China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 16 Hurricane Boot

Chapter 16 Hurricane Boot

There are dozens of actors in the audition hall at the moment, most of them are students of Beijing Film Academy or Chinese Opera, and there are also some famous actors who have played some roles. Everyone has different experiences, but the same thing is that they all have own small circle.

The audition hadn't officially started yet, and the actors were chatting in their own small circles.

At nine o'clock in the morning, there was movement at the entrance, and the hall suddenly fell silent. The crowd automatically moved out of the way, and the three men led by the staff walked towards the small room for the audition.

Walking in the middle was a gray-haired man with glasses. This man looked about 40 years old. Someone in the crowd introduced to his companion in a low voice: "This is the director Chen Musheng, who directed the movie "Who Am I" by Cheng Long."

On the left is a short-cut man in a black suit. He is about 50 years old and looks quite capable. Many people in the audition also know him. This man is the director Huang Jianxin.

Walking on the right is a young man in his 20s, who is quite handsome, but the most rare thing is that this person exudes calmness and confidence from the inside to the outside.

Walking with Chen Musheng and Huang Jianxin, who are quite prestigious in the film industry, there is no trace of restraint, let alone the so-called walking etiquette that is slightly behind the two of them. Instead, they talk and laugh with the two quite equally. walked in.

The actors in the hall were secretly guessing the identity of this person.

Judging by his image and temperament, he is probably an actor, but no one has seen him in the hall, which means that even an actor is a rookie actor, but a rookie actor should not be his when facing big bosses like Chen Musheng and Huang Jianxin this performance.

Could it be the family of a bigwig in the entertainment industry?

The three of them got closer, and what they were talking to each other was heard by the people next to them.

The director Chen Musheng turned his head and said to the young man next to him: "Director Li, I looked through the script carefully before I went to bed yesterday, and I got some insights. I want to change a character setting in the script."

The young man said, "Which character is Director Chen talking about?"

"Pete, the Pete who hit on two girls at the airport."

"What happened to that character?"

"I want to change this role to a Chinese."

The young man thought for a while and asked, "Is there a difference?"

Chen Musheng said: "Chinese people are still very cautious when they go out, and they are very vigilant, but they will feel very friendly when they meet fellow villagers or even the same province, and they will be tricked without knowing it—the fellow villagers see the fellow villagers, and they cheat you without discussing it. Change Pete As a Chinese, it is more reasonable for the two girls to lose their vigilance, and it can also remind the people of the country that when they go out, they should be on guard against strangers' courtesies, and fellow villagers should be wary of courtesies. Most people suffer from acquaintances who suffer."

The young man nodded: "What Director Chen said makes sense."

Chen Musheng said again: "This role should be handsome enough, handsome, and polite. Young girls have no resistance and are more likely to lose their guard."

The young man continued to nod.

Chen Musheng went on to say: "I don't think we should look for other actors. Doesn't our crew just happen to have a ready-made Pete?"

The young man reacted quickly: "Director Chen, you're not talking about me, are you?"

Chen Musheng said: "Director Li's reaction is really fast. I made a bet with Producer Huang in the morning to see when Director Li can react."

The young man laughed and said, "Then I'll try, if it doesn't work, I'll change."

This young man is naturally Li Mu. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years in his previous life. Although he spent most of his time behind the scenes, he usually does a lot of temporary cameo roles, and he does a good job. .

In his previous life, Li Mu had good acting skills. If he didn't have the face of a passerby, maybe he would be more promising as an actor than as a director.Sometimes I have to admit that the actor industry really relies on appearances for food. Some things, if you don’t have them at birth, you won’t have them later.

The three of them entered the audition room as they walked and talked. After the door was closed, discussions immediately started in the hall.

"Chen Musheng called that young man Director Li?"

"That's right, I heard it clearly, it's Director Li."

"Didn't you say that Chen Musheng is the director? This young man is at best an assistant director, right? Why is Director Chen being so polite to a young assistant director? It looks like he's trying to get his approval."

"It's so strange, and this person is too young."

"Which big boss is he really the son of?"

"Do you think that the quality of Xiangjiang's director is better?"

"Damn, I have worked with Xiangjiang filmmakers a lot, not to mention that the eyes grow on the top of the head, at least they grow on the forehead."

Now that everyone has arrived, the audition will officially begin immediately.The actors were called into the small rooms in sequence by the staff.

Today's audition doesn't have any important roles, and it's a modern drama. I don't even need makeup, just call the actors in. The three of them look at the image and temperament. There are not many of them.

Li Mu basically didn't express his opinion. The actor Cheng Long in this play was not chosen by the director, the role of the daughter was not chosen by the director, and the role of the star at the beginning was not chosen by the director. How many important roles are there in the rest?
Li Mu had been a director for more than ten years in his previous life, so he thought of himself, so he should not interfere, and the director can choose whoever he wants.

"Hi director, I'm He Baiwei, I'm studying Chinese opera in my junior year..."

"Go back and wait for news."

I don't know how many times it was today, but within a minute after the girl came in, she was dismissed by Chen Musheng on the grounds that she wasn't pretty enough.

