Chapter 79
After reading the book, Yimei fell into a long silence.

This author has something.

The content of this book can make people feel the author's intentions. The author wrote about his struggle and survival after becoming a vampire. In addition to making people feel that he is very pitiful, he also feels that he deserves it.

Yimei put away the book and said, "I need to go back and get ready, Aunt Wan, are you... going to see the child?"

Lin Wan turned to look at Lin Yi, "Honey, are you going to see your son?"

Lin Yi blinked, son?
He recalled it carefully, and it seemed that Huihai was the only son of his, and the others were all daughters.

As soon as Lin became happy, did Huihai come too?

"I'm going," he said.

Lin Yi happily followed Yimei to the Yizhuang. The Yizhuang is very big, but it is also very dilapidated. It is full of various pots, pots, and coffins.

Talisman seals are affixed to almost all items.


A slightly shrill voice sounded, and as soon as Lin turned his head to look, a small figure suddenly jumped out from the shadows and hugged Lin Wan's thigh.

It was a little zombie, which looked like a five or six-year-old human child.


He kept yelling at Lin Wan, his face full of grievances.

Lin Wan touched the little zombie's head, then pointed to Lin Yi, "Go find your father."

The little zombie turned his head in disbelief. The moment he saw Lin Yi, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, and then threw himself into Lin Yi's arms.


Lin Yi caught the little zombie and looked at it seriously, his eyes full of doubts.

How did Hui Hai become like this?
The system probably also guessed what Lin Yi was thinking, and said, "Obviously, this is not Hui Hai."

The little zombie rubbed its head against Lin Yi, and kept saying "chirp~"

Lin Yi corrected, "It's not Chirp, it's Daddy."


"Okay, I see. It's okay if the pronunciation is not standard. I'll send you to school to learn slowly. It just so happens that you can be with your sister."


"Are you afraid of the sun? Aren't zombies not afraid of the sun?"


"Oh, you are not good enough, it's okay, I will give you two needles later."


Lin Wan watched this scene contentedly.

Only Lin Yi could understand the little zombie's words.

Yimei and his two apprentices were at a loss. They really didn't want to understand how this person, a zombie, communicated across languages.

Even if they have been with the little zombie for so many years, they can only know what the little zombie means by guessing.

Yimei was the first to realize that they still had business to do.

He prepared the cross and garlic, and hurried away with his two apprentices, apparently to subdue the vampire.

Lin Yi walked around the Yizhuang, and finally found a needle.

He looked at the little zombie and said, "Stand still."


"Useless? Impossible! My [Great Acupuncture] has already been practiced."

He dropped the needle.

Then, the needle broke...

Lin Yi was stunned, and poked the little zombie with his finger.

very hard.

"All right……"

It seems that [Great Acupuncture] is useless, he turned his head to look at Lin Wan, and asked, "How can I increase his morality?"

"It's too early for him to become a zombie, so he can only cultivate slowly, there is no other way."


Lin Yi touched the little zombie's head, "It's so pitiful."

"By the way, what's your name?"

The little zombie looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, then turned to look at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan said calmly, "Your father has a bad memory."

So the little zombie immediately explained with a "chirp~".

"Oh, you don't have a name."

"Your mother is too lazy to fetch it for you."

"Yimei, they can't understand you."


Lin Yi said, "How about I give you a name?"


Lin Yi pondered for a moment, "How about calling him Lin Goudan? It has a good meaning and is easy to feed."

The expression on the little zombie's face froze, and then he protested strongly.

Lin nodded, "Okay, I'll call him Goudan Lin."


"Why can't I understand what you said? Your pronunciation is too substandard."

Little Zombie: "?"

He hugged Lin Yi's thigh and wailed loudly for more than ten minutes without stopping, finally forcing Lin Yi to give up the idea of ​​calling him Lin Goudan.

The system said at this time, "Don't you find it strange, the host? They seem to be very familiar with you..."



Forget it.

In the evening, Lin Yi picked Yun Xi up from school and came to Yizhuang.

He introduced: "This is your younger brother, who doesn't have a name yet."

Yun Xi looked at the little zombie in front of him, and the little zombie also looked at Yun Xi.

"younger brother?"


Yun Xi can be considered well-informed, at least he came out of the vampire castle, so he was still calm at this time, and quickly convinced himself to accept this younger brother.

The little girl is already a zombie, and it's normal for the younger brother to be a zombie.


She went to the kitchen to cook and found that the ingredients were much more abundant than at home, so she rarely made four dishes and one soup.

Lin Yi and the others were about to eat when Yimei and two apprentices ran in in a panic, chasing a vampire behind them.

"Quick, close the door!"

The two apprentices immediately closed the door, trying to block the vampire, and then they saw the vampire flying in from overhead.


"Is it still flying?"

Yimei took two apprentices and hid behind Lin Wan neatly, "Aunt Wan, help me!"

"Never hit?"

"It was almost successful, but it was too fast, and it dragged all the way until it was dark, so it couldn't beat it..."

Lin Wan gloated and smiled.

One eyebrow: "..."

As soon as Lin came to the vampire, Science said: "Moonlight is actually the sunlight reflected by the moon, so if you are afraid of the sun, you should also be afraid of the moonlight."


In the next second, its skin began to smoke, and then its whole body caught fire, quickly turning into a pile of coke.

Looking at this scene blankly.

What does this mean?
Sunburned by the moonlight?

How was it fine just now?

Yimei couldn't figure it out, and no one explained it to him.

Yimei asked the two apprentices to deal with the coke on the ground, and then they sat down to eat together.

The two apprentices were full of praise for Yun Xi's cooking skills, and all four dishes were quickly eaten.

After dinner, Lin Yi planned to go home, and the little zombie wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Lin Wan.

"You stay here."


"You go back and get in the way."

Little Zombie: "?"

In the end, he was ruthlessly abandoned, and could only lie on the door of Yizhuang, watching his father go away helplessly.

Yimei patted the little zombie's head, then picked him up and went back to Yizhuang.

On the way, Lin Yi asked curiously, "Why don't you let him go home with you?"

"He always likes to come into our room in the middle of the night to get in the way."

Lin Wan giggled, ran behind Lin Yi, and said, "Honey, carry me~"

"it is good."

As soon as Lin bent down, Lin Wan jumped on his back, humming happily.

Under the moonlight, the shadows of the two were elongated.

This scene is beautiful, but Yun Xi feels that she is a bit redundant...

(End of this chapter)

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