China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 279 Interstellar preparation project, hunger 2 20 billion

Chapter 279 Interstellar Preparatory Project, Two Billions of Hunger

In fact, Li Mu didn't really want to press "The Legend of Zhen Huan" before selling it for a year or so. There are two reasons why he said this.

The original novel of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is more inclined to ancient costume idol dramas, similar to "Scary Step by Step" and "Gong Suo Xin Jade". In the hearts of book fans, from the hero and heroine to the male and female supporting roles, there should be all handsome men and beautiful women. Huashang Media's casting list was announced, the male lead became Chen Jianbin, and the female lead became Sun Li. Book fans were so disappointed in Huashang's casting that Huashang's fame was useless.

For this reason, Chen Jianbin and Sun Li were also personally attacked by a large number of fans of the original book. The scolding words were ugly, and voices such as the heroine being too old and ugly to play Zhen Huan flooded the Internet.

Now that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has finished filming and is about to be broadcast, doubts from fans of the original work have once again become louder.In the face of overwhelming doubts, all interested satellite TV and video sites, even if they do not lower prices on the basis of dramas such as "Flower Thousand Bone", are unlikely to take the initiative to raise prices. Lower prices.

So Li Mu simply declared publicly that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is the No. NO!I'm sorry, I'd rather wait for another year!
Li Mu's words should not only be told to buyers, but also revealed to reporters, and he also took the opportunity to kill fans of the original work who questioned the fans just because of casting. Intended buyers—let’s bid, you’re right to buy this show!
Since Li Mu's debut, no matter whether it is a movie project or a TV drama project he has led, he has never missed a shot. It is impossible to go wrong for a drama to get Li Mu's evaluation like this!

Leaving the continuing negotiation to Liu Siying, Li Mu took Liu Yifei, Anne Hathaway, Deng Chao and others, as well as other behind-the-scenes teams, to the Shanghai Metropolis, where Huashang Media has a large modern studio. A large number of interior scenes in "Interstellar" have to be shot in the Modu studio.

David Gias, Wes Bentley, Casey Affleck and other Hollywood foreign actors have also rushed to Shanghai ahead of schedule. Although the film has not yet officially started, the filming involves space walking, weightlessness, Of course, the part of manipulating various machines requires a lot of training in advance. You can't really wait for the machine to be turned on before letting the actors cram.

One of the purposes of this time Li Mu took people to Shanghai was to familiarize the actors and staff with the environment of the main filming location in advance.


A group of people came to Huashang's studio in Shanghai. In addition to Li Mu, Liu Yifei, Anne Hathaway and others, they also included Li Mu's assistant Liang Bing, photographer Zhao Fei, Lubezki, deputy Directors He Ping, Diao Yinan, Anthony Russell, Thomas Tull, outreach producers Vanessa Jian, Auror Copa, Zhou Chuan, etc.

Li Mu first took people to inspect a well-arranged space capsule. The Huashang props group and the layout group were already familiar with creating similar scenes, and the space capsule looked full of technology.

In the cabin, some items commonly used by astronauts were hoisted with thin fishing lines to create the effect of vacuum suspension. Li Mu moved the suspended props casually, and then praised the props and the staff of the scenery team.

Immediately afterwards, the props team demonstrated the use of the "sleep chamber" to the group. The props team leader even gestured and said that after the actors lie down, the staff needs to inject nutrient solution on the outside.

Then there is one of the highlights, a physical spaceship carefully built by the props team. The spaceship is fixed on a large hydraulic press platform, and there is a triangular control device next to it, which can control the tilt angle of the spaceship through the operation device, thus simulating the flight of the spaceship. Various gestures.

Li Mu tried it himself, and then nodded to express his satisfaction. This attitude control device will be placed next to the monitor during the official shooting, and Li Mu will personally operate it by himself.

Seeing Li Mu personally operating various equipment, Anne Hathaway couldn't help but compare Li Mu with Director Nolan, and finally came to the conclusion that there are so many similarities between Director Nolan and Director Li Mu in filming place.

First of all, the two directors are genuine real shooting madmen.

In the past half a day, she has visited too many physical space props with Li Mu and the others, such as the astonishingly large spaceship mother ship, small spaceships that can be used flexibly, various cabins of the physical spaceship, simple robots, and general science fiction films. The crew often chooses to use post-production synthesis technology to complete the part, but Li Mu and director Nolan both choose to make physical props for shooting.

