Chapter 870 130. Steel-Piano

"Stop it for now."
As Wang Xiaohu finished speaking, several children took over the conversation, seeming to be quite interested in the topic of the end of the year.

Ang Lee certainly doesn't mind the kids summing up the year that is about to pass, but it is obvious that they have more important things to do at the moment.

"Come all over."

The children stopped discussing and sat in a circle around the teacher in front of the coffee table.

Ang Lee asked Xiao Che to go to the study to get the scores of each part and then distribute them.

"This piece is simpler than Vivaldi, I'm sure you can tell that."

The children nodded. Compared with Vivaldi, this piece was indeed easier to play in terms of the density of notes, speed, and the entire length.

"Let's just go through it briefly first. You don't have to rush to practice when you go back. The end of the semester is coming soon. Focus on studying first. When the winter vacation officially starts, I think it will take at most half a month. I believe in you."

Xiao Liu raised his hand.

Li An: "Say."

Xiao Liu smiled and said, "Teacher, is there a winter camp during the winter vacation?"

Lee An: “No.”

Hearing the teacher’s direct denial, several children showed regretful expressions. They had discussed this issue privately and everyone was looking forward to having another trip in winter.

Wang Xiaohu raised his hand directly: "Then there must be a winter vacation training camp, right?"

Lee Ang: “That’s natural.”

The children felt at ease.

Ang Lee continued, "Because it involves the Chinese New Year and the performance time, we have to start training as soon as the holiday comes, and try to arrange the music before the New Year."

Senior Sister Xiao Ji: "Teacher, you won't be able to stay at home for long this year, right?"

Ang Lee sighed, "Yeah, I estimate it'll only be three or four days. Not counting you guys, I still have four shows from January to February."

Wang Xiaohu came up with a clever idea: "Then why do you want to go back, teacher? Why don't you stay here to celebrate the New Year?"

Just as Li An was about to speak, the children started chattering, saying how great it would be if the teacher could stay in Chengdu for the New Year!

"How can that be possible?" Li An smiled bitterly. "You have a father and a mother, and so do I."

Wang Xiaohu clapped his hands and said, "That's easy. Just pick up grandpa and grandma. Teacher, grandpa and grandma must have never seen your performance."


"Teacher, please invite grandpa and grandma to come and celebrate the New Year!"

"We haven't met grandpa and grandma yet!"

"That's right, grandpa and grandma have never seen a handsome me."

"I puke!"

Li An waved his hand, "Stop, stop, stop."

The living room became quiet, but the anticipation in the children's eyes became stronger.

"It's not as simple as you think. Stop talking and look at the score."

The main task for this afternoon is to study this piece of work.

"Wang Xiaohu."

Wang Xiaohu stood up and said, "Ahem, this piece of music is by Russian composer Moshkovsky."

Li An: "Wait a minute."

Wang Xiaohu wondered: "Teacher, am I wrong?"

Li An: "Let you play music."

Living room: “Hahahaha——”
Accompanied by music, six teachers and students sat together and studied happily for an hour.

During this time, the living room door rang three times.

The first time Ang Lee asked Xiao Bei to drive the restaurant, the delivery guy brought hamburgers and fried chicken.

The second time Ang Lee asked Xiao Liu to open the store, and the delivery guy brought pizza and pasta.

The third time, the car took the initiative to open the door, and the delivery guy brought spicy hot pot.

When the door rang for the fourth time, Li An went to open it in confusion. He thought to himself that he had only ordered three takeouts.

As soon as the door opened, "Your takeaway."

Li An took it and looked at it, it was beef noodles.

Just like that, the six teachers and students started eating at the coffee table, and of course, the cheesecake that Wang Xiaohu brought in the morning was indispensable.

Instead of discussing the music score, Lee Ang turned the topic over to the children.

Next is the time for the children.

The children quickly focused the topic on the upcoming New Year's Day performance.

Wang Xiaohu wants to take charge.

Liu Fengrui is going to play solo.

Senior Sister Xiao Ji has a band.

Xiaobei doesn’t know yet whether she can be selected, but she is still very happy because the process is enough to make her happy.

