Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 175 Skadi Commando Servant Slayer

Chapter 175 × Skadi Commando × Servant Slayer
This brassy world is filled with bloodshed, betrayal and chaos, and the hollow sound of the wind blowing through the ruins of buildings makes a sound like weeping.

The hot, dry air clashed between the tarmac floor and the metal walls of Hive Gothon, where the statue of the Emperor stood, holding aloft the holy sword, but the stone blade was broken by bullets and war , the ground is full of craters and silence, ruins or empty houses.

The honor of Pan Lan and the vitality of the whole world gathered here, but now there is only silence and despair. This engineering city that built countless equipment for hundreds of worlds of the empire has turned into a huge tombstone, hanging high Here, the prosperity and wealth of the past are no longer seen. This is not only war, but also the sin of traitors.

On the cracked road, military boots stepped on lightly and silently. They are the Skadi people, real soldiers, homeless and poor people.

Alan Bayer tidied his pockets and tactical belt. He had to bring enough ammunition and food, but it was completely different from his recruits. Sleeping bag tents, and Catachans generally only need food, water, weapons (killing), the three "S".

At this moment, the sun is fierce and the water is scarce. Alan Bayer looks at the blueprint of the Tower of Gods. Inside the huge building, which is as large as a mountain peak, is a city that belongs to Mechanicum. The war will inevitably become protracted, and they must The massive place was on the move without stopping, and any supplies at hand had to be conserved, he ordered.

"In the future, we will replenish water in a unified way. You can't drink water privately. The amount you drink each time must be controlled. Our supplies can fight for up to three days. This is not a rainforest. Sometimes the nest is actually even more dry. Civilization is such a thing."

The sergeant nodded, he was not afraid of the sun, his skin was already used to that kind of temperature, even the temperature and sweltering heat inside this world hive city made them feel like a spring breeze. "We are all from hive capitals, so we know where to find water when this steel forest is thirsty."

"Can we drink the part we found ourselves?"

Alan Bair said. "I know what you're going to do, but it's okay, don't destroy too much, and reduce the pressure on the repair work of this world."

The sergeant nodded, then lowered his body, stroking the ground as if he was looking for something in the desert, his fingers grazed the rough concrete road, and then he saw the small marks on the ground, he took out his power weapon, as if digging something He broke the ground little by little until the ground was as deep as his arm, and then he emptied his water bottle, then lowered the water bottle and filled it with cold liquid.

This is not ground water, but the coolant of the Hive City's cooling equipment. To be precise, it is air-conditioning water. It's kind of unkind for the Imperial Guard to take it back to the high-level hands of the hive capital and then sell it.

But nobles and they all rob, such things naturally don’t matter. Alan Bayer’s worries are never outside supplies. They can go to the factory to get food and drink coolant, but if they enter the interior of the tower, the huge mechanical maze will cut off their supplies.

Therefore, Alan Bayer can even be said to encourage soldiers to drink coolant. After all, a sip of water is something that makes people live longer. The consumption of liquid and food by soldiers is more like a fully driven internal combustion engine, which needs to eat continuously and absorb energy. and liquid.

The non-commissioned officer also filled the water bottle with the coolant. He returned to the team, apologized to his companions for wasting his time, and brought his water bottle, one mouthful each.

The full jug dried up quickly, and then became empty. The non-commissioned officer quickly refilled it, and then the team slowly moved forward, moving forward, to meet their fate.

At this moment, the sergeant turned on the mouth of the kettle and asked Alan Baier. "Sir, why did you recruit that recruit, because are you estimating the battle so far?"

Alan Baier replied. "I admit that the current battle plan is indeed very good. We need time, we are not afraid of sacrifice, and our elite soldiers are like sharp knives that can pierce pure gold, but I can say that the recruitment of second-class soldiers is accidental."

"It's impossible for me to know my personal wishes. Unless I'm a psychic mind-controlling wizard or something, I certainly can't know what the second-class soldier is thinking and why he did that."