Anne Hathaway has worked with director Nolan before, and now she has come into contact with the famous director Li Mu, so she unconsciously compares the two talented directors together.

"Sure enough, the worlds of geniuses are all interconnected." Anne Hathaway couldn't help thinking.

What made Anne Hathaway especially amazed was that the film directed by Li Mu had to be shot on ordinary film and 70MM IMAX film.

The film industry knows that director Nolan is very traditional in shooting. In the era when 3D movies and digital shooting have become popular, he still stubbornly sticks to the tradition of film shooting.Unexpectedly, Director Li Mu has similar habits, but Director Li Mu was clearly one of the leaders of the global 08D movie storm in 09 and 3. The release of "Gravity" was even earlier than "Avatar" directed by Cameron. ".

Radical and traditional appear in the same director at the same time. Speaking of which, director Li Mu does have some special characteristics of director Nolan, but the two are by no means the same type of director.

"Li Mu is a combination of director Cameron, who represents radicalism and continuous exploration of new film shooting technologies, and director Nolan, who stubbornly sticks to film shooting. He seems to have gathered the advantages of these two directors. No wonder He can achieve so much at such a young age."

This is the impression Li Mu left on Anne Hathaway after the contact.

After coming to the meeting room, Li Mu began to ask some details about the preparatory work of the film.

After everyone sat down, Li Mu first looked at Wailian producer Zhou Chuan.

"How's our corn growing?"

The cornfield in "Interstellar" is a relatively important scene. When Nolan filmed, he planted a large cornfield in Canada at a higher latitude. Now many scenes in the story have been transferred to domestic shooting. The crew naturally They will no longer go to Canada to grow corn on parcels of land.

So the Wailian filmmaker traveled thousands of miles to the same high-dimensional Hei province, and then at Li Mu's request, he also contracted a large piece of land, a total of 5000 mu, and hired local farmers to plant corn.

After Li Mu asked, Zhou Chuan, who was in charge of the corn field work, immediately took out the USB flash drive, and then played the pictures live on the slide.

Looking at the endless green corn field in the picture, Li Mu frowned slightly and asked, "Is this corn a little short? Is it a variety problem?"

Looking at the corn stalks that were only about one person tall, Li Mu was not very satisfied.

Zhou Chuan said: "The local people say that it can still grow, and the height will be almost the same when the filming starts."

Only then did Li Mu nod, and then he asked about the small sandstorm town. Since the corn field was chosen in Heilongjiang Province, the small town with the sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun was also chosen next to it. , can save a lot of money and time.

This time Zhou Chuan replied: "It is actually not difficult to find a suitable small town. It is rare to create a scene of sandstorms that block out the sky. Director, you also said that CGI technology cannot achieve satisfactory sand and immersion, so the solution is to The real scene creates a similar effect, which is to use several large fans to blow it. We tried it on the spot and found that the real sand cannot be blown. The sand is heavy, and the ideal suspension time cannot be achieved, and it has a greater impact on the environment.”

"I asked a classmate in college, and the answer was C-90, which is a non-toxic, biodegradable material made of crushed cardboard, which is often used as a filling for some processed foods. It has the advantages of safety and light enough weight, and can almost perfectly achieve the effect that Director Li wants."

As he spoke, Zhou Chuan also used a slideshow to play a video of the live demonstration.

After watching it this time, Li Mu said that he was very satisfied with the effect.

In addition to home and abroad, the "Interstellar" crew also searched for many foreign filming locations, and the work in this area was mainly in charge of foreign outreach producers Vanessa Gian and Auror Copa.

Two very important scenes in the film - Big Wave Star and Frozen Star are all filmed in Iceland.

Iceland is a country with extremely rich landforms. There are blue lake hot springs, geysers, volcanic landforms, glacial lagoons, numerous waterfalls and other landform resources. It is known as the most alien-like place on earth.

The filming location of Big Wave Star was set at Bruna Sandu Lagoon in Iceland, where it looks unusually empty and has almost no obvious shoreline.

The filming location for Frozen Star was set at Vatnajökull in Iceland, where a glacier has settled along the range of the volcanic eruption, forming a surreal gray marble effect on the ice, which looks extremely harsh and cruel, and at the same time Unlike the scene on earth.

After watching the slides, Li Mu said to everyone in the conference room: "Yes, it doesn't even look like the scenery that should be on the earth, but it is so real that you can almost touch it with your hands. This is exactly the effect we want. When aerospace The moment the crew officially steps out of the spaceship, the audience will feel the shock from the alien planet and the incomparably real texture. This is why we have to go to the live scene to shoot instead of relying on computer stunts. The scenery created by full computer stunts, Odd, of course, is odd enough, but the sense of reality will probably be severely lacking.”