During this time, Ang Lee kept paying attention to Xiao Che's reaction. Among all the children present today, she was the only one who did not have any performance activities on New Year's Day.

However, Xiaoche did not show any reaction and she actively participated in the discussion.


What can Li An say about this? After all, every school has its own arrangements.

If the car is experimental, then a piano in the Caribbean must be the car.

If Xiaoche was in the affiliated middle school, there would definitely be a perfect solo stage.

If Xiao Che were a book lover, perhaps he could give a solo concert.

But there are not so many ifs.

Thinking about it, Ang Lee felt a little regretful. Why didn't he let Xiaoche participate in the competition at the cultural center? After all, it was still a stage.

The performers still cannot leave the stage for too long.

Before the video in March, he needs to prepare a few official stages for the car.

"Okay, are you all done eating?"


"Did you have fun today?"


"That's good, pack up your things."

Except Xiaobei who wanted to stay, the rest of the children started packing up.

"Give the keys to your mother." Li An sent the others downstairs and handed Xu Li's car keys to Wang Xiaohu. "I sent a message to your mother."

Wang Xiaohu scratched his head and said, "Teacher, you keep it. My mother has another key."

Li An smiled: "Hurry up."

Wang Xiaohu could only take it and said, "Goodbye, teacher."

"goodbye teacher."

Li An waved his hand: "Be careful on the road."
Back in the house, Xiaobei wanted to help Xiaoche tidy up the coffee table, but was stopped by Li An.

"Xiaobei, come here."

After saying that, Li An went into the study first.

Xiaobei glanced at Xiaoche, and Xiaoche looked at him encouragingly, motioning Xiaobei to hurry in.

Xiaobei walked into the study room later and Li An asked Xiaobei to sit down.

Then Li An took out a small gift box with exquisite packaging from the drawer and handed it to Xiao Bei, "Congratulations."

"Ah?" Xiao Bei was stunned. "Teacher?"

Then Li An said with a smile, "As a reward for your midterm exam results, don't tell anyone else, they don't have any."

Xiao Bei quickly shook his head when he heard this, "Thank you, teacher, but I can't accept it."

"Why?" Li An put the gift box on the piano board, then pulled the piano stool over and sat opposite Xiao Bei, "Why can't I accept it?"

If everyone had it, she might be able to accept it, but since she was the only one who had it, she felt it was unfair to everyone, not to mention that her performance didn't make her worthy of the gift at all.

Seeing Xiao Bei lowering his head and not saying anything, Li An smiled and said, "You are still angry with me."

Xiaobei quickly looked up and explained: "Teacher, I'm not angry with you."

Li An exclaimed, "You're not angry about this? If I were you, I would be so angry. I did so well in the exam, but the teacher didn't let me take piano lessons."

Xiaobei was silent at first, then pouted her lips, as if she was just beginning to feel aggrieved. After a moment, she looked away, "Then teacher, why don't you let me come?"

Li An: "Xiao Bei, how long do you think you can study if no one interferes with you?"

Xiaobei: "Of course I keep learning."

Li An: "Who will interfere with you?" Xiao Bei: "My mom."

Li An: "Why does your mother interfere with you?"

Xiaobei: "She is worried that learning the piano will affect my grades, but teacher, my grades are not affected by learning the piano!"

Li An: "Relax, relax first. Let's not talk about whether learning the piano will affect your studies, okay?"

Xiao Bei sighed: "Yeah."

Li An: "Why is she worried that learning the piano will affect your grades?"

Xiaobei: "Because only by studying hard can you get into a good university."

Li An: "Why should I get into a good university?"

a long time.

Xiaobei: "Teacher, I understand the truth, and I also know that I can't keep learning forever. I just think that I want to learn more while balancing my studies now."

When Li An heard Xiao Bei say that he knew he couldn't keep studying, his heart trembled slightly.

Huh, "You may not really understand the truth. How can you deeply understand something you have not experienced?"

Why? Xiaobei was a little disappointed.

