Chapter 47
Blood fingers addicted to curse blood will gradually become numb and unable to receive external stimuli.

Only wounds can bring them intoxicating pain, whether it is someone else's or their own.

When the curse blood stains the fingertips, pleasure will emerge.

That's how it should be.

The Greck knight holding the blood-stained sword couldn't believe it. He couldn't understand what happened, he just felt dizzy, his head was dizzy, and he fell into darkness.

"What happened..." He muttered to himself, muffled in his helmet.

At Wuming's feet, Knight Commander Greg's head fell into the ground, his body twitching slightly.

"Where, the knight commander." Wuming clenched his fists, gearing up, gnashing his teeth, preparing to teach the chief culprit who caused his carriage to suffer an accident.

Behind him, the golden chariot was being dragged by the demihumans creaking and creaking.

The knife wheel of the chariot is also made of gold, so although it is crooked, it can be used with a twist.

It's just that the twisted wheels are uneven, and the road is bumpy and bumpy, and even the body is shaking, and it feels like it will fall apart at any time.

Hyde also got off his horse, looking at the knight who rushed up and was knocked into the ground by Wuming's slap, he was a little afraid to speak.

He pointed to the upside-down Garrick Knight:
"The one you just the knight commander."

Wuming looked back at the knight who was thrown upside down, reached out and grabbed the knight's leg armor, and pulled him out.

With a few coughs, some dirt was ejected from the gaps in the armor.

Wuming pulled off the knight's helmet.

The knight was old, like Grek, with gray hair and a trident carved on his forehead.

Wuming didn't have the slightest thought of respecting the old and loving the young, so he grabbed his shoulder and shook him violently to wake him up.

"You are..." The Gregorian knight who regained consciousness recognized the gradually clear figure in front of him.

When he realized that Wuming was in front of him, he immediately subconsciously grabbed the big sword that fell on the ground, and slashed towards Wuming.

But the big sword was pinched by an iron hand, unable to advance an inch.

Wuming approached the knight's face with a kind smile:
"You are the Knight Commander of Hyde Fortress?"

"I'm still the lord of the fortress," said the knight.

Nameless squeezed the knight's face:

"Very well, my lord, your rebellion cost me two good horses and destroyed my chariot. My heart is burning with anger. My friend, is there anything you can do to calm this emotion?"

"You want me to pay you back your horse?" said the knight.

"If it is bad, I will pay ten. I don't want much. If you don't make things difficult for you, give me twenty horses." Wuming said.

The knight smiled, spat out a mouthful of blood, and splashed it on the nameless face:
"Unfortunately, I killed all the horses. I need blood and sacrifices."

During Wuming's conversation with the knight, the demihumans fumbled into the city, looking for their mother.

Soon, there were wailing sounds one after another in the city.

Hyde also followed, and when he came back, his face was ugly:
"He has already killed the demihuman mother."

Knight Greg laughed and said:
"Demi-humans are demi-humans. They are so stupid that Hyde actually wants to establish diplomatic relations with them. Maybe they are not much smarter than the Asians. However, their blood is very useful and can be used as nutrition for cultivating flowers."

Wuming wiped the blood on the face shield, looked at the blood on the gauntlet, and said in a cold voice:

"So you don't want to pay?"

"Kill me, I am willing to sacrifice my blood." The knight said, "I can experience the feeling of becoming stronger, and I have no regrets in my life!"

"Your blood is useless." Wuming said, "I hurt the horse and the wheel."

He carried the knight to the golden chariot:
"Give you two choices, the horse or the wheel?"

"Your intelligence isn't much better than a human's." Knight Greik said, "I told you, I can't afford it."

"Horse or wheel?" Wuming just stared at the knight and repeated, "If you don't choose, I will help you choose."

"Okay, you help me choose, I'd like to see how you make me pay." Knight Greik said.

Wuming chose a circle around the golden carriage, thinking for a moment:

"Then the wheels."

The golden chariot in the Heroes Cemetery is very huge, with three wheels on one side, a total of six wheels, which shrink in turn.There are also spikes on the center axle of the wheels as weapons.

The fall caused the outermost small wheel on one side to be pitted, and the innermost large wheel was also dented.

Wuming pinched the long neck of the Grecian knight, aimed at the spikes on the wheel, and inserted it.