"It was accident, fate, luck, and I realized it instantly when I saw him. Skadi soldiers need a new command system. The only problem now is that we don't have time to train new people."

"Now, let me ask you, are you afraid of death? Sergeant."

Catachan replied. "Don't be afraid. Compared with this, I care more about how to tear apart the enemies of the empire."

Alan Baier asked again. "Then will you be dominated by other army commanders in the empire? To carry out those solid defenses, guards, and attrition battles to be passively beaten."

The sergeant choked up. "I can!"

Alan Bair said. "You hesitated!"

"The Skadi are not soldiers anymore, they are warriors. Obedience is far from ours. Privileges and the worship of battle have replaced those things. I don't think it's a good thing, understand, sergeant."

"Really, it's the Catachans who affect the state of the Skadi soldiers. Although I don't regret letting the loyal forest warriors change us, I want to keep the essence and discard the dross in order to survive."

"Catachan is not necessarily suitable for Skadi. In this dark universe, humanity and blindness are more important than honor and battle."

"Sergeant, no one can plan for a rainy day, but I can only feel what the Skadi people lack now. Get your guns ready. Compared to this, there is still a war in front of us. If you die, you will have nothing. So, survive."

The sergeant replied. "Yes, sir!"

The ammunition of the beam carbine is loaded, the bolt shotgun is also prepared properly, the safety is opened, and the night is coming. Even the servitor cannot be completely affected by the blackness of the night.

The hustle and bustle of the day has also subsided, and Gaosong’s minaret has become particularly conspicuous because there are no such things as clouds in this world. Gears and fine gold are everywhere. At this moment, the entrance here is sealed tightly, and there are sleepless people around. Surrounded by moving servitors.

Alan Bayer led the soldiers to hide behind the ruined houses, smelling the scorching heat and bad smell of promethium. In order to reduce the concealment of the enemy's invasion, the residential area near the minaret was cut off early, leaving open space and a small number of detection posts tower or trench.

Alan Baier used gestures to convey information, and the promethium lumen tower here brought a good light, so that the soldiers could see the gestures clearly, even if the night was approaching.

[We sneak in, blow off the scout's head with a carbine, and enter in a low voice. 】

[Forward, forward!Enter the void shield range, fire at will, suppress, kill, win! 】

Catachan soldiers and Skadi veterans nodded, and then moved, extremely fast and silently. For ordinary people, it is basically impossible to move and shoot at the enemy behind the bunker at this distance, but Si Khadi people can.

After going through wars and forging in the terrible furnace of death, they are now real special forces, and many tactics that are unimaginable to ordinary people have gradually been implemented.

Shooting, the output and terminal power of the beam weapon are very strong, and the shooting distance of the deflagration gun with a scope can reach beyond the distance of human vision. The power can melt the individual armor made of ceramic steel, without a doubt.

The scorching sound and the dark night sky were pierced by light beams. There are 60 members of the Special Operations Force, but none of its members missed shots. Almost all the space on their bodies is filled with bullets. One person can shoot about 400 times. Advantages of energy weapons, saving space.

Intensive firepower and extremely fast clearing energy, special psionic energy diffused in the space of this world, shooting, shooting, the servants messed up in the high platforms and trenches, but quickly fell down.

Seeing those flickering lights almost instantly in their bodies shaped by the most advanced technology, they unilaterally judged them as laser guns. After all, heat ray weapons are only used by the Afar Guardians and Sages in Mechanicus. , it is impossible to equip on such a large scale.

They don't fight back emotionally, but they lack the control of the sages of the Mechanicus. Their movements are hard and stupidly numb. Although they can't be considered physically uncoordinated, they also have a slight delay. Fighting the rebels or ordinary imperial guards is like this. It won't be a big trouble, but the guy in front of them is not a guy who can handle it at will.

Death, death, the firing of the deflagration gun instantly burned the circuit, instantly distorted their remaining unmodified flesh and blood, and instantly killed those stupid, ignorant and loyal Mechanicists.

