Please, come home and practice the piano

Chapter 434 134. Another year before midsummer

Chapter 434 134. Another Year Before Midsummer
A sharp and powerful question.

Chen Xuan didn't ask what to do if she was really pregnant, but directly skipped all the obstacles until finally, she asked Li An if she wanted it.

The subtext hidden under this question can lead to various interpretations.

But no matter which interpretation, there is one thing that cannot be avoided, Chen Xuan's trust in Li An.

It was as if she had put the decision-making power in Li An's hands and accepted various results.

After asking this question, Chen Xuan herself also wondered if she should not ask such a question. After all, what is involved behind this question is not simply wanting or not.

She thought about it by herself for three days, and it was only half an hour after Li An learned about it.

But she has already asked.

"Am I a little willful?" She smiled.

Li An followed with a smile: "No, I'm still thinking about a few situations. If we confirm the result tomorrow and receive this gift, what should we do?"

"In the first case, if we choose to have it with the consent of your uncle, aunt, and you, how should we plan our lives next?"

"In the second case, if my uncle and aunt disagree and you want it, how can I convince my uncle and aunt?"

"In the third case, if the uncles and aunts and you disagree, how can we take the most appropriate remedy."

Chen Xuan: "Then is there a fourth situation?"

Ang Lee: "There is no fourth situation yet"

Chen Xuan: "If my parents and I don't want it, but you want it, what should I do?"

Ang Lee: "Your opinion is the most important, of course I choose to respect you."

Chen Xuan: "So do you want it?"

"I don't know, it's very contradictory." Li An turned sideways, and gently covered Chen Xuan's lower abdomen with his palm, "She is the crystallization of our love. I am very happy that she came unexpectedly, but I blame myself because I haven't made any preparations, and I haven't discussed this issue with you. Without knowing your thoughts, I can't find an appropriate point to balance this issue."

"Personally speaking."

"I said I want it, it's true, who can refuse such a gift with you, no matter how hard and tiring it is, I will take good care of you and the baby."

"I said I don't want it, and it's true, because at the end of August you will participate in the Farenbel Competition. I know what this competition means to you. I hope you can complete this at this stage of your life. The child will be able to do it again in the future." If you want, you can miss this year's game, and you will have no chance in the future."

a long time.

Chen Xuan: "Do you regret that we haven't started our own lives yet?"

Ang Lee smiled: "My life began when I met you."

Chen Xuan sneered and said, "Liar."

"Really, I'm not lying to you." Li An didn't know how to explain it, but what he said was indeed the truth.

From the first day he stepped into Yudong, his new life officially started, and it happened that Chen Xuan was sitting opposite his desk.

"I believe you." Chen Xuan raised her hand and drew circles on Li An's belly.

For a moment, "Then do you regret that we haven't lived enough for two people, haven't gone outside to have a good look, and haven't done many things."

Li An also changed into a more comfortable position, holding Chen Xuan in his arms and looking at the ceiling, "Of course there will be a little bit."

"But thinking about the happiness of the three-person world, the three of us can go outside together and do more things."

Listening to the future described by Ang Li, Chen Xuan felt more relaxed, "I'm tired from lying down, let's sit for a while."

Li An pretended to be suspicious: "Don't sleep anymore?"

Chen Xuan frowned, punched him in the chest, and said with white eyes: "I hate it."

"It hurts," Li An shouted while laughing, and got up and threw the pillow behind Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan turned on the bedside lamp on her side, and the two of them sat down together under the soft warm light.

"You said three people, why can't it be four people?"

Li An was surprised: "I'm so strong?"

Chen Xuan laughed loudly, "Shameless, to be honest, do you like boys or girls?"

Well, the question is, "I like all of them."

Chen Xuan: "I'll give you another chance."

Ang Lee: "Girl."

Chen Xuan: "Hmph, I knew it."

Li An rubbed his nose: "Who doesn't like little padded jackets."

Chen Xuan was not convinced: "Whoever said that, I like boys."

Li An hummed: "The boy is fine too, it doesn't hurt to clean it up."

Chen Xuan: "Fuck you, patriarchal."

Li An: "You said what is good for children to learn in the future, how about art, I especially liked drawing when I was young, but I always couldn't draw well. Once in an art class, the teacher asked us to draw a puppy. After I finished drawing, he said that I Draw a cow."

Chen Xuan: "Hahaha, forget it, my art is even worse, I can't even draw circles well, so let's learn music honestly, she should know at least two musical instruments."

Li Ang: "How should I put it, I think it's up to fate. Of course it's best if he likes it. If he doesn't like it, we can't force it."