That night, Deng Chao excitedly called his wife Sun Li.

"Did you know? In order to shoot this "Interstellar", Director Li's team built a series of spaceships almost one-to-one. Now I know why a movie can cost so much money, 1.5 million US dollars. It’s worth the money! Also, do you know how many places the cast has traveled around the world to cast? I now know why Director Li’s movies are so popular!"

At the same night, Li Mu asked Liu Yifei to help him name the three cute robots.

There are actually three robots of the same model. The English names are TARS, CASE, and KIPP. This version of "Interstellar" is a Chinese film, so Li Mu thinks that the names of these three robots should be more Chinese.

Liu Yifei just wanted to laugh when she mentioned the robot. In her words, how could there be such a weird robot in the world?Shouldn't robots all have a human head, and human hands and feet?This is so advanced, even the noodle-slicing robot in the noodle shop has a human head, but the robot in a sci-fi movie actually looks like that—isn’t this just a big refrigerator?
Li Mu also smiled and said: "I just want to do the opposite, because almost all the intelligent robots in science fiction movies are too anthropomorphic, so I want to erase the human characteristics of the robots in the movies as much as possible. It should be as simple as possible and more complex work can be achieved, and the face is completely unnecessary for the robot."

Liu Yifei said: "You are in class with me, I can go to bed now."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Don't, I'm still waiting for you to name it."

Liu Yifei thought for a while: "Let me name it, you said it, I'm afraid you won't dare to use it."

Li Mu said: "Let's talk about it first!"

Liu Yifei said: "Then let's call it Mutiao, Refrigerator and Xiaosi!"

She just talked nonsense to see if Li Mu dared to use it.

"Little Four?" Li Mu asked.

He can understand other things, but where did this little four come from?
Liu Yifei: "Isn't it made of four square pieces of wood?"

Li Mu thought about it, and said to himself, "Isn't this too perfunctory?"


While Li Mu and a group of people were busy preparing for "Interstellar", the global release process of "The Hunger Games 2" finally came to an end. In the North American market in the fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks, it won a box office of 9.43 million, 1578 million, and 1061 million US dollars respectively, and then the film was basically released.

So what is the final score of "The Hunger Games 2"?

North American box office 4.87 million US dollars.

The overseas market outside North America is a total of 4.62 million US dollars.

The mainland market is 14.5 billion yuan.

In the end, its global gross was 11.62 billion US dollars.

Looking at the box office results, Li Mu couldn't help teasing Liu Yifei: "Why do I feel that the novel "The Hunger Games" seems to be written for you? All together, the total box office has already reached 9.13 billion US dollars, how many global actress movies have reached 11.62 billion US dollars? You can do it with just two."

In the end, Li Mu simply sighed, and continued: "Who are you working so hard for? It turns out that you made wedding clothes for others."

Liu Yifei couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and said, "I still feel that I have eaten for nothing for 25 years, and the 100 catties of meat I have grown seem to have been grown by you. You can use it as you want every day."

Li Mu was speechless when he heard this, and at the same time couldn't help thinking wildly: "The entertainment industry is full of actresses who weigh over [-] pounds, but I just chose one who weighs over [-] pounds. I must have made money, right?"

To say that "The Hunger Games 2" is a hit at the box office, besides Li Mu and other stakeholders, Liu Yifei's fans should be the most excited.Not counting other previous films, the first two films in the "Hunger Games" series are worth 20 billion, so what if the filming of the latter two films is also finished?
The third part of "The Twilight Saga" has been filmed into two parts. Does "The Hunger Games" follow suit?
With the series "The Hunger Games", Yefei's global appeal is not just as simple as the number one in China, how many Hollywood female superstars surpass our Yefei?
"Looking forward to the next two parts!"

"Compared to the latter two films, I am looking forward to Director Li's new film "Interstellar" more."

"Didn't you say that the heroine is Anne Hathaway?"

"Haven't you read the original novel? I guess it's true that Anne Hathaway is playing the couple with the hero, but isn't the protagonist's daughter also one of the heroines? Maybe this time it must be the protagonist's daughter."

"The main character's daughter? Li Mu is playing the leading role—won't it be called Li Mu's father in the movie this time?"

 Yesterday's chapter was reviewed.

(End of this chapter)

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