China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 192 Strategy and Divine Chapter Finale.

Chapter 192 Strategy and Myth Finale.


Los Angeles.

After turning off the computer, Li Mu fell into deep thought. This was the third email Shen Li had sent him in five days.

Shen Li is the general manager of Maoyan Films, a company under Li Mu. Before officially joining Maoyan Films, she was an executive of Baidu Group.At present, Maoyan Movies accounts for more than [-]% of all online movie ticket business. It can be said that a de facto monopoly has formed in this field, and Shen Li's ability has also been recognized by Li Mu.

This time, she sent three consecutive emails to Li Mu to say one thing—suggesting Maoyan Movies to get involved in the group buying business.

This can't help but make Li Mu pay attention to Shen Li's previous experience again - one of the five tiger generals of Meituan Wang Xing.

When Li Mu replied to the first two emails, he had clearly rejected Shen Li's suggestion.

Li Mu is not a business genius, nor is he interested in building and running a huge company from scratch.His interest is in the entertainment industry, turning many European and American film and television dramas into Chinese film and television dramas, and using Hollywood movies to counterattack Hollywood.

It has never been easy to build a large company from scratch. In comparison, it may be much easier for Li Mu to simply make money.

In this life, he has made a lot of money in the film and television industry. Of course, the money is not just lying on the bank account to eat interest. The best-growing companies in the next 20 years are all in Li Mu's mind. Small shareholders who rank third, fourth, or fifth can make a lot of money without showing off the mountain or leaking water. Those who have not yet run a company are trembling like walking on eggshells, so it is not too comfortable.

Before this, Li Mu thought this way, and he also did the same. The only exception after Huashang Media was that Li Mu later established Maoyan Films.

The purpose of establishing Maoyan is to get involved in the field of film distribution, because if you want to develop in the film and television industry for a long time without being controlled by others, getting involved in film distribution is almost an inevitable choice.

But now Shen Li's third email has shaken Li Mu a bit.

In the third email, Shen Li analyzed that although Maoyan Movies has achieved a dominant position in the field of online movie tickets, this advantage is not solid. Once major Internet companies enter this field one after another in the future, Then, relying on their huge traffic and capital advantages, the advantages that Maoyan Movies have already gained will be wiped out in a very short period of time.

The application scenarios of Maoyan Movies are very single. No one will open Maoyan to buy movie tickets every day. Once a national-level application ends, Maoyan Movies will have only two paths left-either sell itself to a big factory or go to decline.

In the end, Shen Li believes that group buying is the next outlet that may produce national-level applications. She suggests that Maoyan expand its business and enter the group buying field in a timely manner.

In March of this year, Wang Xing officially established, and by August next year, there will be over 3 group buying websites across the country.

According to the original historical line, Meituan will enter the field of online movie tickets at the latest in the year after next year, and officially launch hotel reservation and food delivery services in the year after next year. By then, Li Mu's Maoyan movie will face serious challenges.

Although the online ticketing business of Maoyan Movies has already occupied [-]% of the market share, at the same time, the online ticketing business only accounts for less than [-]% of the total movie ticket share.

That is to say, at least [-]% of the viewers are not used to buying tickets online. Once the big companies with traffic advantages enter the stage, it will be difficult for Li Mu's Maoyan to compete with these big companies for the remaining [-]% of new users. It will be a high probability event for these large companies to come from behind.

Reminiscent of the Ali-based Taobao tickets that will almost inevitably appear in the future-Shen Li is right, it seems that the future Maoyan movies really only have two options: decline and prostitution.

In fact, if you choose from a rational point of view, it is not a bad idea to make the Maoyan movie bigger and then sell it. But from an emotional point of view, Meituan, Ali, and Tencent have not entered yet. I have been discouraged from the momentum first, which seems to hurt people's self-esteem. .

Since Meituan is destined to become a serious threat to Li Mu's Maoyan movie, why don't you just go to Meituan's hometown?

What Meituan will do right in the next ten years, Li Mu knows better than anyone else. Li Mu also knows a thing or two about the successful experience of many companies in the future, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with taking the road of Meituan.

In the next four years, Meituan will raise less than 4 million U.S. dollars. Let’s not say that Li Mu will definitely accept financing if he becomes Meituan. Even if he can’t get enough money, it’s not an unbearable event for him to take out 4 million U.S. dollars. .

Make one movie and earn it back, two great ones!

Thinking of this, Li Mu already had a decision in his heart—five years, [-] million US dollars!If his "Meituan" still can't develop by then, then he will sell his own Maoyan movie and "Meituan" together.

It's just that his decision seems to be a bit late.

