Chapter 336 Castle Peak Hotel

Jiajia came to the door of Lin Yi's room, and before she went in, she heard a conversation.

"How is it? Am I amazing?"

The voice was a little strange, it should be Zhang Yan's.

Immediately afterwards, it was Lin Yi's voice.

"Well, great."

"Then can you treat me to dinner?"

"Okay, I'll treat you to the cafeteria."

"Thank you, you are a good person."

Jiajia: "..."

She pushed open the door and walked in. Zhang Yan heard the movement and was about to run away immediately. Jiajia hurriedly shouted: "Don't go, I won't arrest you back."

Zhang Yan paused, and asked suspiciously: "Really?"


Zhang Yan stopped, hesitated for a moment, and said: "You are Lin Yi's friend, I trust you."

Then, he lay down next to Lin Yi again, and continued to look at the tablet.

Jiajia smiled.

She has just investigated clearly, and basically all the superpowers in Pengcheng Mental Hospital have been captured, but there are still two who slipped through the net.

One is Zhang Yan. This method of running along the Internet makes people have no choice.

The other is the superpower who can turn into poop in the video...

I heard that when he was arrested, he fled into a public dry toilet. It was really a drop of water mixed into the sea, and he couldn't find it.

The hunters resisted the stench and salvaged all the feces in the dry toilet, but they couldn't find the superhuman figure in the end.

Oh, yes, that superpower seems to be Wu Xiang...

Jiajia walked over and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Yan looked serious, "I am giving Lin Yi strength."

Jiajia: "?"

Lin Yi explained: "When playing in a group, he slowed down the Internet speed of the opponent."

Jiajia: "..."

This is really... hard to guard against!

Jia Jia sighed, looked at Zhang Yan, and asked, "How about staying here temporarily?"


For Zhang Yan, as long as he doesn't go back to the mental hospital.

The two played a game together again, and Jiajia took them to the cafeteria.

Zhang Yan ate hungrily, "This is much better than the food in the mental hospital."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "What do you usually eat?"

"Steamed buns and pickles in the morning, rice and two vegetables at noon, and noodles in the evening."

"Is it like this every day?"

"Yeah, the dishes are the same every day."

Lin Yi looked at him with pity, "No wonder you are not tall!"

Zhang Yan jumped up, "Who can't grow taller? I am 1.8 meters tall."

"No, I feel that you are 1.6 meters eight."

"Don't smear people's innocence out of thin air."

"We can measure it."

"Measure to measure!"

There was no other way, Jiajia could only find a tape measure and measure it for Zhang Yan, and Lin Yi guessed it was right, it was indeed 1.6 meters eight.

Zhang Yan doubted: "Is there something wrong with your ruler?"

Lin Yi replied, "No."

"Impossible, when I was measured in the mental hospital, they were all 1.8 meters!"

"There's something wrong with the ruler in your mental hospital."

"I do not believe."

Lin Yi suddenly asked: "Are you full?"


"Then I'll take you out to measure, the ruler outside must be fine."

"it is good."

Jiajia: "..."

Resigned to her fate, she followed behind the two of them, and saw them coming to a pharmacy, where they measured their height with the measuring machine at the entrance of the pharmacy.

This time, Zhang Yan completely shut himself up.

"So I'm so short..."

"Honghong said that if a man is less than 1.8 meters tall, he will not be able to marry a wife."

Lin Yi comforted: "You can also get married."

Zhang Yan became happy, "Really?"


"That's good."

Hearing that he could marry a wife, Zhang Yan immediately stopped worrying about his height.

Jiajia: "..."

She finally discovered that this group of superpowers seemed to be obsessed with marrying a wife.

Because Zhang Yan was not yet familiar with it, Jiajia didn't dare to let him run around outside. After measuring his height, he took him back to the base.

Letting Zhang Yan stay temporarily is just a tactic to delay the attack, and how to deal with it next is also a problem.

Jiajia hadn't thought of a way yet, who would have thought that Lin Yi and Zhang Yan gave her a fright that night.

Late at night, she received a call from the police station.

Lin Yi and Zhang Yan were arrested because of fighting.

Jiajia was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly drove over. After arriving, she found out about the situation, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

It turned out that when playing games, Zhang Yan could know the whole picture because of his super power, so Lin Yi could always know the opponent's direction in advance, so he was scolded by the opponent for cheating on the game.

Lin Yi naturally wanted to reason with the other party.

In short, cursing and cursing, the other party said, "I'll scold your wife, if you have the ability, come to me along the network cable!"

This is... a coincidence.

Zhang Yan immediately crawled along the network cable, learned his address, and then came back, asking Lin Yi to drive him to have a face-to-face argument with someone.

Next, it was Lin Yi and Zhang Yan who beat him up, and the other party called the police.

In this matter, it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong. In short, both parties are responsible, and the police mean that both parties are private.

After solving this matter, Jiajia drove Lin Yi and Zhang Yan back in the car. On the way, she looked serious and asked, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

Lin Yi answered honestly, "I don't know."

Jiajia: "..."

Lin Yi asked, "Why don't you let me drive? My car is still there!"

Jiajia didn't dare to let Lin Yi drive, it was too unsafe, so she pretended she didn't hear this, and asked instead: "Do you think it's right to hit someone?"

Zhang Yan was not convinced, "He scolded my wife first."

Jiajia asked, "Do you have a wife?"

"There will be sooner or later, and he can't scold him in advance."


Jiajia was a little melancholy and didn't say anything more.

After returning to the base, she exhorted: "Sleep well tonight, and no more games are allowed."

"it is good."

Hearing that the two agreed to come down, Jiajia went back to her room to sleep.

A week later, Jiajia sent Zhang Yan to Qingshan Mental Hospital.

Zhang Yan asked: "Where is this place?"

Jiajia lied: "The hotel, you will live here from now on."

Zhang Yan pointed to the words "Qingshan Mental Hospital" and asked: "How do you pronounce these words?"

Jiajia said word by word: "Qingshan Hotel."

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, "Isn't that six words?"

Although he is illiterate, he can still count numbers up to ten.

"Oh, that's one word, and the radicals are written big, it looks like two words."

"Is that so..."

Zhang Yan walked into Qingshan Mental Hospital with a hesitant expression on his face, but Li Qingshan specially asked everyone to change out of their hospital gowns, so Zhang Yan didn't see anything wrong.

When he came to the cafeteria, Zhang Yan no longer doubted it.

The food in the mental hospital is not so good, it must be a hotel.

After solving Zhang Yan's matter, Jiajia also breathed a sigh of relief.

The following days were relaxed and comfortable, and it was the end of the month in a blink of an eye.

When zero came, the system's voice sounded on time, "Traveling through the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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