The instant penetrating injury made the knight feel pain before he had time to feel a chill seep from the inside out.

"Hiss..." Knight Greck endured the pain, "Torture? Is it only this level?"

"Who tortured you?" Wuming slapped Knight Greck on the head and put his helmet on. "It's just for you to pay. If you don't have money, you can pay with your flesh. You will be the wheel."

"I'll be the wheel?" Knight Greg was stunned.

Wuming rested his hands on the spikes of the knife wheel and broke them hard, causing the spikes to tilt to one side.

Seen from the side of the carriage, the body of the Grek knight just filled the depression of the wheel pothole.

Being on the same axis, he can provide support when the wheels drive into potholes.

Wuming patted the horse's butt, and pulled the chariot a few steps.

The wheels turned into the hollow, and the weight of the golden chariot rested on the knight, making his body and armor the part that filled the hole.

The huge weight crushed and deformed the knight in an instant, and blood and flesh oozed from the gaps in the armor.


Knight Greg couldn't hold back anymore, his body that was not yet completely numb felt tremendous pain, internal organs and blood spewed out of his mouth together with screams.

Nameless turned a deaf ear to the screams, he stopped the carriage, but not for the purpose of putting down the Greco knight.

He found that although the spikes on the axle were thick, the cylindrical structure could not hold the knight well.

With just one turn, Knight Greik's body was crooked to another place.

Wuming screwed the limbs of the Grekk Knight between the spokes of the wheel, because the Grekk Knight wears heavy armor and has a lot of steel material, so it is easy to shape, slightly heat and soften the steel, and after a few more fiddling, the Grekk Knight is fixed on the wheel superior.

Nameless also melted the great sword and shield of Greck Knight, and used them as new spokes to firmly fix Greck Knight.

Anonymous test drive a round, it is perfect.

The knight's spine and back armor served as padding perfectly, bringing the chariot back to balance.

And to Wuming's surprise, the chariot seemed to be more stable.

Due to the soft texture of the Greco Knight, he provides great cushioning.

"That's right, this way we can persist until we go back." Wuming sat on the chariot, very satisfied.

He thought: "If the wheels are made of soft materials, it seems that they can be more stable... I will look back and improve my chariot."

And the Grek knight on the wheel had already lost much breath, and could only groan in a low voice.

The moan interrupted Wuming's contemplation, he jumped out of the car, and slapped Knight Greik's head again:

"You are really worthless, does it hurt?"

Knight Gregor couldn't even roll his eyes, he was a little stupid.

Wuming crouched in front of the knight:

"You're much better. In the past, people couldn't die in our place. They had to be bled and beaten into a meat paste, and then stuffed into a cage with the meat paste. Even this can't die. It's mixed with other people's meat paste, singing and dancing. .”

Nameless patted the head of Knight Greck to comfort him:

"Hey, isn't it just stuck on the wheel? Thinking about the good, you have really become stronger. In your form, when you become a dead person, you have great potential."

The demihumans poured out of the city gate with red eyes, ready to come out to seek revenge.

But when they saw the appearance of the Greco knight, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't know how to take revenge.

Wuming stood up as a peacemaker:
"All right, all right, when is it time to repay the wronged person, you have to forgive him and forgive him, so don't embarrass him anymore—and he is paying off the debt now, so he can't hand it over to you."

Nameless clasped his hands together and said with a smile:
"Anyone object?"

Everyone present and the demihumans shook their heads.

With subhuman intelligence, they couldn't imagine any more innovative and cruel punishment.

Hyde watched the whole process of Knight Greck being made into a wheel, and Wuming had already been upgraded from a grave robber to a vicious villain in his mind.

Hyde swallowed:
"The way you punished really unique."

"Why is this a punishment? It's just asking him to repay the debt." Wuming said with certainty.

He looked at Hyde with a smile:

"It's time for you to pay off your debts, too."

Hyde missed a beat in his heart and said:

"That... the knight commander killed almost all the living things in my city, and burned a lot of supplies. The city is in chaos. I'm afraid I can't thank you for the time being."

Wuming looked at the messy Hyde Fortress and said nothing.

With the lessons learned from the Greco knight, the more Wuming kept silent, the more scared Hyde was, and couldn't help but say:

"When I clean up the mess here, I will definitely pay you back."