Wang Xing had officially established Meituan in March this year. Now that Li Mu wants to go the way of Meituan, he has to think of a brand name himself.

In fact, he quite likes the name Meituan, which is a pity.

That night, Li Mu called Shen Li to fly to the United States as soon as possible, and he wanted to have an in-depth discussion with Shen Li on the issue of group buying.

Shen Li was very excited when she received the call. Although Maoyan Movie is developing smoothly, there is a huge crisis hidden behind it. Now the group buying market is in the ascendant, and Li Mu is full of cash flow. It can be said that it is Li Mu at this time Most of the favorable conditions for successful entrepreneurship have been gathered.

The only shortcoming of Li Mu is that he doesn't understand the Internet and business, but it doesn't matter, the boss doesn't understand, she understands!

Shen Li arrived in Los Angeles on the third day, and then she went directly to see Li Mu before she had time to rest, and then Li Mu formally explained to her his strategic vision on how to do group buying and how to expand the business to the local life service field .

Of course, Li Mu would not tell the whole story of the development of Meituan in the next ten years, but even if it was only the development of the next one or two years, Shen Li was stunned.

She always thought that Li Mu only understood movies, but judging from today's conversation, Li Mu's understanding of the Internet, group buying, and e-commerce is simply at the top level.

In addition to the development strategy, Li Mu also mentioned specific talent introduction plans, many of which are people Shen Li knows, and she is also very aware of the abilities of these people.

Then Shen Li was shocked again. She really didn't expect that Li Mu's understanding of Huaxia Internet had reached such a level!

At the end of the conversation, Li Mu concluded: "Wang Xing, who is keeping an eye on Meituan, is the one I like the most among all the people who do group buying. Wang Xing's advantage is his keen intuition and strong ability. Our The advantage is that the funds are relatively sufficient and my boss is very famous. Focus on Meituan, and then quickly occupy the market with burning money. In the future, I will try my best to advertise our group buying network in the company's film and television dramas."

But Shen Li said: "Mr. Li, your understanding of the Internet is no worse than anyone else. Our biggest advantage is actually your strategic planning from the top."

Li Mu said with a smile: "Okay, there is no need to flatter, let's leave it at that for today, and we will talk about the rest tomorrow—by the way, the brand of our group buying website should be 'Jintuan'."

"Okay." Shen Li said.

After the meeting, Li Mu couldn't help feeling emotional.

If he had thought that he would be pushed to do Meituan after making a Maoyan movie, then he might not have made Maoyan in the first place.

Well now, if you don’t do Meituan, Maoyan may be for nothing. In order to keep Maoyan, he is forced to do Meituan again, so what happens next?

Will you be forced to do other things after joining the group (Meituan)?

At least you have to do the group payment yourself!
I remember Liu Qiangdong’s biggest regret in his previous life was that he didn’t make his own JD payment. Li Mu knew the future development, so how could he make the same mistakes as Brother Dong?

After making up his mind, soon another company under Li Mu's name was established - Beijing Future Trend Technology Network Co., Ltd.

Immediately, the new company officially launched a group buying website -


While Li Mu was filming "The Martian" here in Los Angeles, the domestic CCTV summer time travel drama "Mythology" also officially ushered in its finale.

The love between Yi Xiaochuan and Princess Yushu, which spanned thousands of years, finally ended with Yin and Yang separated, and the biggest suspense of the show, "Who is the man in black?" finally revealed the mystery. The man in black turned out to be Gao Yao!
The popularity of "Mythology" has not diminished since its inception. The highest ratings of a single episode even broke 7, and the average ratings of the whole drama are as high as 5.5%, surpassing the hit "Country Love Story" at the beginning of the year. Set of multiple ratings records since last year.

However, while reaping extremely high ratings, "Mythology" also created some strange phenomena.

For example, the male and female protagonists of this show are not very popular with the audience.

Generally speaking, the male and female protagonists in a TV series are often the most popular characters in the whole show, but "Mythology" is obviously an exception.

In the survey of your favorite actress in "Mythology", Jinsha, who only appeared in a few episodes, received more than 50% of the votes, more than twice that of the heroine Bai Bing.

And in "Mythology"'s favorite male protagonist voting, the popularity of the villain Gao Yao also significantly crushed the male protagonist Yi Xiaochuan.

Even when voting for the popular couples of "Mythology", the supporting characters Yu Ji and Xiang Yu got 52% of the votes, while the hero and heroine Yi Xiaochuan and Princess Yushu only got 20% of the votes.

In addition, in stark contrast to the high ratings, there is also the polarization of the TV drama's reputation.

