Chapter 68

The personalities of God and man are different.

Theoretically speaking, the plan to descend to the real body with the help of blood is impossible to realize, because it is difficult to conceive offspring between gods and humans.


Being able to call His name directly without being insane proves that Lin Yi is special.

With him, there may be hope.

Besides, it doesn't matter if you fail.

He's not human, and he doesn't care about skins like humans do.

As soon as Lin heard Xinsha's words, he immediately threw Xinsha to the ground, "Then what are you waiting for, take off your clothes!"

"Don't you need to change places?"

"Why do you want to change places?"


Lin Yi skillfully tore open the stockings, then took off Xin Sha, and then lay on the bed with her in his arms.

Xinsha asked: "Is this all right?"


"How long will this be?"

"I read online that it starts in half an hour."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Lin Yi put on his clothes, while Xin Sha looked at the rags on the ground, was silent for a moment, waved his hand lightly, and the clothes on his body appeared automatically.

When Sybil and Rose found Lin Yi, seeing the torn clothes on the ground, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought... Fortunately, they came a step late.

As usual, Lin Yi wanted to introduce Xin Sha, but she stopped her, "They, it's best not to know my... my name."

"All right!"

Lin Yi felt a little regretful, but he listened to his wife more.

Sybil glanced at Xinsha quietly, and then said timidly, "Dad, when are we going to leave here?"

Lin Yi was taken aback, "Why did you leave?"

Sybil was momentarily at a loss for words.

Isn't it natural to leave this kind of place?

The tone of the system was full of disbelief, "Master, you don't plan to leave, do you?"

Lin Yi asked again: "Why did you leave?"

"How to complete the task without leaving?"


With a perfunctory sound, Lin Yi stretched out his hand and touched Xinsha's belly. Ten months later, a baby will be born here!


Lin Yi officially settled down in the other world.

He chose the largest and most luxurious house in the town, and let the congregation live around it.

Before, under the control of Aretha's evil thoughts, the inner world had no concept of time, so the food would not really run out. Now, Xinsha allows time to pass normally, and everyone needs to be self-sufficient.

Lin Yi stroked his chin and asked Xiang Xinsha, "Do you have any seeds?"

Xin Bra said, "Here, I can create anything."

"That's great!"

Lin Yi happily asked Xinsha for the seeds, then gathered the congregation and began to teach them how to farm.

He has extensive farming experience.

Everyone worked hard for a month, and Lin Yi looked at the endless farmland with a gratified smile on his face.

Xinsha asked, "Why don't you just let me create a field full of food, but plant the seeds yourself?"

Lin Yi was silent.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Humans just want to enjoy the joy of labor."


Lin Yi looked at the endless farmland and sighed softly.

Xinsha asked: "Do you want to have a baby? I don't feel that there is life conceived in my body."

"it is good."


In order to let human beings enjoy the joy of labor, Xinsha no longer interferes with the life in the small town.

People are self-sufficient and gradually getting on the right track.

At a glance, there is no difference between the inner world and the outer world.

Sybil was also used to life in the small town. Although Rose missed her husband, she couldn't say anything, and she couldn't leave, and gradually accepted her fate.

As for Aretha and those monsters...

They huddled underground, not daring to raise their heads.

Although God may not care about them, what if they are upset because they are too ugly?
As time goes by, the system gradually despairs.

The better the town got, the less hope the mission would complete, since he couldn't see Sybil leaving Silent Hill.

If one day Sybil dies of old age, the mission will fail completely.

And now it seems that this possibility is very high.

Xin Sha gently stroked his lower abdomen, sighed faintly, "Sure enough, it still doesn't work..."

Lin Yi asked, "Are you still not pregnant?"


Lin thought for a while, then turned and ran.

He took a small notebook, found Rose, and asked, "How can I have a child?"

Ross was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Well... there are many reasons for not having children, and you should consult a doctor for details."

Lin Yi was a little distressed, "There is no doctor in this small town."

Ross said hesitantly: "When I went underground, I saw a group of monsters, they were wearing nurse uniforms, maybe you can find them and try..."

Lin Yi jumped up happily, "Thank you!"

Then, he turned around and ran to the hospital, took the elevator straight to the basement floor.

The basement floor was completely dark. Fortunately, Lin Yi's vision was not affected. He quickly found a group of nurses wearing white nurse uniforms. They were holding scalpels. They were in good shape, but their faces were twisted together.

Lin Yi took a closer look and confirmed that they had mouths.

as long as you can talk...

He ran over, grabbed a nurse, and asked, "Do you know how to get pregnant?"

The nurse, who was as motionless as a sculpture, suddenly twisted and moved after hearing the movement, waved the scalpel in her hand, and slashed at the direction where the movement came from.

Lin Yi jumped away, thought for a while, and suddenly appeared on his face.

"Nurses holding a scalpel must be unprofessional. When I asked them professional questions, they felt guilty, so they wanted to kill me to avoid being fired."

The more Lin Yi thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He looked at the badges on their chests, remembered their numbers, and planned to complain to them when the time came.


I hate this world!
Lin Yi bypassed the group of nurses and continued walking inside.

Except for the group of nurses just now, he didn't find anyone until he reached room B151.

Pushing open the door, Lin Yi and Aleisha stared at each other evilly.

Aretha glared at him with evil thoughts, "It's all your fault, I'm shrinking here and not daring to go out."

If it weren't for Lin Yi's sacrifice to summon the gods to descend, she would have completely controlled the inner world at this moment.

Lin Yi looked at her with disgust, "How long has it been since you washed your hair? It's so oily."


Lin Yi saw a nurse in red with his back turned to him, and after confirming that the nurse was not holding a scalpel, he ran over excitedly.

When the nurse in red heard the movement, she immediately ran away, avoiding Lin Yi, and continued to turn her back on him.

Lin Yi said seriously: "I'm here to see a doctor."

The nurse in red was unmoved, her shoulders twitched slightly, and her back was still facing Lin Yi.

When Lin saw that the nurse was unwilling to turn around, he turned his head and stared at Aretha's evil thoughts, "Is it because you haven't washed your hair for a long time, so she dislikes you and doesn't want to see you?"


Aretha's face was full of evil thoughts in disbelief, how did your 37-degree mouth say such cold words?
 Happy birthday to myself~
(End of this chapter)

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