She always felt that her teacher understood her, but she did not blame the teacher. Perhaps she was the only one who understood what the piano meant to her.

"Xiaobei, raise your head."

Xiaobei looked up.

The teacher and the student looked at each other again. "Same here. You haven't experienced the future yet. How do you know that you can't keep learning?"

Xiao Bei was stunned. She thought she had heard wrongly. Then her pupils began to shake uncontrollably and her tone of voice also rose uncontrollably: "Teacher, can I keep learning!?"

Li An smiled again: "Teacher doesn't know either."

Xiao Bei was so anxious that she was about to cry. She stood up and hugged Li An's arm and started shaking him!

"Teacher, please stop teasing me!"

"Sit down." Li An remained unmoved as Xiao Bei shook him. "Xiao Bei, if you can't learn to control your emotions, you won't be able to play the piano well."

Hearing that the study had become quiet again, Xiaoche, who was squatting outside the door, breathed a sigh of relief. From Xiaobei's letters, Xiaoche had felt Xiaobei's emotions leaking out more than once, but this was the first time she saw Xiaobei like this in real life.

"I'm sorry, teacher." Xiaobei sat back down.

Li An: "Let's put aside the issue of apologies for now. Xiaobei, come here, I will tell you why I don't allow you to come to the midterm exam."

"Last year, your mother and I had an in-depth discussion about your piano studies. She told me to try her best to let you learn, and it was similar to what you thought. Her idea was probably to let you stop when you couldn't handle both. She said she would let you take the exam. She hoped that when you grow up and look back on this period, you would have something to remember."

Xiaobei was surprised, she never knew her mother asked her to take the test for such a purpose. She always thought her mother asked her to take the test just like taking an exam and then getting a grade.

Li An: "Did you know that your mother and I had a little conflict before?"

Xiaobei: “Ah?”

Li An: "Teacher actually has always been against taking exams just for the sake of taking exams, but I didn't know what your mother thought at the time. After talking to her later, we both understood each other's thoughts. You should remember that after you took the mock exam last year, I told you that you could buy those two red books."

Xiaobi: “Remember!”

Li An: "That was the result of my communication with your mother. While you were taking the exam, you could also play what you wanted to play. From then on, your mother and I were in sync, including participating in the Xinhai Cup, the Blue Sky Cup, participating in performances, and participating in summer camps. Your mother was very supportive of you."

Xiaobei nodded.

Li An: "So when it comes to learning piano, your mother has always been very supportive of you, and you have always performed very well, but the teacher doesn't know how long you can keep learning. But the teacher knows that you want to keep learning, and the teacher also wants you to keep learning. What should you do? Keep your grades stable first."

Xiaobei seemed to understand a little.

Li An's tone suddenly became serious: "Listen carefully, Xiaobei. Even if all the piano children in the country are added together, there are not many people like Che Lin. 99% of you will have to put down the piano during a certain period of study. It has nothing to do with talent or hard work. The teacher will not talk about any other objective factors, but only ask you a question related to yourself. Now I ask you to give up everything. From tomorrow on, you can only be accompanied by the piano. Are you willing?"

Xiao Bei was stunned for a moment, "Teacher, what does it mean to give up everything?"

Li An: "Giving up everything means that you can only play the piano for the rest of your life and can no longer do anything else. Xiaobei, are you willing?"

The car outside the door was almost flat on the ground, but Xiaobei still didn't answer.

a long time.

Ang Lee: "The teacher knows that you like the piano, especially the piano, and the teacher has no intention of conveying to you that you really love playing the piano only if you are willing to give up everything."

"You like eating hamburgers. It's a feeling that cannot be replaced by anything. With one bite, your spirit will be satisfied like never before. You are willing to eat hamburgers for the rest of your life, as long as you are sure that you can eat them whenever you want. That's enough for you. Is what the teacher said right?"

Xiaobei nodded. The teacher spoke to the deepest part of her heart. She could accept not being able to learn piano for a period of time, but she could not accept that she could not learn piano anymore.

Li An: "But you also like to eat, right? You can't live without eating. Have you ever tried eating hamburgers every day?"

