It's normal for me to be a father to someone, right?

Chapter 4 The IQ You Shouldn't Have

Chapter 4 The IQ You Shouldn't Have
Lin Yi washed Zhenzi clean, changed her into the princess dress that she had prepared a long time ago, sized her up, and nodded in satisfaction.

Ever since he learned that his child was a daughter, Lin Yi went to buy this princess dress, waiting for the day when he found his daughter and put it on for her.

As for where the money came from...

Of course it was given by my daughter-in-law.

As for where the Gap Girl got the money from... At this moment, a courier boy who is hiding at home and dare not go out is still very lucky. He never thought that he would survive the legendary Gap Girl. The price he paid was only his body. wallet.


Lin Yi took a hair dryer to blow Sadako's long hair, the gap girl looked at this scene a little tasteless, Lin Yi hasn't blown her hair yet!
But Sadako, whose hair was being blown, was not very happy. She puffed her cheeks angrily, not understanding why the girl with the gap would help a human being.

If it wasn't for the Gap Girl, she would have killed Lin Yi long ago.

Sadako rolled her eyes, and suddenly said, "Father, Sadako's body is still in the well, can you fish me out and bury me?"

The system immediately yelled, "Don't agree to the host, there must be fraud!"

It clearly knew that Zhenzi wanted to kill Lin Yi at this moment, so how could he suddenly call him daddy so obediently.

Lin Yi tied a beautiful ponytail for Sadako, and replied, "Okay!"


Zhenzi urged Lin Yi to quickly go to the well to fish her out, but Lin Yi didn't leave immediately, "I have to find you a school first, children can't do it if they don't go to school."

Sadako: "?"

"Dad, do you know that I'm not human?"

Lin Yi patted Sadako's head lovingly, "Father doesn't allow you to talk about yourself like that."

Sadako: "..."

Lin Yi finally sent Zhenzi to school, but because others couldn't see Zhenzi, it didn't cause any panic.

Sadako is like a statue, standing at the back of the classroom, silently looking at the teacher in front of her.

Every time the teacher turned his back to his classmates, he always felt a chill on his back.

He turned his head and looked outside the classroom, well, the sun was shining brightly.

"It's really weird..."

The teacher grumbled and continued the lecture.

It's not that Sadako never thought about running away while Lin Yi and the Gap Girl were away, but when she thought of what Lin Yi had done to her, she felt that running away was too embarrassing.

She must kill Lin Yi!

Lin Yi had already promised her that he would take her to the well to fish out her body after school. Once her body escaped from the bottom of the well, her strength would double instantly.

By the time……

Ha ha!

Sadako sneered, and everyone in the classroom couldn't help shivering.


After finally waiting until school was over, Sadako let out a long breath.

At this moment, the setting sun was about to jump below the horizon, and Sadako silently waited for all the other people in the school to finish.

Finally, when the sky was completely dark, Lin Yi came to the school with a tired face, beside him, snuggled up to the blushing Gap Girl.

Looking at this scene, Sadako silently scolded a bitch, but with a sweet smile on her face, "Dad, when are you going to get my body?"

"Now you can."

So, Sadako suppressed the excitement in her heart forcibly, kept her face calm, walked in front and led the way, and brought Lin Yi and the girl with a gap to a hotel.

This is the hotel where Tomoko stayed when he traveled, and the well where Sadako's body sank was in the backyard of the hotel.

Unlike in the video, the wellhead here was sealed by cement slabs, and Lin Yi had to work hard to lift the cement slabs.

The excitement on Sadako's face could not be suppressed, and she couldn't wait to say: "Father, go down the rope, my body is at the bottom of the well."

Lin Yi was about to go down, but was stopped by the girl with a gap.

Zhenzi felt uneasy, thinking that the girl with the gap had found something, but she heard the girl with the gap say: "Husband, how can I let you do this kind of dirty work by yourself~"

I didn't see how the Gap Girl moved, and a thick white mist suddenly filled the backyard, almost instantly reaching the level of being invisible one meter away.

Immediately afterwards, the girl with a gap raised her hand slightly, and a corpse of white bones flew out from the bottom of the well in an instant.

The skeleton is small and exquisite, very similar to Sadako's body shape.

Sadako felt the soaring power in her body, looked at the girl with the gap again, then squatted down, hugged her knees with her hands, and began to cry.

She has become stronger, but she still can't beat this stinky woman...


Under the deterrence of the gap girl, Sadako has always been very obedient and obedient.

Every morning, Sadako was sent to school by Lin Yi. Standing at the back of the classroom, she kept thinking, what are those dogs and men doing at this moment?

Suddenly, Sadako froze for a moment.

No, anyway, she couldn't beat the Gap Girl anyway, why didn't she run away now?
Sadako grinned, showing a silly smile, and then ran away.

She wanted to escape from this city, to a place where Lin Yi would never find her, and from now on, the sky would be like a bird.

As the sun was setting, Sadako stood on the top of a building, looking in the direction of the original "home", pinching her waist with her hands, laughing triumphantly.

At this moment, Lin Yi should have realized that she is not at school. I really want to see his expression at this time!

Sadako was dreaming in her mind, but suddenly felt a little empty, and couldn't help thinking of the picture of Lin Yi bathing her and blowing her hair.

Soon, Sadako shook her head, shaking off those abnormal thoughts in her head.

How can you think wildly when you finally get freedom.

Sadako was about to continue running a little further, but suddenly felt a call.

She froze for a moment, then thought of something, her face was full of astonishment.


In the abandoned old house, Lin Yi was playing a video tape, and a familiar picture was played on the TV, and finally it was fixed as a well.

In the evening, Lin Yi went to school to pick up Zhenzi, but he couldn't wait for Zhenzi to come out for a long time. The system yelled in Lin Yi's mind, "Host chase, Zhenzi has escaped!"

As Sadako is the task target, the system can locate her location.

However, Lin Yi did not chase after him, but returned to the abandoned old house and started playing the video tape.

Through the video tape, he can contact Sadako.

In another city far away, Lin Yi's voice sounded next to Sadako's ears. After hearing him tell her exact location, Sadako completely gave up.

She resigned to her fate and returned to the abandoned old house, but there was a trace of joy in her heart that she didn't want to admit.

Her mother died when she was very young, and her father never showed any love for her, but from Lin Yi, she felt the disgusting but greedy father's love...

In Lin Yi's mind, the system was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth, "How did you come up with the idea to use the video tape to contact Sadako?"

"Isn't it enough to have a brain?"

The system is silent.

It felt the critical blow, and vaguely felt that this should not be the IQ that Lin Yi should have...

(End of this chapter)

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