

It was only at this time that Xiaomeng finally understood how Lin Yi came to Jianghai from the mountain city in an instant.

It's not [Duan Kong] that involves the power of space at all, what he relies on is his own speed.

How did he do it?
This ability has something to do with [Between Virtuality and Reality]?

After landing, Xiaomeng asked, "How did you do it?"


"How do you fly so fast?"

"First, you sacrifice your kidneys, then you sacrifice your hair, your arms, and finally you sacrifice your lifespan."

"Of course, the most important thing is to find a wife."

Xiaomeng: "?"

Lin handed Yang Yu's body to Zhao Dun, and then asked Jiajia, "They killed people, should they be sent to prison?"

"Do not……"

Jiajia looked at Xiaomeng and Xiaoming, remained silent for a moment, and said to Lin Yidao, "I want to ask them a few questions."


Jiajia looked at Zhao Dun again.

Zhao Dun nodded with a sad face, picked up Yang Yu, got up and left.

Jiajia closed the door and asked Xiaomeng, "You said before that people with super powers are all crazy, is it because of Mr. Zou?"

"Hehe, almost!"

Xiaomeng knew that he couldn't survive, but he didn't intend to hide it. He wanted to know how Jiajia would react if he knew what Zou Qiang had done.

He said: "Humans have developed a detector, where a person with superpowers is born, it will be detected immediately. After that, Zou Qiang will send someone to take away the person with superpowers."

"Will their parents agree?"

"Hehe, of course not, but... what can I do if I don't agree?"

Jiajia was silent.

Xiaomeng continued: "There are two kinds of super powers, one is [zombie eats your brain], and the other is [foolish], using these two super powers, Zou Qiang developed a medicine to inject those babies .”

Jiajia clenched her fists tightly, her body trembling slightly.

Xiaomeng laughed, "Under the effects of brain damage and ignorance, one after another neuropathy was born... I don't know if you know that in this era, there is no healing superpower, because medicine can't damage their brains. , So, Zou Qiang killed them."

Jiajia clenched her teeth, "But...why?"

"Of course it's because...they are afraid! Everyone of you is afraid of us, but what they are most afraid of is not us. If you think about it carefully, whether it is magnetic fields or inhibitors, they are all aimed at superpowers. Humans have ability to develop stronger weapons, but they prioritize all their resources on researching and developing how to suppress superpowers..."

Xiaomeng wanted to continue speaking, but an invisible wave suddenly rushed from a distance, Jiajia only felt a breeze blowing by, but Xiaomeng and Xiaoming were silent.

Jiajia suddenly raised her head, high in the sky, a fighter plane flew away quickly...

Jiajia lowered her head and looked at Xiaomeng, but her pupils suddenly dilated.

She saw that Xiao Meng's hand was tightly holding Xiao Ming's hand...

(End of this chapter)

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