Chapter 351

Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"Congratulations to the host, the task is completed, and the reward: [dexterity]..."

"Do you need to clear the emotions of the previous world?"

The system originally thought that the host would still be the same as before, and would not respond to this question. Who knows, this time, Lin Yi asked seriously, "Why do you keep wanting me to forget my wife?"

The system froze for a moment, and hurriedly explained: "I don't want to make you too sad. After all, you have been experiencing parting, and normal people have already had a nervous breakdown."

Lin Yi understood, "You're calling me abnormal."


It retorted: "Host, don't make trouble for no reason."

"You still call me vexatious."


After a moment of silence, the system suddenly said, "Sorry, I was wrong."

"It's good to know it's wrong."

Lin Yi was very relieved, and came to the window, intending to blow the night breeze, when he saw Zhuizi taking a walk outside.

He beckoned to Zhuizi, Zhuizi trotted over, jumped into Lin Yi's embrace, rubbed his head against his chest, and called coquettishly, "Meow~"

Lin Yi asked, "Can you become a human?"


"In the future, I will introduce my daughter-in-law to you, and let her teach you how to become a human being."


"you are welcome."

Lin Yi hugged the pendant and chatted all night. The pendant tried to break free and escape several times, but failed. There was no other way. In the end, he could only pretend not to hear, squinted his eyes and began to sleep.

The next day, while having breakfast, Lin Yi heard Lu Yuan say to Jia Jia: "I'm going to attend a training session in a week, and all the directors of the Supernatural Bureau will participate. It will last for three days. During this period, the affairs of the Supernatural Bureau, Thank you for helping me manage and control, if you encounter uncertain things, you can call me."

"Where is the training location?"

"The capital."

Jiajia was silent for a moment, and said: "Be careful."

"it is good."

Lin Yi asked, "Can you take me there?"



Lin Yi was very sorry, for some reason, he suddenly wanted to go.

A week later, when Lu Yuan departed by plane, Lin Yi asked Jiajia, "Can I follow quietly?"

Jiajia hurriedly said: "No!"


Jiajia was a little worried, "Lin Yi, promise me that you won't follow me."

"Okay, I promise you."

Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief.

On the first day of Lu Yuan's absence, monsters appeared in two places in Star City at the same time. Jiajia looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi gave her a reassuring look, summoned a clone, and rushed to two places at the same time to destroy the monster.

On the second day of Lu Yuan's absence, monsters appeared in three places in Star City at the same time.

Lin Yi gave Jia Jia a reassuring look again, summoned two clones, and rushed to three places at the same time to destroy the monsters.

On the third day of Lu Yuan's absence, monsters appeared in eight places in Star City at the same time.

Lin Yi's eyes were full of bewilderment.

He only has two clones, what should he do?
Jiajia gradually realized that something was wrong. The monsters seemed to be deliberately making Lin Yi unable to cope with them at the same time. But what was their purpose?
"Lin Yi, be careful!"

"Okay... I only have three people, what should I do?"

"According to the order, come one by one, you should eliminate these three first, and I will send someone to stop the other five first, so as to minimize casualties."

"oh oh."

Lin disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the monster.

This is a toad-like monster, with a bulge all over its body, and the inside of the bulge is milky white venom, which is highly corrosive.

Lin Yi was about to make a move when the monster Toad suddenly said, "Wait!" "What?"

"Are you Lin Yi's real body?"


"That's good……"

The monster toad said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Du Xiong. This toad is not me. I can only temporarily control its thinking."

Lin Yi asked curiously: "Then are you a monster?"


Du Xiong continued: "Lin Yi, let's make a deal!"

"What deal?"

"Next, we will launch an attack on the capital city and Kunlun Mountain at the same time. You must have guessed our purpose, so I won't say more. I hope you don't make a move when the time comes."

Lin Yi fell into silence.

Du Xiong didn't rush, he gave Lin Yi enough time to think.

After a long time, Lin Yi said slowly, "I didn't guess your purpose."

Du Xiong: "..."

Feelings You were thinking about this just now?

Du Xiong took a deep breath and told himself not to be angry. He explained: "Our purpose is to capture Kunlun Mountain and release more of our companions. Zou Qiang and the others can guess this point, but if they concentrate Guard Kunlun Mountain with strength, then the capital will fall, I believe he will definitely choose the capital."


"His character, I understand."


Du Xiong asked: "So, do you agree?"

"Why should I promise you?"

"First, most of the forces of the Star City Supernatural Bureau have been dispatched. Now the Supernatural Bureau has been controlled by us. There are many clerks and a small number of other personnel in it. Some of them are acquainted with you. I believe you don't want to see them in trouble."

Du Xiong continued: "Second, Jiajia is also in our hands. If you don't agree, I won't guarantee her safety."

Lin Yi thought for a while and asked, "Are you threatening me?"

"You can understand that too."

"But... Jiajia and the base, I saved them~"

Du Xiong's eyes widened suddenly, his toad face was full of shock.

"how come……"

He just wanted to control other monsters to verify Lin Yi's words, but he failed. There was only one reason... that is, those monsters were all dead.

He stared at Lin Yi, "Do you know what humans have done to people with superpowers? Why do you help them like this?"

Lin Yili replied confidently, "I don't know!"


Du Xiong asked resignedly: "What should I do so that you don't intervene?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Give me the money."

Du Xiong suspected that he heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

Lin Yi repeated, "Give me money!"


If you really want money, you should have said it earlier!
Du Xiong was silent for a full 5 minutes before asking with complicated eyes: "How much do you want?"

"One thousand... No, no, at least ten thousand."

It's only [-]!
Du Xiong responded, "OK..."

Lin Yi added, "I don't want the money you got from breaking the law."


Dozens of humanoid monsters pretend to be humans to make money.

Since they have no academic qualifications, they can only wash dishes, deliver food, run Didi...

Dozens of people earn 1 yuan, and the speed is quite fast. In just two days, Du Xiong controlled a monster and gave 1 yuan to Lin Yi.

In order to prove that the money came from a legitimate source, he also attached the salary statement...

(End of this chapter)

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