Please, come home and practice the piano

Chapter 340 41. Harvest Day, 2 Wishes

Chapter 340 41. Harvest Day, Two Wishes
Let's listen to what this Hu Kai brother has to say.

On the phone, Fu Tianming only said that the family attaches great importance to it, but to what extent is it important to train them in the direction of pianists or does it mean that children must receive formal music education from an early age?
It is no exaggeration, Ang Lee has seen many real cases. Some parents of young children have the idea of ​​making their children become musicians and let their children play the piano from elementary school.

This is really bullshit.

After class, the three and one went back to the living room.

"Mr. Li, can you watch the child?" Hu Kai spoke first.

Li An answered truthfully: "In the initial stage, the child is sensitive to rhythm and has the ability to distinguish pitch. There is basically no problem with the sense of music, but the child's physical condition is currently not up to the conditions for learning the piano."

Hearing the second half of Li An's words, Hu Kai's heart that had just been let go suddenly hung high again. The problem he was most worried about before coming here finally happened.

During the Chinese New Year, the family hired a professional piano teacher from another channel to help Hu Dabao look at his hands, and the conclusion was also that Dabao has small hands.

So today, he has already made a certain amount of mental preparation. It would be best if he could be a teacher, but if he couldn't, he would also like to hear what Li An had to say.

"Mr. Li, to tell you the truth, our family has been studying the matter of letting Dabao learn the piano since last year, but because the child was too young at that time, we have not made any specific actions. During this period, more is just understanding It solved some problems of young children learning the piano."

Hu Kai said calmly, "To have such a good opportunity to bring Dabao here today, the main point is to ask you to help me take a look, so if you have anything to say, you may as well just say it, if it is true that he is not able to learn piano at this age, we will not will force him."


Ang Lee nodded, raising his voice, "That's right."

"There is an age principle for children to learn any musical instrument, but the focus is not on age, but on whether the child can physically control the instrument."

Many parents have a misunderstanding. They think that their children can learn piano at the age of four, and my child can also learn piano at the age of four. They only pay attention to the age, not the specific physical condition of the child.

It is the same as some unscrupulous articles on the Internet, saying that the sooner a child learns the piano, the better, just take out an example of a four-year-old piano boy, and start advocating around it.

Can you learn piano at the age of four, yes, can you learn piano at the age of four, no.

Whether it is possible or not needs to be judged by a professional teacher according to the specific situation of the child.

Can he tell you why?
Li An explained to Hu Kai in detail the two reasons why Hu Dabao is not suitable for learning piano now.

After Hu Kai heard it, he seemed to be taught. Although he still couldn't understand what a fourth hand is, he understood what a piano stand is through Li Ang's description.

"Standing is the most important thing for learning the piano. If a child's fingers cannot stand on the keys in the correct way, he is not suitable for learning the piano at this stage."

"Otherwise, once there is a problem, you will develop a bad habit of exerting force, and it will cause lifelong damage to your fingers."

"So my advice is to wait."

After Li An said these words, he stopped. He wanted to see Hu Kai's attitude in the future. If the other party just stayed with him, he could omit the following words.

"Thank you, Teacher Li." Hu Kai was very conflicted at the moment. Although he said that he didn't want to force his son to learn the piano now, he still felt a little bit reconciled in his heart. He really wanted to ask Li An if there was no scientific way.

At this moment, taking advantage of Hu Kai's inattention, Fu Tianming glanced at Li An intentionally or unintentionally.

Li An sensitively caught this look, huh?This means—

"Dabao, do you still want to climb the grid?" Fu Tianming turned his head to tease Hu Dabao, Hu Dabao first looked at his father, Li An saw this and asked Fu Tianming to take Hu Dabao to play in the study.

Then Li An and Hu Kai were left in the living room.

Hu Kai took out a cigarette from his pocket, Li An waved his hand, and pointed in the direction of Chen Xuan's classroom, "There are children in class."

Hu Kai nodded, put down the cigarette case, and sighed after a while, "Mr. Li, is there nothing you can do?"

"Brother Hu, let's put it this way, Tianming is my good friend. You can't be an outsider with me. Our own people say that the child's physical condition is really difficult to learn the piano now, but if you really want to let It’s not impossible for him to start learning from now on, the key is how much time you can devote to learning the piano with your children?”

Hearing that Li An has a solution, Hu Kai's inner hope was rekindled in an instant, "What do we need to do? Tell me."

Li An took it as a favor for Fu Tianming today. He had a plan, which was very simple, but he didn't think Hu Kai's family could do it.