Everyone loves the male protagonist, the Qiong Yao-style love with many bloody plots, and the plot with many loopholes and obvious historical common sense mistakes. It's hard to call this show a classic.

Even Li Mu's reputation has been affected to a certain extent, because Li Mu's name also appeared in the screenwriter's column.

In fact, when Li Mu was filming "Taken 1", he casually discussed the plot with Brother Cheng Long. Later, when Brother Cheng Long was preparing for the TV series "Mythology", he recounted the plot that Li Mu said casually. He commissioned the screenwriter Li Haishu. Later, when the screenwriter Li Haishu was writing the script, he also discussed a few words with Li Mu. Li Mu's name appeared in the screenwriter column.

Well now, some viewers who don't like "Myth" even put the responsibility on Li Mu.

"The TV series I just watched was aimed at Li Mu, but what is it all about?"

Many of Li Mu's sci-fi fans also feel that the plot of "Mythology" is actually very ordinary, but these people will not pin the responsibility on Li Mu.

"Actually, Li Mu is very busy. He can't even shoot a blockbuster sci-fi movie. How can he waste so much time on TV drama scripts? The screenwriter of "Mythology" is actually Li Haishu."

"Even if the screenwriter is Li Haishu, Li Mu's Huashang Media invested in "Mythology" after all, right? Didn't Li Mufans keep shouting 'Huashang's production must be a boutique'? That's the result? Disappointed!"

"By the way, "Mythology" and "Celebrating More Than Years" have always been under the banner of Huashang's production during the publicity, but now "Mythology" is pulling the hips, and the plot is full of mistakes. Does that mean that "Celebrating More Than Years" is likely to be the same? Very hip? After all, the screenwriter of "Celebrating More Than Years" is not Li Mu."

"Actually, it is really not convincing to say that 'Hua Shang's production must be a high-quality product'. So far, the high-quality TV series produced by Hua Shang seem to be only one "Latent". Netizens are still too impatient to make this slogan after only one drama is broadcast. gone."

No matter how popular "Mythology" is, there are always many viewers who don't like "Mythology". Among the audience who don't like "Mythology", there are many fans of the original "Celebrating More Than Years". Everyone was looking forward to "Celebrating More Than Years" , but after watching "Mythology", many of them unconsciously became worried about the follow-up quality of "Celebrating More Than Years".

At this time, a netizen who claimed to be a die-hard fan of "Celebrating More Than Years" stepped forward.

"I am a fan of the original book "Celebrating More Than Years". To be honest, I was excited for a long time when I saw "Celebrating More Than Years" invested and produced by Huashang Media, because it is so rare. It is less than a year since the novel was finished. It’s about to be released, and the efficiency is incredible! It seems that the filming of the TV series has already started before the novel is finished, and the cast is very strong, including Chen Daoming, Wang Kai, Yu Feihong, Yu Rongguang, and even Liu Yifei is in it!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that when I saw the relevant news for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes. Who is Liu Yifei? A movie star with a global box office of more than 20 billion US dollars. An adaptation of an online novel? How dare you think about it before this is smashed?"

"But the reality is so magical, it all happened so real."

"It can be seen that Li Mu must like the original work of "Celebrating More Than Years" very much, that's why he made a lot of money to shoot it. I also don't like the "Mythology" that just ended. To be honest, if the screenwriter of "Mythology" is really Li Mu , That is indeed quite substandard, but what is different from everyone else is that I choose to believe in Li Mu's vision."

""Mythology" is Cheng Long's obsession, not Li Mu's. Li Mu's participation in the "Mythology" project is more for Cheng Long's face. Li Mu and Mo Ni have no intersection. Huashang Media invested in "Myth" "Celebrating More Than Years" is what Li Mu really likes about this story."

"So now there is an online novel, Li Mu was very optimistic about it when he had only written hundreds of thousands of words, and immediately bought the copyright, and specially invited Chen Daoming, Yu Feihong, Wang Kai, and even his International superstar girlfriend Liu Yifei will act in person, so do you think Li Mu is really optimistic about this story?"

"If Li Mu is very optimistic about this story, do you think the filming of this drama will be bad? That is, do you still believe in Li Mu's vision?"

Iron fans have written a lot, and indeed succeeded in making many netizens who were disappointed with "Mythology" regain their confidence in "Celebrating More Than Years", but a considerable number of netizens still expressed doubts about the quality of "Celebrating More Than Years".

"Well, it seems that Li Mu really likes the original work of "Celebrating More Than Years" very much, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a level, but can I say that there is no precedent for a successful adaptation of male frequency online novels? I am very impressed with "Qing Yu Nian" "Cautiously optimistic about the quality."

(End of this chapter)

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