It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 381, Picture 6, The 3rd Flash

Chapter 381, Picture 6, The Third Flash

Lin Yi accompanied Al to the rooftop to bask in the sun, and Barry also had something he wanted to do.

He wants to regain the Speed ​​Force.

It was a thunderstorm tonight, so he made a lightning-inducing device in the hope that he would be struck by lightning again.

This was how he gained and lost the Speed ​​Force before.

It was still daytime and he needed to get ready.

on the rooftop.

Lin Yi asked curiously: "Daughter-in-law, would it charge faster if you were not covered by clothes?"

Al: "."

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to try? Anyway, there is no one else here."



Lin Yi was quiet for a few minutes and then asked: "Daughter-in-law, what should I do if there is no sunshine on a rainy day?"

"To shut up!"


The whole day, Lin Yi was beeping next to Al, and Al wanted to throw Lin Yi into the sky.

But no matter what, it was Lin Yi who saved her, so she had to endure it.

At night, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.

Barry took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

He is just an ordinary person now. If he is struck by lightning, if he cannot obtain the speed force, his mortality rate will be as high as 90.00%.

Bruce asked, "Are you sure you want this?"

Barry nodded solemnly.

"If I gain the Speed ​​Force, our winning rate will be much greater."

Bruce and young Barry looked on worriedly. As lightning struck, Barry twitched and then stopped moving.

Young Barry rushed over immediately, "Are you okay? Don't scare me."

Barry was so angry that he tried his best to speak, "Do it again."

"No, no, you'll die."

Barry grabbed his hand, his eyes firm, "Do it again."


Lightning struck again, and fortunately, this time, Barry succeeded.

the next day.

Barry asked Al, "How's your tan?"

"If there is a ratio, I should be [-]% charged."

"so little?"


"But we don't have time."

Barry pointed at the screen, "Zod is about to activate the Genesis Engine and destroy the earth. We must start now."


Barry asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"do not know."


Al asked back: "Otherwise? I will continue to stay and bask in the sun, and you can go by yourselves?"


Without Al, no one can be Zod's opponent.

Batman flew a fighter plane, carrying two Barry and Lin Yi, while Al flew beside them to protect them.

Lin Yi patted the window and asked, "Can you open the door? I want to go out and be with my wife."

Barry asked, "Can you fly?"

"Will do."


Barry originally just asked teasingly, but Lin Yi unexpectedly gave him a definite answer.

"Really?" "Yeah."

Batman opened the door and Lin flew out, flying alongside Al.

Barry was silent for a moment and asked Lin Yi, "Do you know Cyclops?"

"will not."

Barry breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought Lin Yi was Superman
As he was flying, Lin Yi suddenly thought of a question, "Where is the Genesis Engine? It won't hurt my daughter, right?"

Barry replied, "Don't worry, the location where the Genesis Engine is turned on is far enough from my home. Even if we fail to stop Zod, we will have enough time to return."

"Of course, if our entire army is annihilated, then no one can stop Zod, and the entire earth will be destroyed. Naturally, there is no question of whether we can save it or not."

Lin nodded, "Don't worry, we can win, after all, my wife is so powerful."


Back then, a full-blooded Superman was beaten up by Zod, but now it's hard to say whether a superwoman with [-]% full health can beat Zod.

The group of people arrived at their destination, which was a desert. A huge alien spacecraft was hovering in the sky. Seeing Al and the others arriving, the door of the spacecraft slowly opened.

Zod looked at El, as if he was waiting for her, "You are finally here."

"Where's Kal-El?"

Zod spoke slowly, "Your uncle, Yoel, hid the key to Krypton's rebirth in a Kryptonian child. He input the genetic data needed to restart Krypton's life into that child. body, and then used an escape capsule to send him to Earth, we need that child’s blood.”

"We thought that child was your cousin Kael, so we intercepted his rescue capsule. However, he was not the person we were looking for, you were."

Al asked hurriedly: "What did you do to him?"

"he died."

"I kill you!"

The two fought together, evenly matched, no matter who was superior or inferior.

On the other side, the two Barry and Batman also started fighting with the alien soldiers. Only Lin Yi looked left and right, not knowing what he should do.

"Oh, yes, I'm going to help my wife."

Just as Lin Yi was about to make a move, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him. She was wearing black armor and a glass mask, with a disdainful smile on her face.

"My name is Fiora."

Lin Yi felt that this was not like a soldier, but like a mini-boss.
The next moment, she rushed towards Lin Yi, whipping up waves of dust at an astonishing speed, and the power she displayed was no worse than Al's.

Then, she was choked by Lin Yi.


Fiora's face showed doubts at the right moment.

who am I?
where am I?
Is this so off the mark?
Lin Yi thought for a while, and then the Qi rushed into Fiora's body roughly and directly, without any tenderness, completely destroying her invulnerable body.

Fiora was not dead, but she could only lie on the ground, unable to move at all.

The difference between her and a vegetative state is that she can still blink.

Lin Yi's consciousness unfolded and he quickly found Al. At this moment, Al punched Zod into the ground and he knelt down helplessly.

After all, she had only been in the sun for less than a day.

It's strong enough, but the battery life isn't very good.

Zod rushed out, looked at Al, and suddenly a weapon that looked like a needle protruded from his right arm, about half a meter long.

Zod stabbed Al with the weapon without hesitation, and Lin Yi suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm.

Zedd was stunned, looking at Lin Yi's hand and frowning.

How could this human being on earth be able to hold his hand?

Zod snorted coldly and bumped his head directly into Lin Yi's head.

The human body on earth is extremely fragile, and this moment can make his brain bloom.

Then, Zod's head was broken, blood running down his face.


He had the exact same look on his face as Fiona.

Just when Lin Yi was about to destroy Zod, a blue figure suddenly rushed out, rescued Zod from Lin Yi's hands, and then quickly moved away.

Lin Yi looked at the blue figure and fell into deep thought.

Al held Lin Yi's arm, stood up, and asked, "Who rescued Zod?"


(End of this chapter)

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