"Dabao wants to start learning the piano now, and someone in your family must learn with him."

Hu Kai was taken aback, only to hear Li An then add, "It's not about learning to play, you have to study hard, and you have to practice as well, starting with the most basic knowledge of key touch and music theory."

Hu Kai was dumbfounded.


Two 10 minutes later.

After declining Hu Kai's dinner invitation, Li An sent the three of them downstairs.

"That's it, let's use the time at 03:30 on Sunday afternoon."

"Okay Teacher Li, you have worked hard, Dabao, goodbye to the teacher."

"goodbye teacher."

"Goodbye, Dabao."

Fu Tianming raised the box in Yang's hand, "Thank you, we will make an appointment another day."

What he was carrying in his hand was the black goji berry that Li An specially brought to him from his hometown.

After watching the three of them leave, Li An also turned his head and went upstairs.

Back in the study, Li An was just about to practice the piano when the cell phone on the piano vibrated.

He picked up his phone, and it was Hu Kai's transfer information prompt.

Click to collect, and another 5000 yuan will be credited to the account, which is very flattering.

Putting down his phone, he started today's piano practice.

Two hours passed in a flash.
For dinner, the two ate boiled beef and drank red wine, summing up the week.

Hu Kai brought the red wine in the afternoon, two bottles of wine and two cigarettes.

"The family is not short of money, why can't we find him a training partner?"

When it came to Hu Kai's need to learn the piano by himself, Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, "Wouldn't it save time and effort to find a partner?"

Li An shook his head: "Then you should suggest that he let his child start learning the piano after he is eight years old. That will really save time and effort."

Paused, "He said that if he wants to focus on training children to learn music, then he has to do it himself. The child is so young, whether it is physical condition or understanding and acceptance, there are age restrictions. If there is no one who understands music in the family, the child There is no way to learn."

"Ling Guoguo is three and a half years old and knows the staff clearly, right?"

"And there is another point. It's easy to find a good piano teacher, but it's hard to find a good accompanying teacher. Do you know why?"

Chen Xuan: "Why?"

Ang Li: "A teacher who can do sparring well has enough experience to be an ok main subject teacher. How many of such teachers are willing to be sparring?"

Chen Xuan retorted: "Is it not enough to find a student who can play well in the piano department to be his partner?"

Li An smiled: "When you first came to Yudong, would you teach children, Huayuan's top students?"

Chen Xuan was speechless immediately: "That's not what I meant."

Li An understood that the message he wanted to convey to Chen Xuan was, "Children's music education is very important. The younger the child, the more careful we must be."

In the end, he added, "We eat this bowl of rice. Parents spend money to send their children to us, so we have to take care of all the checkpoints for parents."

Listening to Li An's words, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of such a question. First of all, she admitted Li An's professional attitude.

"Then let me ask you, for the same class, if one parent pays you 500 and the other pays you 150, will you take the class with the same attitude?"

Ang Lee: "The question is not level."

Chen Xuan: "Oh, you understand what I mean, okay, let's change the way of asking, I'm not talking about now, just say two years later, the same class, the unit price of the class hour is different, what you teach will be different. Is there a difference?"

Li An thought for a while: "I will answer you after two years."

Chen Xuan raised her wine glass, "I guess you won't."

Li An licked his lower lip. He really didn't know the answer to this question, so he raised his glass.


In short, today is definitely a happy day. In addition to pre-collecting [-] class fees from Teacher Wei and Hu Kai, Qi Yunsong also transferred [-] to him in the afternoon.

Each of the four art candidates paid ten sessions in advance, and the price was set by him at the dinner table.

At that time, he said that he would accept [-] yuan, and he only wanted [-] yuan, but Qi Yunsong didn't keep a cent, and gave it all to him.

Forty-two thousand a day, the first time in his life.

Is the money so easy to earn?
Apart from being happy, this income also brought him a lot of pressure.

Before, he only thought that he would have such a sum of income, but when he just watched the money in his hands, his feelings changed slightly.

This money seems to remind him that starting tomorrow, he needs to work harder and be more careful.

All in all, today is definitely a happy day.

After dinner, the two recorded their first joint work in the Year of the Tiger, "The Street Where the Wind Lives".

It took half an hour to record and three hours to edit. It was nearly eleven o'clock when Chen Cai edited the video and uploaded it.

"What about eighty thousand?"

After a busy day, Li An realized that he didn't see Bawan very much. He searched around with Chen Xuan, and finally found the kitten in the closet in the kitchen.