Chen Xuan: "How can I do that? If a child is ignorant, you are ignorant too. Is it the minimum to start playing the piano at the age of four?"

Li An gasped: "You're not serious, are you?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled: "Isn't this what it should be?"

Ang Li: "Wait a minute, the child doesn't like it, if you force him, what if something goes wrong?"

Chen Xuan shrugged: "Isn't her father a fine piano teacher?"

Li An: "Why do I suddenly feel that the child was born into your family by the wrong birth?"

Chen Xuan: "Stop it, it's all my fault?"

Li Ang: "Okay, okay, playing the piano at the age of four, ok."

Chen Xuan: "But I don't want her to learn the flute anymore."

Li Ang: "Then what about your mantle?"

Chen Xuan: "Have I ever told you that I really wanted to learn the violin when I was young?"

Ang Lee: "String music is not easy."

Chen Xuan: "Hehe, with my talent, what are four strings?"

Li Ang: "Your ears may not be better than mine."

Chen Xuan: "Bibi?"

Li An whistled, and Chen Xuan blurted out: "la."

Li An snapped his fingers again, and Chen Xuan blurted out: "mi."

"Where is the word group? Wait."

Li An had to get out of bed to get the corrector from Chen Xuan's piano room.

That's it, the young couple played for a while, but in the end they didn't come to a conclusion.

"I want to drink water."

"Be patient, I have a blood test tomorrow."


The two of them lay down again, Chen Xuan stretched her legs, and there was an empty space beside her feet, she asked, "Where is [-]?"

"Locked him outside." Li An has not yet considered how to deal with the [-] problem, "I will consult a doctor tomorrow."

Chen Xuan: "I checked, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Li Ang: "No, let's ask the doctor again."

Chen Xuan's heart felt warm again, she turned her back and arched into Li An's arms again. From telling Li An about this matter in the bathroom to now, her heart has already been filled to the brim.

Ang Lee used words and actions to erase the negative emotions and some extreme thoughts that had arisen before.

Especially when we talked about children just now, she felt like she and Ang Li had already become a family.

It's like skipping all the links at once. It is said that those things that have not been experienced can make people have a feeling that they have experienced and passed for a long time.

But she had such a feeling in her heart at the moment, and she didn't think it would be such a terrible thing to go to the hospital tomorrow.

If there is anything that makes her feel uneasy now, it is the parents.

"Will my uncle and aunt like me?"

"Then you don't need to ask. Of course they like you. Every time they call me, they will ask, what is Xiao Chen doing, how are you doing recently, you forgot."

"Hey, remember, uncles and aunts are so kind, hey, I dare not tell my parents."

"We will discuss this issue after the results come out tomorrow."

"You don't know my dad, he wants face very much."

"Don't be afraid, I'll tell uncle."

a long time.

"Li An, do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

Li An had too many questions, but considering Chen Xuan's mood, he had hardly asked any since he was in the bathroom.

"Then I ask one?"

"Wait a moment."

Chen Xuan took the paper ring on the bedside and handed it to Li An, Li An took it and took a deep breath, touched Chen Xuan's right hand under the quilt, hesitated for a moment between the middle finger and ring finger, and finally chose to wear it on Chen Xuan's ring finger. On the ring finger.

On the front that he couldn't see, Chen Xuan closed her eyes and showed a happy smile, and then two bright teardrops rolled down her face.

"Okay, you can ask."

"What would you like to see happen tomorrow?"

"If you asked me this question at the beginning, I probably wouldn't know how to answer it."

Li An twitched in his heart: "What about now?"

"Now, I hope this is a dream, not a nightmare, but a sweet dream, from the time I met you until now, I believe every word you say, including tonight, but the reality is before us, we are not prepared OK, isn't it?"

Apart from yes, Li An couldn't think of any other answer: "Yes."

Chen Xuan took a deep breath: "Li An."

"I'm uncomfortable."

Then it seemed like a farewell to death, "Li An, we can't have this child."

Finally, Chen Xuan said the answer she had already thought in her heart.

Speaking of this moment, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

As long as she thought about all the good things she had imagined with Li An just now, her heart felt like a knife had been cut severely, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

"Will you blame me?"

Li An shook his head and embraced him with all his strength. At this moment, all he could do was to let Chen Xuan feel his presence. Besides, he didn't know what else he could do.

Like a person who was thrown into the sea with his limbs bound, trying to struggle but unable to do anything.

If he could be stronger, if he could be more calm, if he could be more sober that night at 418, it is a pity that there is no acting in life, no ifs.

His fingers snapped through his palm.

Chen Xuan, who was crying so hard, took a deep breath, "I, I, I don't have to participate in the competition, but she...she really came too early!!"

