Chapter 320
"Shuttle world [curse]..."

"People in Chenjia Village have believed in a 'god' for generations, named Dahei Buddha Mother."

"The mother of the Great Black Buddha is in charge of wealth and destruction, and she is happy for children."

"The ancestors of the Chen family started their family by relying on the mother of the Great Black Buddha, but the descendants suffered a backlash and fell into a deep curse."

"The descendants of the Chen family sealed the Great Black Buddha Mother in a tunnel and sacrificed girls regularly, which kept the situation in a delicate balance."

"A three-person spirit detective team, two men and one woman, two of the men are from Chenjia Village, and then went out to work hard, and the woman's name is Li Ruonan." Among them, a tunnel that must not be entered is located in Chenjia Village."

"So, the three of them decided to go to Chenjia Village and explore the tunnel."

"The arrival of the three of them completely broke the balance. The seal of the Great Black Buddha Mother in the tunnel was damaged, and the terror began to spread..."

"Of the three, two men died, and most of the people in Chenjiacun died. In the end, Li Ruonan escaped from Chenjiacun. At this time, she was pregnant in her womb."

"But the curse didn't end. The video of the three of them in Chenjiacun became a medium for the curse to spread. Anyone who watched the video died..."

"Host, in this world, your daughter is named Yunguo. She is one of the girls sacrificed to the Great Black Buddha Mother in Chenjia Village. This task: save Yunguo and destroy the real body of the Great Black Buddha Mother."


Lin Yi opened his eyes and straightened his bangs on his forehead.


It was silent for a moment, and said: "Host, I think that true love is not limited by appearance, so as long as she really loves you, she will like you no matter what."


Lin Yi conjured up a mirror to ensure that the bangs were not messed up, and then asked, "Where is my daughter?"

"Let me take a look... damn it!"

The system uttered a swear word, "Host, the landing location is a little bit off this time. Your daughter is far away from here, even crossing the border."

"It's okay, I fly fast."

"That's also..."

The system can't figure out why it landed here, logically speaking it shouldn't be...

It presented the map in Lin Yi's mind, just as Lin Yi was about to take off, three people suddenly pushed the door and walked in, followed by piercing screams.

Lin turned his head and looked at the three of them.

Three people, two men and one woman, the one who screamed was the woman.

The screaming gradually subsided, and the three gradually calmed down. One of them asked, "You are human, right?"


The remaining two breathed a sigh of relief, walked forward with flashlights, and started chatting with Lin Yi.

After talking, Lin Yi learned that the names of the three were: Chen Lidong, Chen Zhenyuan, and Li Ruonan.

Lin took a look at Li Ruonan.

"Brother, what's your name?"

"Lin Yi."

"The three of us are live broadcasting spiritual adventures, in order to break the feudal superstition and tell everyone that there are no ghosts in this world."

Lin Yi applauded.

"This time, we came to Southeast Asia because there is a very famous supernatural legend place here, which is this scary high school...By the way, Lin Yi, why are you here?"

"When you close your eyes and open them, you're here."


The three gasped in unison, and the audience in the live broadcast room also felt a little creepy.

The places that the spirit detective team explored before were also very strange, but in the end it was discovered that they were all deceptively mysterious. This time the car will not be overturned, right?

Chen Zhenyuan laughed twice, "Lin Yi, you really know how to joke."

Of the three, he is the one who believes in science the most.

He stood up first, "Let's go, let's start an adventure to reveal the truth of the legend of this high school, Lin Yi, do you want to come with us?"

Lin Yi hesitated, "I want to find my daughter."

"Huh? Is your daughter lost?"

"No, I got lost. She's in Chenjia Village."

Chen Zhenyuan and Chen Lidong looked at each other, and then asked together: "What's your daughter's name?"


Chen Zhenyuan immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Grandpa, are you in good health? Hmm, I'm not in a hurry to find a girlfriend, Grandpa, I want to ask you something, um, we Is there a little girl named Yunguo in the village?"

After a while, Chen Zhenyuan hung up the phone.

Chen Lidong asked, "How is it?"

"Grandpa said that there is no girl named Yunguo in the village, but I feel his tone is a bit strange..."

He looked at Lin Yi and said, "This is a foreign country, and the earliest flight will be tomorrow, why don't you go back with us tomorrow? It just so happens that we also plan to go back to our hometown to have a look."

At this time, someone typed on the bullet screen: "Chenjiacun also has a supernatural place called the tunnel that must never be entered. You can explore it by the way."

Chen Zhenyuan saw it, so he nodded immediately, "Okay, then we will explore the tunnel by the way. If you are interested, you can click to follow. If you click to follow, you will not get lost."

Seeing the rapidly increasing attention, Chen Zhenyuan grinned, and then couldn't help but say, pulling Lin Yi forward, "Oh, Lin Yi, don't worry, ghost legends are all fake, there are no ghosts in this world. "

"I'm not worried."

"Then why do you look hesitant?"

"I want to see my daughter soon."

"There are no flights now!"

"I can fly back by myself."

"Hahaha, you are really joking..."

Chen Zhenyuan pulled Lin Yi to the dance room, and introduced: "According to the legend, a dancing figure will appear in this dance room every midnight at midnight, and now there are 5 minutes before midnight, let's wait here !"

Chen Lidong and Li Ruonan began to arrange their mobile phones to ensure that they could capture the entire dance studio.

The 2 minutes passed quickly, and the audience in the live broadcast room watched the live broadcast nervously and expectantly.

At this moment, the back door creaked, and a girl in a dance costume walked in through the back door, and then danced in the room like no one else was there.

Jumping and jumping, her body suddenly twisted backwards, lying on the ground like a spider.


Li Ruonan screamed, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also startled.

"Fuck, this horror legend is true!"

"It's not the actor the host is looking for, is it?"

"Can an actor twist his body to this degree?"


Chen Lidong was also afraid, but he suppressed his fear and hugged Li Ruonan to give her a sense of security.

Although Chen Zhenyuan was a little apprehensive, he still didn't believe in ghosts, so he shouted loudly, "Who are you? Why are you pretending to be a ghost here?"

The girl's neck twisted, and there was a cracking sound. A pair of red eyes fixed on Chen Zhenyuan, and then quickly crawled towards him.

"Ah! The host, run!"

"Dangerous danger!"

"It's over, the live broadcast room will be permanently closed in the future."

[Big sister will hurt people] I rewarded a rocket.

"Big guy!"

"Hold your thighs."



(End of this chapter)

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