"Is there nothing valuable in the city?" Wuming asked.

Hyde shook his head regretfully:

"All the gold, silver and jewels in the city have been sold by the knights to recruit soldiers to buy horses. He killed all the horses the recruited soldiers bought."

Nameless sighed in disappointment.

Hyde said: "To be honest, when we established diplomatic relations with the demihumans, the demihuman queen gave me a scepter with some gems on it, but I can't give it to you."

"Oh?" Wuming said.

"I wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the demihumans, but they suffered heavy losses. This scepter needs to be handed over to the demihumans. Whether it is buried with my mother or taken away by myself, this is the only thing I can do." Hyde said, "As for your thank you gift, after I finish cleaning up the mess, with my status, it's no problem to get a few horses."

Hyde spread his hands: "Anyway, this is my territory, I can't run away. If I break the contract, you will come and take my city."

Hearing what Hyde said, Wuming did not express any objection. He tapped his helmet with his fingers:
"How about handing over the demihumans to me?"

"To you?" Hyde said, "You misunderstood, the demihumans are not my slaves. I can't hand them over to you."

"I know, I can help you deal with them." Wuming said, "I'm afraid it's not easy for you to face them?"

Hyde stroked his beard:
"It won't be the kind of treatment of the knight commander, right?"

Wuming shook his head: "Why, I'm a businessman and I'm looking for employees. Anyway, their leader is gone, so I just took them in."

Kenneth Hyde glanced at Burke beside Wuming, and his neat clothes and clean body.

"Then you go talk to them," he said.

"I still have a few questions." Nameless said.

"please say."

"You said that Stonewell sent a knight commander to take over your troops in the past two months. Do you know the reason?" Wuming asked.

"I've heard about it." Hyde said, "I heard that they want to concentrate their forces to attack some forces, not only my fortress, but many fortresses and small countries in Ningmgfort have sent such knight commanders."

"It's a big deal to gather the power of one domain." Wuming was surprised.

"I'm not worried about that." Hyde said, "With Greg's structure, he can't make any waves. Whether he wants to go north to attack Lienia or go east to attack Galeid, he will only be hit by a broken head. Blood flow."

"How powerful is Lienia?" Wuming recalled his trip to Lienia, "I don't think it's anything special."

"The royal family of Kalia is the only force that can compete with the Golden Tree, and Garide is in charge of the elite regular army that once belonged to the Golden Tree." Hyde said, "Greek didn't dare to provoke Lataen when his army was at its peak, let alone Don't say now."

"Then why did Greg call up troops?" Wuming was puzzled, "He doesn't know his weight?"

Hyde stroked his beard and pondered:

"That's true. Although Greg is cowardly, he will not be so stupid. And my talisman was not taken away by the knight commander."

"Festival?" Wuming asked.

"The half-key of the Dikdas elevator, the pass to the Altan Plateau." Hyde said, "Greek wanted to return to the foot of the Golden Tree, but he never had the courage and strength. If he summoned a force from one area to return to the Golden Tree, I will definitely collect all the talismans first."

"That's to deal with some forces in Ningmgfu..." Wuming murmured.

"I seem to vaguely hear them talking about dealing with the round table." Hyde recalled uncertainly, "but the round table is also a power belonging to the golden tree. It stands to reason that there will be no conflict with Gregor, and the round table does not exist in this world."

Wuming was a little stiff: "Did you say it was a round table or a new round table?"

"And the new round table?" Hyde wondered.

"We are." Nameless said.

The two were silent for a moment, and Hyde took a step back:
"Greek used a force against you? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Wuming also wondered, "I just lied to him, killed his big tree guards, and robbed his limb-grafting sacrifice..."

"It's called doing nothing..." Hyde's mouth twitched.

Wuming looked at Hyde with a smile, and put an iron hand on his shoulder:

"Master Hyde, I think you don't like Gregor very much, why don't we cooperate."

Hyde cautiously said: "Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

"You have such a big city, why can't you cooperate." Wuming said, "Whether it is to help us expand sales, or as a resource reserve, or perform the original role of a fortress, it is fine. We are a big business with a bright future. Team, this will also help you quickly restore the prosperity of the city."

(End of this chapter)

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