Alan Bayer raised his weapon, shot after shot, shot after shot, and his shooting alone took away about 20 enemies of the empire, comparable to the shooting density and accuracy of space fighters, other Skadi Soldiers also performed well.

It is probably a lock head, a lock body gap, 60 people, a magazine for 40 rounds, an average of 5 bullets per life, and a brief report.

"About 460 enemy troops were killed and the area cleared."

The noisy heat rays stopped, and the compensation for emptying the magazine was to kill the enemy silently. As long as the opponent didn't react, it was stealth.

The body of the Mechanic Servant hung like bacon on the edge of the high platform, the engine oil dripped down, and the brown liquid wet the ground, like blood, a bit anthropomorphic.

Skadi's soldiers reloaded their bullets. There was a lot of movement here, but the exchange for clearing this area was the opportunity to get close to the inside of the tower.

"Go ahead, go forward, let's not look for the gate, just cut the body of the adamantine tower with a melta bomb, and everyone except the blasting team should be vigilant around to prevent the enemy from approaching!"

"Attention, when the gate is opened, we have to keep moving forward to reach the interior as quickly as possible. Three days is the upper limit of our supply. Even if we have the structure diagram provided by the sage, we want to reach the void shield at the middle level in more than one day. It also takes a long time to enter the weapon, and entering it is a life-and-death line."

After the words were over, the soldiers began to install the melta bomb in an orderly manner. This terrifying weapon that can weld away the armor of a battleship and vaporize a space soldier is small in size, highly concealed and deadly.

Members of the engineering team yelled after the sticky bomb was attached to the building's exterior. "Don't look at this location, all attention, don't watch the explosion!" he yelled as he ran off, donning special heat-fused goggles.


Boom, the flashing deadly light is enough to blind the eyes of ordinary people without goggles, and the violent sizzling sound produced by the explosion is different from the restlessness of ordinary melta weapons, more similar to crazy wailing, like the sound from hell lament.

All the water vapor in the air near this area, a small amount, is all evaporated, and the sudden heat alone can make people feel the power of the bomb.

But the thick adamantine wall was almost melted away by dozens of meters, but there was still inside, but the Skadi didn't carry more bombs in order to reduce the load.

Waiting for the molten metal to flow down, and then cool down, Alan Bayer went inside to see what was going on with the unopened walls.

He knocked, and the fine gold was almost his old partner. You know, he usually slept on the battleship, so he couldn't say he was familiar with this kind of metal, he could only say that he was an old couple.

"Probably... three to four meters, don't waste the melta ammunition, I'll deal with it." He took out his "sword" and a sickle, started it, the server roared, and slowly began to cut the fine gold At the first level, you must know that although the core of power weapons is to destroy the stance, such a stance does not directly make the item disappear, but is still counted as a kind of "cutting".

Therefore, power weapons still use swords, axes, and gauntlets, which are used for lethality and for the convenience of users. Although the weapons of the Dark Ages are good in craftsmanship, they can be cut with mortal bodies. The four-meter-thick fine gold layer is obviously a bit wishful thinking.

The Catachans couldn't help asking. "Boss, we still use the melta gun, this..."

Before they finished speaking, they heard the sound of sizzling, and saw that the four to five meter-thick fine gold layer was gradually torn apart, as if being drilled, and continued to crack.

What kind of concept is this? Titan-level armor is nothing more than that, and the armor of battleships is not necessarily thicker. Even if Skadi invaded Steel Gate before, the premise is only that the outside is pure gold and the inside is composite metal. .

But the Tower of Gods isn't that kind of thing, and what could be more outrageous than a person tearing apart a Titan's armor?
But when Alan Baier tore open the perimeter, a rotten stench rushed towards his face, his face froze, and then the Skadi soldiers also realized that this terrible world was full of black jokes, and what they saw next In comparison, tearing off the Titan armor is really nothing...

(End of this chapter)

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