Shouting these words, Chen Xuan suddenly turned over and buried herself in Li An's arms, crying loudly.

There are endless grievances, endless helplessness, endless self-blame, and endless heart-piercing in the crying.

Bawan kept meowing and meowing outside the door, pawing at the door with his claws, as if he was anxious to come in.

It kept barking, barking, barking for a long time.

Call until night, come quietly.

Chen Xuan didn't know when she had already laid down on the pillow and fell into a deep sleep. She was as quiet as a child. The tears on her face had already dried up. One hand was wrapped around Li An's left arm, and the other was wrapped around Li An's. hands.

There will be no moonlight tonight.

Some people are destined to be unable to sleep.

After a long time, Li An remembered that the last time he stayed up all night was the night when he received the university admission letter.

That night, holding the university admission letter, he thought a lot.

He wants to eat a bowl of braised beef noodles on the long-distance train to the university. He thinks that he will learn many new works in the next four years of university. Have an encounter.

He thought that he had finally passed the university entrance examination and could finally help his family reduce the burden.

After that night, he felt that he had grown up a lot.

After a long time, Li An stayed up all night again.

That night, holding Chen Xuan's small hand wearing a paper ring, he also thought a lot.

He couldn't blame Chen Xuan for being cruel. When Chen Xuan finally cried in his arms that we couldn't have this child, he knew that Chen Xuan had already made a decision for everyone in his heart.

He knew that Chen Xuan was right, even though he was fully prepared to deal with another outcome.

He just felt a little uncomfortable. This child belonged to Chen Xuan, but it was also his.

It's very uncomfortable.

He knew everything, but it was uncomfortable.

I feel uncomfortable for Chen Xuan, for the child, and for that little corner of his heart.

That night, he thought a lot.

Work hard, Ang Lee.

There is no exercise in life, he will sprint with nostalgia and awe for a better tomorrow.

Unknowingly, fish-bellied white appeared outside the window.

The morning light that has not been seen for a long time spills into the bedroom, giving people peace and tranquility.

The first time the alarm clock rang, Li An pressed it. He was just about to get up to make breakfast when he realized that Chen Xuan couldn't eat today.

Touching his chin, he gently got out of bed and opened the bedroom door. Bawan, who was lying outside the door, stretched and was about to go into the bedroom when he bent down and hugged him.


Li An locked the door, put Bawan on the climbing frame, and patted Bawan's head.

Eighty thousand got down.

When he came to the bathroom, Li An looked in the mirror while shaving.

Overnight, the person in the mirror seemed to have aged a bit.

Putting down the razor and turning on the faucet, two handfuls of cold water were splashed on his face. He was much more awake, and there were still many things to do today.

He couldn't make Chen Xuan worry about himself anymore.

After walking out of the bathroom, Li An took a few deep breaths, returned to the bedroom and woke Chen Xuan up.

"Wake up, wake up, the sun is drying your ass."

Chen Xuan opened her eyes in a daze, looked at the face close at hand, rubbed her eyes and said vaguely, "Did you sleep?"

"Want to sleep." Li An smiled and helped Chen Xuan up.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while.

"Let's experience it again."

"Be obedient and go directly to the hospital."

At less than half past seven, the two drove to a gynecological hospital in the JB district.

The two of them didn't say anything on the way, and Chen Xuan didn't say anything after getting off the car.

He only took out his mobile phone to find the registration form for the appointment, holding Li An in one hand and holding the mobile phone in the other.

On the steps leading to the hospital gate, the two naturally looked like a young couple.

"Hold on a little longer, we'll go eat after a while."

"Well, I'm going to starve to death."

The gynecology hospital was crowded with people, and the two of them had seen it.

Half the morning passed in a blink of an eye, Li An was busy running back and forth, running back and forth several floors, paying fees, taking orders, and whenever he came to a queue, he would arrange Chen Xuan to sit down where he could see him.

When queuing, the two were separated by the back and forth flow of people, you looked at me, I looked at you, not only smiled, but also sent messages to each other with their mobile phones.

A girl asked Ang Lee if she could join the queue. She was a little anxious, but Ang Lee said sorry, but he was also in a hurry.

How could this scene skip Chen Xuan's eyes.

'You are dishonest. '

'I'm wronged, she wanted to jump in line, but I refused. '

'I don't care, you're screwed. '

'Don't, Mr. Xiaomi, give me another chance. '

Then Li An sent an aggrieved expression, and looked at Chen Xuan again, smiling like a flower.

Seeing that the other party lowered his head to type on the phone again, he was busy looking at the phone, a bloody kitchen knife.

