Chapter 74 The Author Shows Up

The vampire quickly brought Lin Yi to the residence. It was a huge room with metal cages inside each room, and inside the cage was a human being imprisoned.

Yun Xi was naturally also in one of the cages.

The room was filled with the smell of blood, and everyone's face was pale, which was a sign of excessive blood loss.

And excessive blood loss, it is easy to drowsy.

Everyone was lying still, and the sound of Lin Yi walking in did not wake them up.

Pointing to one of the empty iron cages, the vampire said, "You should live there first!"

"it is good."

As soon as Lin walked into the iron cage, the vampire locked the iron cage, then turned and left.

He wants to be quiet first, and take a good look at everything that just happened.

When the vampire left, Lin Yi immediately got up, picked the lock, and walked towards Yun Xi.

She was falling asleep at the moment, her pale little face was full of uneasiness, as if she was having a nightmare.

"Host, there is something on her neck."

Lin glanced over and found a blood-red pattern on the right side of Yunxi's neck, which looked like a bat.

"what is this?"

"It should be the mark of the blood servant..."

The system remembered the description in the book about the mark of the blood servant, and it suddenly felt that the host's idea of ​​being an undercover agent was correct.

Suddenly footsteps sounded outside the door, Lin Yi turned back to the iron cage and re-locked the lock.

An undercover agent cannot reveal his identity.

After a while, two figures walked in, one of them was the vampire who just "recruited" Lin Yi, and the other was a female vampire.

She was wearing a gothic dress, her lips were blood red, and her cheeks were abnormally white.

Her red eyes looked at Lin Yi, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be smiling, "You may not know that the hearing of vampires is far superior to that of humans, just stepped out of the iron cage, I can hear you~"

Lin Yi: "Oh..."

He thought seriously, what if his undercover identity was exposed?
It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the TV series...

She walked towards Lin Yi, her slender high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound as she stepped on the floor, "You can call me Ansu, no matter what your purpose is, but here..."

She stretched out her finger and lightly tapped Lin Yi's neck, and the same bloody pattern as Yun Xi's slowly emerged.

"This is the blood servant imprint I left for you. Once you leave the castle, it will instantly turn into ashes. Therefore, you can only stay here forever as a blood servant until you die."

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Now, let me taste your blood first..."

An Su took out a dagger, cut Lin Yi's wrist, stuck out his tongue, and gently licked the bleeding blood.

In the next second, she had an intoxicated expression on her face, trembling all over, and then couldn't control it, she tore open the iron cage, rushed in, and bit Lin Yi on the neck.

"Delicious, really delicious..."

An Su stretched out his small tongue, licked away the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, and then showed regret, "It's a pity that I couldn't control it for a while and bit you."

Vampires have a strong ability to assimilate. Once she bites Lin Yi, Lin Yi will also be transformed into a vampire, and the blood will be degraded, making it impossible to continue enjoying it.

An Su turned and left, "From now on, you will stay here and be a servant!"

"Host, are you alright?"

Lin Yi touched his neck, "It's a little itchy."

"What about other than that?"

"I kind of want to drink blood."


Lin Yi looked at the wound on his wrist, licked it, and then spat it out.

"taste not good."

In a few minutes, the wound on his wrist healed without leaving a scar.

"It's over, it's over, host, you have really become a vampire."

Lin Yi thought about it, Yun Xi was imprinted with a mark, and there was no way to leave. If she wanted to rescue her, she had to remove the mark first.

"I made a decision."


"I'm going to work hard to get promoted and raise my salary."


"When I become a leader, I will know how to remove the mark."

After thinking about it, the system seemed to make sense.


"Host, why don't you try to find a vampire and ask if you can find out how to remove the mark?"

"it is good."

As soon as Lin walked out of the room, he walked over to the vampire he "recruited" and threw him a book, "Read it carefully and study hard."

Lin Yi looked down, and the cover of the book read: 108 precautions after becoming a vampire...

"By the way, I've been forgetting to introduce myself, my name is Yang Shen."

Lin glanced at the cover of the book, "You wrote this book?"

Yang Shen nodded, "No talent, I'm right here."


Lin Yi asked: "Then do you know how to remove the mark of the blood servant?"

"The mark can only be removed by the vampire who planted it, and each vampire has a different method of removing the mark, so don't even think about it."

Yang Shen looked at Lin Yi with pity, "You are a vampire and have been imprinted with the blood slave mark, you are the only one."

Lin nodded.

It seems that he still has to use his method.

Perform well and strive for a promotion and a raise.

Lin Yi finally confirmed: "Everyone here, are the imprints planted by Ansu?"

Yang Shen first corrected and said, "Master Ansu."

Then he nodded, "You guessed right."

Soon someone arranged a job for Lin Yi, who was the only maid in the castle, "You will be responsible for the sanitation in the castle from now on, remember, you must keep the castle dark and humid at all times, and the room where Lord Ansu rests Don't go in."

Looking at the back of the maid leaving, Lin Yi was thoughtful.

dark and damp...

The east gradually turned pale, and most of the vampires in the castle were asleep. They preferred to be active at night and rest during the day.

Lin Yi looked around, split the tables and chairs in the castle into wooden boards, and sealed all the windows with wooden boards to ensure that no light seeped into the castle, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Keeping it in the shade is fine, the next thing is how to keep it moist.

This is even simpler. Lin Yi took a bucket of water and poured it on the ground of the castle. After looking at it, he felt that it was not enough, so he simply used [Element Control] to control the flow of water and splash it on every wall and ground.

Dark and damp, both perfectly achieved.

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face. He has done such a good job, and he should be able to get promoted and raise his salary soon.

After finishing all this, Lin Yi went to find something to eat. There was also human food in the castle. After all, blood slaves are not vampires, so they have to eat.

Lin Yi picked up a piece of bread, stuffed it into his mouth, and spat it out after a while.

"Why is there no smell?"

The system thought for a while, "Maybe because you are already a vampire, so you are not interested in human food?"

"Makes sense."

So Lin Yi took the food and came to the room where the humans were held, pried open Yun Xi's iron cage, and shook her gently.

Yun Xi opened his eyes tiredly, his head still a little unconscious.

Lin Yi picked up the bread and stuffed it into her mouth.

Malnutrition, eat more...

(End of this chapter)

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