Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1052 Gentlemanlikeness

The breeze in the woods blew Harry's messy black hair. An hour later, the brighter sunlight finally broke through the dense tree canopy, leaving bizarre light and shadows on the ground of the Forbidden Forest.

After Beauxbatons's warrior assistant spoke, both teams fell silent.

Well, ever since he met Malfoy, Harry has been thinking about this possibility in his mind.

The purpose of the students in the physical education class entering the game was not to kick out all the warriors, but to snatch the school badges from their hands.

However, Harry kept convincing himself that Professor Brain would not arrange it this way, because if so, no team would be able to win.

"Sorry, Fleur, we need to check--"

Judging from Hermione's gloomy expression, she was not completely unexpected about this result.

"it's up to you--"

Fleur was not as annoyed by this request as her teammates. Instead, she turned around, opened her arms, and gave Harry a teasing smile.

"Come on, Harry."

Unless I want to be ruined!

Harry complained in his heart, turned away with a slightly red face, and Ron turned his head away as well.

"All petrified!"

Before approaching Fleur and Triana, Hermione petrified them with caution, which made Fleur look dissatisfied.

After a while of searching, Hermione retreated silently and waved her hand to release Fleur and Triana from petrification.

"Feel sorry--"

Hermione placed Fleur and Triana's wands on the ground and nodded in apology, but Fleur didn't respond, she just turned up her nose and snorted.

"Harry, and Ron, Malfoy and the others will be here soon, we have to get out of here."

Hermione waved to Harry and Ron, and Harry quickly jumped past Fleur and caught up with Hermione and Ron.

But just before he was about to slip into the woods, Harry suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked at the two miserable girls standing by the stream. Their hair was disheveled and their clothes were stained with mud. Hesitation flashed across his green eyes.
"Wait, Ron."

Harry suddenly stopped Ron, and Hermione stopped as well, both of them looking at Harry in confusion.

Harry quickly came up behind Ron, opened his backpack as Ron screamed, and took out some bread and pies.

"For you guys."

Harry stuffed the food into Fleur's hands, and under the surprised gaze of the two girls, Harry said frankly,

"Since your school badges have been taken away by Malfoy, there is no need to be nervous, right? You can eat something to replenish your energy and take a rest."

After saying that, he turned and left.

"You're helping our enemies, Harry."

As the three of them ran, Ron wrinkled his nose and spoke in a blaming tone.

"They're no longer a threat anyway, right?"

Harry said indifferently.

There was a gleam in Hermione's brown eyes.

In fact, Furong's team is not without threats.

Although they lost their school badges, it can be seen from the fact that they were not expelled from the field that they were still qualified to compete for the final victory, that is, to snatch the school badges of other teams.

But Hermione didn't point this out, and she admired Harry's approach.

By the time the game had been going on for a little over an hour, Hermione had already mastered some of the invisible rules.

First of all, and most importantly, in addition to the four teams, students in physical education class are also fighting for the school badge. Currently, only Slytherin students have appeared. It is still unknown where the students from the other three colleges are and what they are doing.

Secondly, judging from the Furong team, after their school badge was taken away, they were not immediately expelled from the competition and still had a chance to turn the tables.

Finally, this was her guess.

The game will only end in one situation, that is, all four teams' school badges are taken away. Thinking of this, Hermione's voice became tighter.

"We have to hurry, Harry, Ron -"

Hermione's breathing became heavier. "Malfoy and his friends have flying brooms. We must rush to the nearest team as soon as possible to take their school badges before leaving. Otherwise, once the school badge falls into the hands of Malfoy and his friends, we will be completely doomed!"

After hearing Hermione's reminder, Ron, who was already sore all over after an hour of intensive relocation, gritted his teeth and tried hard to keep up.

It was not until the three Hogwarts figures completely disappeared from their sight that Fleur and Triana woke up from their daze.

Furong looked at the bread and pie in her hands, her eyelashes fluttering and a smile on her lips.

"What a funny little boy, isn't he?"

“It’s undeniable that he has some of that gentlemanly demeanor that the British like to boast about.”

Triana also shrugged and said, she quickly walked to where Hermione had just stood, and only breathed a sigh of relief when the wand that had been taken away was back in her palm.

Turning around, Triana found that Fleur had found a rock to sit on, combing her hair with her hands while eating the food Harry gave her.

"Are you really going to rest, Fleur?"

"His suggestion makes sense, doesn't it?"

Furong placed the wand that Triana handed over on her legs and handed Triana some food.
"We don't have the school badge anymore, so we don't have to worry about being discovered. But if we want to take advantage of the opportunity to steal someone else's school badge, we need to ensure that we have enough physical strength."

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Triana admitted Fleur's statement.

She took a long breath and chewed a piece of bread. For the first time since she entered the forbidden forest, she quietly appreciated the scenery and enjoyed the sunlight on her face, which had been weakened in terms of heat and intensity. However, Triana couldn't really relax.

"Do you really think we still have a chance of winning, Fleur?"

Cuiana turned her head to look at Furong. The beautiful face of the girl beside her, bathed in the golden silk-like sunlight, made her, who was also a girl, dazed for a moment. She used her willpower to dispel the jealousy that emerged from the bottom of her heart, and said a little unwillingly,

"Judy was broken by the darkness and we are the only ones left."

For no reason, Amosta's quietly smiling face flashed through his mind.

Furong held her cheek with one hand, and her slender fingers, which seemed somewhat transparent in the sunlight, tapped her delicate face intermittently.

"how to say"

Furong pursed her lips and said,
"You can see, Triana, that this competition system designed by Amosta is very interesting. Of course, it is also very difficult and tests many things, but I think that getting more school badges can win the competition, which is a bit..."

Fleur jumped up before she finished her words, and Triana beside her did the same. The two of them stared coldly at the direction where the whistling sound came from, until the pursuit group led by Malfoy landed.

Seeing that it was Fleur and Triana, Draco's face showed obvious disappointment.

"Are you two the ones that just showed up on the map?"

Although she was defeated by them, Furong still looked proud.

"Are you planning to return the school badge to us?"

The Slytherins sneered slightly, looking at the two girls from Beauxbatons with a playful look as if they were teasing their prey. Pansy flexed her wrist holding the wand and grinned happily at Fleur.
"You seem unconvinced?"

"You snatched the school emblem from us by relying on a surprise attack and your superior numbers."

Triana said coldly,
"Why should I accept it?"

"Oh, if that's the case, I can give you another chance--"

Instead of being angry, Pansy became even more excited. She handed her broom to Astoria beside her, but Astoria just looked at Pansy calmly and didn't take the broom for her.

Malfoy, who was wondering why there were only three spots of light on the map, glared at Pansy in dissatisfaction.
"Don't forget Professor Blaine's rules, Pansy. We can't attack a team without a school emblem."

Hearing this, Furong immediately raised her eyebrows.

Malfoy knew that the two people from Beauxbatons had heard what he said, but he didn't care much. He just glanced at Fleur and got on his broom again.
"Let's go--"

Malfoy turned to the Slytherin group and said with a twisted smile on his face,
"Let's go find the next one. I think I smell Potter."

Then, several Slytherins got on their brooms and prepared to search again.

The forest was full of branches. Fleur looked coldly at the Slytherin group who were carefully avoiding the branches and slowly floating in the air. Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed across her blue eyes.

"The sound fell to the ground!"

The next second, Furong raised her wand high, and her beautiful voice resounded through the forest! (End of this chapter)

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