Xiaomi: Miss you, come back quickly.

Bawanyi: How about I also go ahead and find someone to join the team?

Xiaomi: Don't.

As soon as Chen Xuan sent out the news, Li An quickly walked around and found an aunt. She didn't know what Li An said to that aunt, but she could only see Li An's anxious face. Li An not only said, but also pointed at her. In the direction of Li An, the auntie glanced back, and then took the initiative to change places with Li An.

Just like that, Chen Xuan took blood at least half an hour earlier.

The rest is to wait for the test report at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. Li An searched all the webpages at night. There may be errors in the pregnancy test stick, but the probability is very small.

He didn't want to think about this question anymore, no matter what the result was, something had taken root and sprouted after this night.

Of course, at the moment he walked out of the hospital, he still desperately hoped that Chen Xuan was not pregnant, because this would save Chen Xuan's body from being hurt once.

Who has the heart to put his beloved woman on the operating table of abortion.

"Let's go, hot pot."


After eating and drinking enough, the two also watched a lunchtime movie in Jiangbei Film City, a very touching cartoon, and the two returned to the hospital after the show.

There are less than 10 minutes left until the results come out.

Chen Xuan couldn't help asking again, "What did you say to that aunt this morning?"

Li An grinned: "I really want to hear it?"

Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes."

Li An coughed, "I said, Auntie, my wife can't sit still, can you let me pay the fee first?"

Chen Xuan squinted: "Necrosis, lying to the old man, and taking advantage of me."

Li An raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean taking advantage of you? You still want to run away?"

Chen Xuan met Li An's provocative gaze without fear, then raised her empty right hand, and said with a smile, "It's as big as a pigeon egg."

Li An stretched out two fingers: "One more, two."

Chen Xuan tut-tsk: "Li An, you look handsome when you brag."

The two laughed.

Smiling and laughing, the time came to two o'clock.



After getting the test sheet, Li An walked into the consultation room with Chen Xuan.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Li."

Seeing that it was the young couple again, Dr. Li smiled and took the test sheet handed over by Li An, then shook his head, "Unfortunately, I have to work harder when I go back."

Chen Xuan:.
Li An quickly calmed down, "Thank you, Dr. Li, then I would like to ask why her period was delayed so long. She was very regular before."

Dr. Li: "There are many reasons for the postponement of menstruation, such as emotional instability, excessive pressure, etc. If you are worried, prescribe some medicine first and then observe and observe. If you haven't come yet, you need to pay attention. examine."

Li An nodded again and again: "Okay, thank you, let's prescribe some medicine first."

"Thank you, Dr. Li," Chen Xuan couldn't stay any longer, and pulled Li An out of the door.

"Don't, don't," Li An still had questions.

Chen Xuan stared: "You have to listen to me?"

"Okay," Li An turned his face and bared his teeth, "I'm sorry, I'll come to you for consultation next time."

Dr. Li: "You are always welcome."

Looking at the backs of the young couple, Dr. Li nodded with a smile. This husband is really nice, and Li An left a deep impression on her this morning.
After the rain, the sky cleared, and the big sun in Rongcheng hung high again.

According to the weather forecast, the temperature will reach 30 degrees next week.

At [-]:[-], Hey Tea on the first floor of Yudong Harmony Plaza.

"Chen Xiaomi, summer is here again."

"Yeah, do you still eat instant noodles this summer?"

"Eat, how can you save money for your wife if you don't eat?"

"You come again."

"If you don't agree, you will come too?"

"I don't."

"Call once, just once."

"Just a loud voice."


"I feel like I'm at a disadvantage. I've only been in love once."

"Although, I have never called someone else's wife."



"Well, then I will pity you."

At this moment, the black mobile phone on the table rang. Li An frowned, picked it up, took a look, and hung up directly.

He just hung up when the other party called again.

He turned on the speakerphone angrily, "Why?"

Wu Fusheng was taken aback on the phone, "I, we are downstairs in your campus."

Li An comforted the forehead: "Isn't it 04:30 as promised?"

Wu Fusheng was wronged: "It's not big brother, it really can't turn, it's too hot today."

Chen Xuan laughed so loudly that everyone around looked over.

She looked at Li An, not knowing what else she could give him.

It was just a title, she took out her phone and revised Ang Lee's note again.

She thought she loved Ang Lee enough before yesterday, but in fact she found that the intensity and density of love can be easily felt.

Like this moment.


Li An raised her head abruptly, and Chen Xuan smiled, her upper and lower lips formed a small circle, and her silent mouth shape could make people's hearts burst into joy.

Just for a moment, this summer seems to be getting hotter and hotter.

(End of this chapter)

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