China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 9 Science Fiction World

Chapter 9 Science Fiction World
A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

This day, Liu Xiaohui brought home a magazine and an envelope after get off work.

"Xiao Mu, your "Science Fiction World" magazine has arrived. By the way, there is still a letter."


Li Mu went over to take the magazine and the letter, turned and went back to his room.

Speaking of which, Yuanshen was still a sci-fi fan, and his study room was full of "Science Fiction World" magazines.

"Science Fiction World" is a magazine edited and published by Science Fiction World Magazine. It is also the world's largest circulation science fiction magazine. It also hosted the 91 World Science Fiction Association Annual Conference.

Over the past 20 years, with the care and support of millions of readers, Science Fiction World has produced numerous high-quality and highly collectible science fiction works, and has also cultivated a large number of outstanding local science fiction writers.

This includes Liu Cixin, the famous Chinese sci-fi giant in later generations. In fact, Liu Cixin has already become famous at this time, but his fame is only limited to the sci-fi circle.

At this time, Liu Cixin's most famous "Three-Body Problem" has not yet started writing, and he has not yet won the Hugo Award. Guan Hai has not revealed in the "New York Times" that he will read "Three-Body Problem" every day, and neither has Zuckerberg. He began to tell people about "The Three-Body Problem"—so at this time, although Liu Cixin was relatively well-known in the sci-fi circles in the mainland, few outsiders knew of his existence.

The circle of science fiction is still too closed for the time being. Among all types of literature, romance, thriller, martial arts, and officialdom, each category has works with sales of 50 or even more than one million. Only the circle of science fiction is currently There are very few works that have sold more than 10 copies.

Before "The Three-Body Problem", Liu Cixin's best-selling work was "Spherical Lightning" written next year, and the sales volume could barely exceed 5.

Unlike later generations, the sales volume of Liu's "Three-Body Problem" exceeded 2000 million, and the value of its copyright is even more inestimable.

The couple who bought the film and television copyright of "The Three-Body Problem" for 10 yuan back then sold it for 1.2 million yuan a few years later.

By the way, the letter just now was written by Liu Cixin to Yuanshen.

Originally, I was an avid fan of science fiction. In addition to subscribing to "Science Fiction World" magazine, I would occasionally write letters to my favorite authors to discuss the plot, and sometimes I would even tell the authors that I wanted to write science fiction novels, but I was worried that I was not capable enough. It's just that I didn't expect Liu to actually reply this time.

Li Mu opened the envelope and read it. To put it simply, in addition to thanking Yuan Chen for liking his works in the letter, Da Liu also advised Yuan Chen that if he really likes science fiction, he might as well try writing.He also said that before writing, he also felt apprehensive, worrying that his knowledge was not enough to be a writer, let alone writing the most difficult science fiction subject.

But when he really started to write, he found that the most difficult part of writing is to start writing.

After reading the reply, Li Mu fell into deep thought.

At present, the circle of science fiction is indeed too small, but if you take a long-term view, you will find that there is actually a lot to do in it.

The box office of "The Wandering Earth" of later generations can sell 46 billion is proof.

The current domestic science fiction market is far from mature, but there will always be a day when it will mature in the future.As a traveler who knows the development trajectory of future generations, Li Mu feels that he can do something in advance.

He didn't intend to copy Liu Cixin's "Three-Body Problem". He just wrote a letter to encourage him, so he couldn't help it.

He also won't limit his sights only to the country. There are so many classic science fiction novels and film and television dramas in the world that haven't been released yet, so he can write the works he values ​​​​in advance.

"Science Fiction World" magazine has a certain influence in the world, and has a certain degree of communication with colleagues around the world. He can use the platform of "Science Fiction World" to publish works abroad. The domestic science fiction market is immature, and foreign countries are different. It is not uncommon for science fiction works with more than [-] million yuan.

Moreover, the domestic science fiction market will mature sooner or later in the future, and he will shoot these science fiction works at that time.

So which work should I write first?

Li Mu sat on the computer chair and flipped through the magazines he had just received, first glanced at the catalog: special planning, Galaxy Award essay, daily star, ultra-short sci-fi...

Didn't see Liu's name, but there are two authors he knows: Luo Longxiang and Yang Guifu.

Li Mu has roughly flipped through, and there are no too long works, let alone too amazing works.Anyway, from Li Mu's point of view, it's not that he can't see it, but if he has other pastimes, he won't watch these things.

After all, he came from 20 years later, and science fiction works are precisely works that are very particular about the times. Many things that are still in fantasy today may become rotten in a few years.

So when he saw these authors, he even felt a little naive.

In a sense, Li Mu can write excellent science fiction works even without copying.

His writing of the original state of the world in the next 20 years is already the world's top science fiction work, and it is a work that can fully withstand the test of history.

When the things written in his book appear in the real world one by one in the future, he can even become a god because of this, and can transform from a science fiction writer into a prophet.

After thinking too much, he withdrew his thoughts.

"Galaxy Prize Essay."

Li Mu read silently.

Before Liu Cixin won the Hugo Award, he had won the Galaxy Award many times. The Galaxy Award is the highest honor in China's science fiction competition. If he can win the Galaxy Award, it doesn't seem too bad.

So it's still the question at the beginning, which work to write?

Create your own?

Don't be ridiculous, he made his own creation before time travelling, and he created his own originality after time travelling, so he didn't time travel in vain?
Write a short and medium story first to test the waters, and you don’t need to write those famous things first, just write a general work first.

After much deliberation, he set his sights on a low-cost sci-fi movie he had seen in his previous life.

The story tells that the hero signed a three-year contract with the Moon Heavy Industry Group, and what he needs to do is to mine the original energy in the lunar soil on the surface of the moon-helium-3.

This is an extremely lonely job for the protagonist, because the satellite used to communicate with the earth in real time has been broken for a long time, and he is the only living person in the entire moon base, and there is only one person who assists him in his work Intelligent robots can communicate.

The too quiet environment made the time even more difficult. Fortunately, the three-year contract period was about to end, and he was about to return to Earth to reunite with his wife and daughter.

However, three years of work on the moon made his body worse and worse, and he often had hallucinations, which prevented him from concentrating at work, and resulted in a serious accident while driving the lunar rover.


It took Li Mu only three days to complete the creation of the novel, and then he searched the Internet for the submission method of the "Science Fiction World" Galaxy Award, and then sent this work called "Moon".

It is worth mentioning that this low-cost sci-fi film with an investment of only a few million dollars won more than ten awards that year, and even 20 years later it is still talked about by many sci-fi fans.

On, 26 people gave the movie a high score of 8.5.

The US "Los Angeles Times" commented: "If you want to talk about the influence of "Moon" in the future, then he is simply "2009 A Space Odyssey". This is a film that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Kubrick's "2001 Space Odyssey". s work."

By the way, this film also won the 2010 Hugo Award - "Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Performance in a Long Play", yes, it is the "Hugo Award" won by Liu Cixin, a sci-fi master, but Liu Cixin won The Hugo Award for Best Featurette, and this film won the "Best Dramatic Performance in a Long Play".

In terms of the weight of the award, the one from Da Liu is more important.

(End of this chapter)

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