After all, I am a student of Chinese opera, so I just pick one up and throw it on the street. There are beauties, but in the actor's profession, it is very important to be beautiful, but at the same time, there are too many beautiful girls, and the resources are seriously overwhelmed, so Inevitably the standard of beauty is involuntarily high.

Then another girl came in.

"Hello, directors, and producer Huang. I'm Song Qi, a graduate of STA."

"Have you ever played any role?"

"In [-], I starred in Ma Jin's "Really Don't Want to Go", playing the rich girl Qin Peipei; in [-], I starred in "The More I Live, the More Wonderful" starring Bao Jianfeng, as the second female; in [-], I starred in Tong Dawei Starring in "Very Romantic", playing the boss's girlfriend Shanshan."

Chen Musheng discussed with Huang Jianxin and Li Mu in a low voice.

"The image is not suitable, what do you think?"

"The temperament is a little bit worse, why don't you let her go back and wait for the notice."

Li Mu knew that Song Jia had been eliminated. In Li Mu's mind, Song Jia was considered to be a good actress among post-2s actresses, but in today's audition, there was no chance for her to show her acting skills, so she simply asked a few words , less than [-] minutes before and after, he was eliminated.

The entertainment industry is still cruel.

"You first show us a person who is about to die. It doesn't matter if you are injured or seriously ill. In short, you have reached the state of exhaustion."

Just as Chen Musheng was about to dismiss him, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Song Jia heard the words and looked around, there was a chair in front of her, and there were no other props that could be used, then she stared at the ground twice, and then lay directly on the floor.

Her actions stunned the people in the room. At this time, she opened her mouth slightly, and closed her eyes slightly. Occasionally, she opened her mouth for a while looking at the ceiling in a daze, and then quickly closed it again. After a while, she closed her eyes again. Opened slightly again, his eyes were a little hollow, and at the same time, his breathing sounded weak, and he looked abnormally exhausted.

Chen Musheng whispered: "Among the actors who auditioned today, they are pretty good."

Huang Jianxin nodded upon hearing this.

Chen Musheng added: "It should be appropriate to play the girl who was rescued because she wore the protagonist's daughter's coat."

All three nodded.

So Chen Musheng said to Song Ji: "Okay, get up and go back and wait for the notice."

Hearing this, Song Jia turned her head slightly towards the three of them, and tried to open her eyes at the same time. These two tiny movements seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and then she closed her eyes again, as if she didn't hear clearly. guide.

Every move, really looks like a seriously ill person who hears someone talking in his ear but has no strength to respond.

"Okay, okay, get up." Chen Musheng said again.

Song Jia stood up very quickly.

"Go back and wait for the notice."

"Thank you to the two directors, and thank you to Producer Huang." Song Jia bowed and thanked, then turned and left the room.

Before Li Mu came, he had planned not to comment on today's audition, but before he knew it, another actor was confirmed.

About half an hour later, Ms. Liu Xiaoli and her daughter Liu Yifei came to the audition. They said it was an audition, but in fact it was just a cutscene. By the way, they got acquainted with director Chen Musheng and producer Huang Jianxin, and then signed the contract along the way.In less than an hour, Ms. Liu left with her daughter Liu Yifei.

The audition lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon, and the whole process went smoothly. Most of the roles were settled, but the role of the protagonist's ex-wife could not be settled for a while. The three discussed for a while, and each thought of a few candidates, but After careful analysis, I feel that it is not so suitable.

In the end, Li Mu simply found Liu Yifei from his contacts. The two saved each other's number when they met at Xiying Studio, and then he edited a text message and sent it.

"Your role's mother has not been decided yet. Ask your mother if she wants to play the role. If you want to, I recommend you to give it a try."

After a while, Liu Yifei received a text message with three question marks.


After a while, Liu Yifei immediately sent a second text message: "You mean that the role of the mother of the role I want to play has not yet been decided, let me ask my real mother if she wants to play that role Is it right?"

Just as Li Mu was about to reply, the third text message came over again: "You deliberately mixed up the two mothers to see if I can react, right? If I can't react, you will laugh at me for being stupid when we meet again, right? ? Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough."

Li Mu deleted the half-edited text message, and then edited a new one: "Did I not make it clear enough? Look at what you sent, it's the role of the mother of the role you want to play, and it's Your own mother's, the number of words is too many and meaningless, and then you still think I should ask you like that."

After a while, Liu Yifei sent another message: "Then you can ask me that the role of Cheng Long's ex-wife has not yet been decided, and then ask my mother if she wants to play it. In short, you just want to see me laugh."

After a while, Liu Yifei texted again: "My mother said she wanted to act, and Director Li must recommend it. I was stunned just now, and I don't blame you. I apologize to you."

After a while, another text message came: "It's me to you, not I miss you, typo."

Li Muxin said: "It turned out to be an obsessive-compulsive disorder."


On September [-], [-], Sina Entertainment headlined: "Hurricane Rescue" was officially launched in Beijing, and Cheng Long turned into a retired agent to save a daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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