Xiaobei shook his head.

Li An: "Maybe after you try it, you will find that you really don't need to eat anymore, but is there another possibility?"

Xiao Bei opened her mouth, then swallowed her words. Indeed, before today, she had never thought that she could take piano lessons every day. Just now, she thought about it again, and the answer she got in her heart made her feel a little depressed.


Li An smiled easily: "This shows that you are the same as the teacher."

"Ah?!" Xiaobei's three views almost collapsed.

Li An asked again: "Have you always felt that a teacher should be someone who can make a living by playing the piano?"

Xiaobei nodded three times vigorously, and a smile gradually appeared on his little face.

"Forget it, since I've said so much, I'll tell you a little secret."

Secret! Xiaobei likes it!
Li An turned around, turned on the computer, clicked the mouse on a certain cloud, and then played a song.

The piano prelude in 3/4 time sounded, and Xiaobei thought it was a piano piece. Suddenly, there were a few sounds like bellows jumping out of the air. "Is it an accordion, teacher? It has such an emotional tone."

Li An: "Yes, does it sound good?"

Xiaobei listened carefully for a while, and then said, "It sounds good, and there is a kind of melancholy in it."

Ang Lee sighed, "Yeah, I once wanted to play the accordion well."

Xiaobei: “Ah?!”

The car outside the door: “?!”

Li An: “I didn’t expect that.”

After a long pause, he said, "The accordion to me is probably like the piano to you, except that the piano has become my profession. Maybe in the future you will become a doctor, a translator, a teacher, or a scientific researcher. It doesn't matter what profession you have, but one day you will still feel an inexplicable thrill when you hear the piano. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiaobei thought for a while and nodded, not quite understanding.

Li An smiled and continued, "The world of music is much bigger than we imagined. We are not the kind of people who only rely on piano for food. Although the teacher loves piano, he still has other instruments that he likes. Maybe you should jump out of that invisible net. After all, we don't know how long you can continue to study music."

After a pause, he said, "Although, in fact, you have already achieved a phased victory in the confrontation with your mother at this stage. I believe that she will not restrict you for a period of time in the future."

Xiao Bei suddenly smiled, "So, teacher, the purpose of letting me stabilize my grades first is to extend my music study time in the future, is that right?"

Li An: "Otherwise, the teacher and everyone else miss you very much, and the teacher also wants you to continue learning."

Xiao Bei understood everything: "Huh——"

After a pause, "Teacher, if I choose another instrument, what suggestions do you have?"

"My words don't count," Li An pointed to his ear, "You have to ask yourself."

The Nutcracker clip that Wang Xiaohu played for him in the morning suddenly popped up in Xiaobei's mind, and the tinkling sound seemed to appear in her ears again.

"Teacher," Xiao Bei was still a little unsure, "Can I try the celesta?"

Li An laughed: "Why not?"

Why not? Xiaobei asked himself, then pushed the frame on his nose and smiled.

Even though Xiaobei has lost weight, his smile is still as cute as when he was chubby.

Seeing this smile, Li Ang finally felt relieved and he stretched out his fist.

Two fists, one big and one small, gently bumped together.

The melancholy piano music in the study continued to open and close. The bellows untied Xiaobei's heart knot and blew her into another world that she had never imagined.

She has always known that she has poor talent for piano, so she has always only wanted a small piece of private space of her own.

The three words "Celesta" seem to be destined.

"Thank you, teacher."

"You should thank your mother."


Xiaoche was already lying on the ground, listening to the conversation between the teacher and Xiaobei while stroking the Bawan in front of her.

She was happy for Xiaobei and also happy for herself.

The teacher asked Xiaobei: Now let me give up everything, and from tomorrow on you can only be accompanied by the piano, are you willing?

She gave the answer in her mind immediately.

As for what the teacher said to Xiaobei later, she could only say that with the accompaniment of music, the teacher once again showed his unique romance.

She also likes to hear the teacher’s little secrets, but she is not Xiaobei.

Just then, Ba Wan stretched out his paw and gently touched Xiaoche's head twice.


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