Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1058 Intelligence Check

The location is refreshed for the fifth time.

In a hidden low-lying area surrounded by vines and covered with low ferns, Victor and the other two were munching on wild fruits they found from the trees while staring intently at the map on the blackboard.

The first thing that alerted Victor was that the team wandering on the edge of the field finally began to show its intention to compete.

Judging from the position shown on the map, the next time the position is refreshed, they will go deeper into this scorched area.

And why they chose to end at this time is also very lucky.

Judging from the previous map position refreshes, this team should have discovered that another team had already encountered two teams including its own.

In the eyes of this cunning team, the three school badges should have been concentrated in the hands of one or two teams.

After at least two battles, the three teams in the center of the map should have consumed a lot of energy.

This team, which had been gathering its strength, was ready to seize all the school badges while the other three teams were still struggling to catch their breath.

This is a very clever tactic, and whoever came up with it must have been a very cunning guy.

They had already encountered Hermione's team. Now, her team was located at a certain distance to their side. It seemed that it was unrealistic to go around behind them and hope for a sneak attack. Viktor couldn't figure out the specific intention of doing so.

And Victor instinctively felt that that cunning team was unlikely to be Furong and her group.

However, this cunning team probably doesn’t know yet that there is an additional force on the field that is also chasing the school emblem, and it is very likely that they will face this force next.

"What should we do next, Viktor?"

It was Victor who came up with the idea of ​​using Transfiguration to make a fake school badge, and this little trick actually allowed them to keep the school badge when they failed, which made Victor's two teammates admire him very much.

After the map darkened, Polyaco looked at Viktor in awe as he was lost in thought and asked.

Viktor's silence made his features look gloomier than usual.

I wonder if Hermione and the others were caught up by the clearing team after they encountered us.
This thought flashed through Viktor's mind.

If she caught up, it meant that Hermione would lose the school badge in her hand. If not, then she would have one or two school badges in her hand.

This is a question that needs to be confirmed.

"Let's go see what's going on with that team whose position hasn't changed in a long time."

After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, Victor made up his mind.

Although logically speaking, the most likely possibility is that the Beauxbatons team has lost their school emblem, but what if they can get something for free?

Neither of Victor's teammates raised any objections, so they started heading in that direction.

Although their physical strength was consumed to a certain extent, it was generally well preserved. After more than 20 minutes of trekking while controlling the pace, they arrived at the stream that ran through the dense forest.

But when the two motionless "sculptures" by the stream came into view, Victor sighed in his heart.

It seems that this bargain can't be picked up anymore.

"It's Fleur Delacour and her team. But why is there only one?"

Lankard asked confusedly.

Looking at the two girls' hair swaying in the breeze, Polyaco suddenly asked,
"Should we rescue them, Viktor?"

After a little thought, Victor nodded and muttered softly,

"Save them. They are not a big threat. We can show our gentlemanly manners."

So the three of them stumbled up the stream, exposing themselves to Fleur and Triana.

Viktor waved his wand, and Fleur and Triana's petrification was immediately lifted.

The two girls who had been standing for a while immediately collapsed on the ground, but then, Furong's only remaining teammate, Triana, jumped up from the ground. She did not attack Victor and the other two who were on guard, but looked mad and shouted in hatred,
"Those bastards, I swear I'll make them pay!"

Victor and the other two looked at each other, and then Victor asked with interest,
"It was those Slytherin students who petrified you. I don't think it was Hermione or the others, right?"

"You guessed right, Viktor."

Furong rubbed her sore legs tiredly.
"Those Slytherin students stole my school badge. We met again later, and I broke their broomsticks, so they petrified me and Triana here."

The three Durmstrangs immediately showed respect to Fleur.

The Slytherin students already had a huge numerical advantage, and with the addition of flying brooms, no team had a chance of survival.

"Then we should express our gratitude to you, Fleur."

Viktor said, holding out a hand to Fleur. "Thank you--"

In just one second, Furong's expression changed from tired to charming. Her blue eyes flickered.

"So, your school badge was also taken away by them?"

"Oh, it's worse than that."

Polyaco and Lancard lowered their heads, while Viktor avoided Furong's gaze. All three of them seemed a little ashamed.
"Before we met the Slytherin students, we encountered Hermione's team. They were much stronger than we thought--"

Victor sighed, and then his expression returned to normal.

"We are no match for them. They took away our school badge."

As soon as these words were spoken, the subtle feeling between the two teams disappeared.

After all, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties.

"Why are you missing someone?"

Viktor asked. Because of his position, he did not see the fireworks that shot up into the sky over the Forbidden Forest when the game started.

"That dark corridor through that door—"

Triana said angrily,

"We finally overcame that level, but as soon as we appeared in the woods, we ran into Exploding-Ended Skrewts and young Mandrakes. Judy completely collapsed and gave up the game!"

"is it?"

Victor said with some surprise,

"I thought we were the only ones so unlucky. We ran into two eight-eyed spiders and a patch of knotweed."

After hearing what Victor said, Triana couldn't complain. It seemed that all teams had encountered disasters after arriving.

They sat down to rest, and Victor took out some green wild fruits and gave them to Fleur and Triana, which made Fleur smile at him again. However, after tasting the wild fruit, Fleur would not let the fruit get close to her sexy lips.

Furong showed her graceful and elegant calves and rubbed them gently.
"We've all lost our school badges now. Does Hermione Granger still have the school badges for her team?"

"we do not know"

Victor said frankly,

"After learning that our school badge was taken away by Hermione's team, the Slytherin students went after them. I don't know if they found it, but Cedric should not have encountered any Slytherin students yet."

"That is to say--"

Triana turned up her nose.

"Now all four school badges are in the hands of Hogwarts people?"


Furong pursed her lips and looked up at the sky with her blue eyes.

"Cedric's team must still have the school badge, right? Of the other three, at least one of them is in the hands of the Slytherins. Perhaps they have all three. If Granger's team encounters them."


Like a thunderstorm, a deafening roar echoed throughout the forbidden forest!
The five people who were repairing at the same time jumped up from the ground and looked at the direction where the sound came from in shock.

Victor suddenly realized that they had missed the sixth position refresh time because they were so busy exchanging information and chatting with Furong and the others!

"Who will fight there?"

Having missed several location refreshes, Furong lost a lot of information.

"That direction, if I'm not mistaken"

Viktor's voice trembled slightly.

"It should be the Slytherin students and Cedric's team!"


Cuiyana's voice was trailing off, and she looked at Furong excitedly.
"Slytherin Fleur, it looks like our chance for revenge has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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