Huddled in a corner, buried its head in its tail, only showing a pair of small eyes, it looks cute and pitiful.

Li An bent down and took out the [-] yuan, "It's the first time I realize that you are so timid."

After shoveling the cat litter for [-], changing the water, and putting out the food, the week is considered to be completely over.

Before going to bed, Chen Xuan asked Li An what he wanted to do on March 3rd.

"Keep it simple."

Counting the days, it will be next Thursday.

"Really, just keep it simple."

Chen Xuan said, "Okay."


The new week starts with a morning meeting.

Unlike previous meetings, this week's morning meeting lasted for two and a half hours.

The spring semester has officially started, and all the work will be officially launched, including club classes in major partner schools, a new round of high-quality teacher assessment, and wind band enrollment selection.

The simultaneous development of these three tasks will undoubtedly increase the workload of some teachers exponentially.

Especially teachers who have to participate in the three tasks, such as Ma Tao, have to write community class proposals, prepare lessons for the assessment of excellent teachers, and select students for the bass part of the orchestra.

Teachers in the same situation as Ma Tao accounted for half of Yudong. Just this week, the whole Yudong was busy.

Relatively speaking, our consultant Li is much more relaxed.

Practice the piano every morning, and prepare lessons in the afternoon. Starting from Tuesday, the west office is his domain in the afternoon, and everyone else has gone out to take club classes.

In the evening, I went home to cook and watched the competition. Wu Fusheng, Yuan Xiaoyu and another player from Yanjing all entered the third round smoothly.

Here I have to mention Yuan Xiaoyu. Liszt played really well in the second round. Li An personally thinks that Yuan Xiaoyu played better than Wu Fusheng in the second round. Of course, this is also related to the song selection.

It's up to the third round of the matchup between these three players from Huaguo.

In the third round, the performance time of each contestant was increased to one hour, and they played continuously on stage for one hour, which not only tested the number of repertoires of the contestants, but also tested the endurance of the contestants.

Some watched, and the highlights were not only the three Chinese players, but also a few players from South Korea, Japan, and Singapore.

Looking at the second round, Ang Lee watched all the players' performances. Objectively speaking, he thought that those who could advance to the next round all made it in the end.

Now a total of fourteen people have entered the third round, and everyone's strength is not weak, but in the end only six people can pass the third round and enter the fourth round finals.


This is the benefit of being an audience, without any pressure.

On Thursday night, Ang Li spent his 26th birthday with Chen Xuan's company, and he agreed to keep everything simple, but Chen Xuan still rejected all the things on Thursday afternoon for him.

Chen Xuan ordered the cake and prepared a table of dishes with her own hands. In the end, the gift that Li An liked very much was a small ornament of a high-simulation piano model, about the size of two dictionaries stacked on top of each other.

The production is extremely fine, as large as 88 keys, as small as the pegboard and strings under the castanets, so lifelike that it was once possible for Li Anjue's small piano to play.

When he received such a birthday present, he didn't know where to put it for a while, as if he was afraid that he would fall if he put it anywhere.

In the end, following Chen Xuan's suggestion, he put it on the piano in the study.

On the night of his birthday, Li An made a wish. He hoped that within two years, he and Chen Xuan could struggle to find their own home.

Chen Xuan made a wish.

"I hope that within a year, you will change to a piano first."

Li An really listened to these words, is there anyone who knows better than him that he needs a better piano now?
Now that he has some spare money in his pocket, he can really think about changing the piano.

But changing the piano is a big deal, so there is no rush.

A leisurely week passed in the blink of an eye. On Friday morning, Li An was practicing piano in the classroom when Qin Yong suddenly called.

"Come to my office."

Reluctantly interrupting the practice, he hung up the phone and left the classroom to finish Qin Yong's office.

Sure enough, as he expected, Qin Yong was going to arrange work for him.

The job content is to participate in the evaluation work of this excellent teacher assessment.

"It's not appropriate, Brother Yong."

Li An didn't want to do such a thankless job. They were all colleagues who got along day and night. Who would give high marks and who would give low marks?
Qin Yong laughed: "What's not suitable? You are now the art consultant of Lantian. If you are not suitable for this job, who is suitable?"

Li An said badly: "Don't do it, don't do it."

Qin Yong knew that Li An didn't want to take the job, and he didn't really want Li An to do it.

After a while, he took out a stack of A4 papers from the drawer and threw it in front of Li An, with a smile on his face, "Let's take a look."

Li An picked it up hesitantly, let go of it and took a closer look.

Ang—so he was waiting here.

(End of this chapter)

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